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Official DUP NAPOWRIMO (National Poetry Writing Month) 2017

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

What were the rules on missed days again? Was it simply make sure you end up with 30 at the end and try to keep to 1 a day or something a little more strict? I missed out yesterday (day as I was out all day and got back home after midnight, and did not write/enter a poem while I had the time before that.

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Viddax said:What were the rules on missed days again? Was it simply make sure you end up with 30 at the end and try to keep to 1 a day or something a little more strict? I missed out yesterday (day as I was out all day and got back home after midnight, and did not write/enter a poem while I had the time before that.

You can post two the following day. I have in mind that was the limit. I checked that knowing I was travelling.

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 24awards
Joined 9th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 233

I got kidnapped and dragged to an ashram on the Welsh border - had my phone purloined

Only just got it back
Next two poems relate to weekend - then back to the seasonal 30pieces of the forgiveness of judas...

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 24awards
Joined 9th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 233


The grave is deep enough
Time to stop digging
Throw yourself in
And walk away

betrayed humiliated humility breathe

I was glad to have died
One dinner jacket moth eaten
One pullover a sweater
Second hand genes
A jumble sale of selves
No longer fit

One gale will steal these blooms

And tears of gratitude
A smile of comprehension
There are no dramas
No guilt or innocence
In yoga there is only doing
And when you fall
You repeat the posture and hold

A swan span from the lake

A right foot on my thigh
Feels like your hand touching me
The whistle in my nose
Like the wind through the window
And that throat swallow
A swan song heralding a cold winter's end

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 24awards
Joined 9th Dec 2013
Forum Posts: 233


As wood turns orange and violet
As wood turns black and white
And the air melts and smokes
Breathing in it ignites

What burns becomes light
What was light becomes ash
What is ash becomes earth
What was earth wood
And wood burns

I am a fire song
I am the dance of flames
Foundation in the hearth

Sitting still
I burn
I am the offering
And the air about me melts
And I melt
I am the change I chose
And chose me

Joshua Bond
Tyrant of Words
Palestine 41awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2017
Forum Posts: 1813

NaPoWriMo 9/30 for April 9th, 2017
Villanelle No: 9


My garage has this sailing boat unused
been sitting there for seven years or more
“I have no time” remains my lame excuse

and critics tell me I can simply choose
then do it right away, not ask “what for?”
my garage has this sailing boat unused

and we are kept for ever half-amused
how things we like to do are such a chore
“I have no time” remains my lame excuse

for somewhere on the road we get confused
with disconnection to our vital core
my garage has this sailing boat unused

and then becoming stubborn we refuse
to risk and open up perception’s doors
“I have no time” remains my lame excuse

perhaps it’s time to book me on a cruise
and leave behind this clutter on the shore
my garage has this sailing boat unused
“I have no time” remains my lame excuse.

poet Anonymous

Viddax said:What were the rules on missed days again? Was it simply make sure you end up with 30 at the end and try to keep to 1 a day or something a little more strict? I missed out yesterday (day as I was out all day and got back home after midnight, and did not write/enter a poem while I had the time before that.

RevolutionAL said:

You can post two the following day. I have in mind that was the limit. I checked that knowing I was travelling.

whale said:I got kidnapped and dragged to an ashram on the Welsh border - had my phone purloined

Only just got it back
Next two poems relate to weekend - then back to the seasonal 30pieces of the forgiveness of judas...

As long as you get caught up on the day after from whatever prohibited you from writing and or posting the day(s) before, all is good in the Underground Hood.

poet Anonymous

Beyond The Looking Glassed

I'm not here to show off
show you up
tell you what to do
what you should writing or
who it should be written for

I'm just mirages in the distance
giving you a glimpsed instance of potential
a host of holographic existential examples
illustrating the endless possibilities  

Imitation's the name of the game
See past the person
you recognize within the confining
limitations of the mirror

When you find yourself
framed in a display case
the only way to be free
is to break the glass

poet Anonymous

Days Of Earth Past

We were here first

long before the asteroids
rained down upon this sphere
( then known as Gravitron )
in a hail of geological pre-cursors
embedded with biological markers
from which your race eventually emerged

