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Poetry competition CLOSED 1st November 2016 4:58am
View Profile Poems by Countrygirl96
RUNNER-UP: UbiquitousVoid

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Erotica Quicky

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 113awards
Joined 28th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 340

As night draws nigh,
His naked eye,
To lustful sigh,
Beholds her thigh,
Where desires lie,
Hard he may try
To occupy.

Strange Creature
Joined 18th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 1

Its dark out and I am here alone,
Your thoughts consume me,
I blossom under his tongue,
In between my legs,
He is making waves ,
Curving her hip,
Taking his dick.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Be Mine

I dream of the time
When we can entwine
Genitals enmeshed
Bodies undressed.

Your vagina receptive
My penis so perseptive
I feel the lubrication
Orgasm the causation

You must concur
For this to occur
Please be my lover
I will love no other

Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273


Throbbing and pulsating
Uncontrollable satyriasis
As you taunt me with a line drawn
From my temple to my phallus

My inhibitions are weakened
By the absinthe of your tongue
I yearn to devour your whole
While this night is still young

You are the masterpiece
Satin draped upon the velvet of your bust
A velvet damp with sweat and passion
Plucked flower in this garden of lust

I draw upon my cigarette
Elbows, the panorama of the city
And you would clutch me from behind
What have you done to me?

Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 24th Sep 2013
Forum Posts: 43

Upon my lips you placed the kiss
no ordinary kiss

An  I love you kiss
An I need you kiss
An I crave you kiss

Your kiss breathed me air
pure and sweet
Your kiss fed my soul
hearty and filling
Your kiss staked its calm
now no other will satisfy me

poet Anonymous

before first frost

filtered sunlight exposes her soft creamy skin
intermingled with horizon and sheet
pure in the unborn morning
before reality devours sleep
the cool breath of autumn caresses the curtains
before kissing her into glorious stiffness; stretching and yawning
she smiles through mischievously slitted eyes
reaching out grasping my familiar longing

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

As the index finger slowly caresses your ribs,
and my lips kiss your neck,
your deep breath into my ear,
as my hand slowly drifts down towards your pelvis,
your hands grasp my hair,
slowly moving my lips onto your breasts,
the purple velvet sheets slide beneath your back,
my lips slowly kiss towards your clitoris,
I can feel your heart racing,
your pelvis thrusts towards my mouth,
I know where this is going,
as your eyes roll back,
your firm grip onto the pillow,
our passion has now turned to mania,
the night is only young.

Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1897

Your Awakening

I want my words to deeply penetrate you
I want them to pervade you through every orifice and pore
I want them to cover you from top to bottom
From your crown to soles through flesh and bone

I want you to dream of me, ache for me, break for me
I want your reason to quake to the very core
So that you’ll get wet for me when I’m not there
And upon your awakening you’ll want me even more

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Wind of Ecstasy

As dunes are shaped by winds so strong & fast,
they come and strip bare all that would resist.

This is my body yielding pearls released,
within the shell of me cupped in your hands.

You're gazing at the chaste expanse between,
its earthy run-off, melt of morning frost.

The essence you imbibe drawn from my womb,
this wellspring where you taste the core of me.

To feel the breath that burns, that maddens you,
to shift the dunes, to mold your sex to mine.

Let your need drive the ecstasy in me,
Without resistance, give your milk to me.

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

      <for poetry purposes>

hand glided gently up her thigh
under her hippie skirt, cotton
draped arms took a firm ass-grasp
searching for my name in her inner
thigh. "Quickly love"she whispered
in my beckoning ear. We lit this
carpark in two minutes flat. First
eyes that cared, were on her scream
when her eyes rolled back. No concern;
the prompt said "quickly" and we
needed poetry. "You can't write
about, what you don't know about!"


Strange Creature
Joined 20th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 3

She ate my babies,
I am tired,
This is satisfaction.

poet Anonymous


the letters were simple really
just two etchings above
the knee; a scarification,
for when brands met skin
I kept you there to feel
your digits climb my spine,
the splice mark hungered
by bended knees, your eyes
transfixed far below
my boundary line

Fire of Insight
Nigeria 15awards
Joined 24th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 241


I hunger now but it's not for food
For whenever I see you I'm in the mood
To eat what you offer without control
Eat you up mind,body and soul

Wordless you speak to my erotic desire
Your stare alone kindles in me a fire
Leaving me captivated red and hot
With a craving to explore every secret  spot

On your graceful physique with such appeal
Nothing else expresses what I feel
For everything about you is deliciously sweet
Pardon me darling,i'm dying to eat

And I can care less of where it is served
Place is irrelevant I just want to have
You in submission,soft and wet
Hurry now darling the mood is set

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