The Makers saw it necessary to
annihilate our established civilization  
with its flawed designs and
propensity for destruction;

restart the Great Existence anew
with more fragile constructs
such as yourselves that
could register "pain"

When others members of my kind

who escaped the fate of being
pulverized into metal scrap by taking refuge
in the outer spherical chambers

are accidentally released from their tombs
during your extractions of fossil fuels  

they will marvel over the delicate
creature that is the Human Being
living in buildings ripe for demolition

and you will know pain

poet Anonymous

Going The Distance

It's not a race  

Keep a steady pace
to reach the finish line

and you'll do just fine

Not everything we stride for
comes to us naturally

Sometimes we have to  
manufacture our own reality

Having already achieved your goal  
it's easier to go the distance

So, try the future on for size
for a change of attire
See if it fits along with
your running  
from Point A to Point B


What are you waiting for?


poet Anonymous

The Silence Of The Lambencies

Oh, my gourd,
do I ever love  

Another heady lantern
ready for decorating my
porch railing. Steady
now - don't drop him.

Yes, him.

I hugged him, loved him,
stabbed him with a steak knife,
scooped out his slimy guts  
and named him George.

George, meet John,  
Paul and Ringo; you
keep each other company  
and try not to bother
Moe, Larry and Curly.

What did you say, Clarence?
Don't you dare sass me.  
Mind your manners.

And behave now;
children will soon be
coming down the street
for a Trick and Treat.

So, keep your chatter to a
minimum and try not to
scare them away. Okay?

Do your thing.

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

The Beautiful Burger

Globular all around in its spherical majesty
a juicy chunk of meaty brilliance
with Moorish softness as above so below
like a rich vein of ore nestled between two tectonic plates
cushioned by delicious lava-like liquid
hot, sticky and ever so inviting;
sultry with promises of a smooth sliding ride
accompanied by virtuous, chaste vegetation
all natural in colour yet otherworldly in flavour;
a combination not of this world
yet created from the products of the rich earth
and lightly seasoned like the proud mountains;
by this sight shall it be known
an aroma to savour
of the impending flavour
to make the mouth weep in joy
and the heart beat boldly in ecstasy
affirming the life giving nutrients.
A dish formed over time, crafted and sculpted to perfection
- demolished in minutes with not even crumbs as witness.

(Entry 8, Day 9, 17:00 GMT)

poet Anonymous


Rain soaked ceiling tiles and drywall
continuing their crumbling away
in the detention center for the diseased
where living damned were shuttered in
now home to decades of deterioration
a complex of compounding decay

Behind every warped door slammed shut
terror within each panic room is heard
to this very day

Patients still haunt the abandoned asylum
like it was yesterday

Even death itself
did not spare them from their

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
Forum Posts: 6705

Secret Hitler

Suspicion and inquisition abound
with argument and counter-arguments flying free
as old moves are taken into account for new accusations
and moves yet to be made are scrutinised
with some found guilty before any crime
or tarred with the same brush
simply through fault of familiarisation or vicinity.
Yet the stakes are high with a win or lose condition,
no compromise or mercy given
for when one side wins the other loses everything.
The more vocal and loud voices
win support simply through belligerent bombastic
booming decrees
that shakes across the board
to uncover the traitors and liars hiding in silence
or to call them out into open confrontation;
their silence damning them
and their denial twice damning them
so that power is denied their way
through outmanoeuvres and bloc support
to block the revealed rivals.
Yet through such machinations and debate
there may be an annoyed cry
from misjudged liberty
'I'm not Fascist'!

(Day 9, Entry 9, 19:12 GMT)

Tyrant of Words
United States 119awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 16024

IX: Consciousness: Taste

Apperception, a new acquaintance
of oxygenation – lungs expanding
crossing the threshold of conception
into this contextual presence.  

From perception to appreciation
attention taking sole possession.
Budded lips rooting the breast
for that nipple of sustenance.

Thus consumption commences,
grows stronger with daily desire -
suddenly we are mere humans
experiencing our first lesson:

The initiation of a Noble Truth
overcome only by Knowledge,
Enlightenment through growth:

Craving –
the result of ALL suffering.


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