Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd February 2016 12:02pm
rain1courtel (RainC)
View Profile Poems by rain1courtel
RUNNERS-UP: RevolutionAL and Savaja

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Erotica exotica

Tyrant of Words
United Kingdom 113awards
Joined 28th Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 333


(From popular song:

"All the nice girls love a sailor,
All the nice girls love a 'tar';
For there's something about a sailor,
And you know what sailors are..." )

Drinking Friday night alone at a sea front hotel,
I got chatting to a woman, was named Isobel.
Young as I then was I thought she was about thirty,
With her maturer curves and a manner so flirty.
In her pretty, cleavage-showing, frock, she had me hooked,
I could not help but praise the glam way that she looked.
By the time the bar closed we entered into a bond
Of light-hearted affection for which my ego longed.
I was single, having being ditched by my last girlfriend
When I was on naval ops HMG did me send.

I had been faithful to that girl, no playing around,
But she was seeing another man on the go, I found.
When I look back, I was a young man on the rebound,
More than ripe for the next welcome woman to be found.
In the drink-warmed atmosphere of sin, fun and delight
I told her, "THESE ships are too good to pass in the night",
As I glanced at the partly exposed, well-rounded pair
Of breasts, so tempting for me to handle, then and there.
She looked into me and noddingly winked a blue eye;
"Yes", she agreed, with a hand subtly squeezing my thigh.

Her under-table hand's touching just stirred my penis;
She had fired her first shot in the next war of Venus.
I wasn't wanting marriage, I just wanted a fling;
Prospects looked more promising when I could see no ring.
When she told me that her own room was three floors above,
I offered to escort her, she commanded my love.
As we left the bar, I'm sure, the barmaid was winking
At me as if she psychically knew my thinking.
Chatting and hand holding, we walked, then ran up the stairs,
Having by then lost sober inhibitions and cares.

We reached the door of her room, she invited me in,
Smiling as if not thinking that it might be a sin.
I leaned on her shoulders as she put the key in the door,
Wondering what sights the room had for me in store.
We embraced for some kisses and a quick, close caress,
When I noticed - she had nothing on under her dress!
I said, grinning: “No knickers, no bra – this is naughty!”
She replied wickedly “I'm not at school, I'm forty
But I am a woman who's still proud of her body.
I spent some time today on a beach in the noddy.”

“You tart!” I jested, with a grip and slap on her wrist.
“No, I am not”, she countered, “I am a naturist.
Take a look at me now, would you like to see much more?”
When my ‘Yes’ came out, her unzipped dress dropped to the floor.
She completed the bareness throwing off her red shoes
And put away her necklace, saying "This I WON'T lose!"
Her blonde locks tumbled down as she put off the hair grip,
She flicked them to the front so they brushed upon each nipp.
The dressing table mirror duplicated my view
Of her; we faced front to front but I glimpsed her back too.

The tattoo of a red heart on her right shoulder blade
Was the only thing left on her that wasn't God made.
When she slightly stepped back, her buttocks did appear
In the glass; tempted to grab them again, I stepped near
But she held out a palmed hand, urging me 'Take it slow!'-
Pressing at my chest - "When you cross a road, you look, then go!"
I took in all her glory, a vision of an Eve,
To see her in the flesh it was so hard to believe;
Her body polished light brown with an all-over tan.
I felt both the world’s luckiest and wickedest man.

At that sight of Isobel unashamed in the buff
I could not get myself butt naked quickly enough;
Without fig leaves the sight of her neat, trim pubic hair
Became my silent signal to “Sailor, get in there!”
The fire of desire in my heart continued to burn
More strongly now; I was at the point of no return.
I furtively reached in my back pocket for the sheath
I took with me in case I got lucky underneath.
I asked if she would like an uninterrupted view
Of my PT honed muscles and my latest tattoo.

Accepting my offer, she helped me out of my clothes.
We again kissed, fondling each other from heads to toes.
My manhood got rising, my skin hot and red.
Unspeaking, unfettered, we dived into her bed,
Having slipped the rubber sheath on my manly pole
Before I totally forgot about birth control.
Releasing all my pent-up, post-break-up frustration:
I forgot all my past as we "shagged" for the nation.
We lived for the moments of bodily union
As, like rabbits on the Common, we got off and on.

We jigged about, thrusted, nuzzled, contorted and rolled
Until we were both satisfied, then we slept out cold,
When, like battleship cannon, I'd fired off all my load
While in return she did orgasmically explode.
We got rudely woken up at twenty-five past four
By some uneasy knocking upon the bedroom door.
Another fair voice called: “Isobel, let me in now!”
Then - “Oh, you've got a man with you, you dirty bitch cow!”
At that point we were loosely, front to front embraced
Under disarrayed bedclothes, her head to my chest placed.

Our loins were still close, but my erection subsided;
At that disturbance we stirred, faces near collided.
Isobel cussed, then said: "You've gotta get dressed and go!
It’s my sister - we share the room, should have let you know!”
Disturbed, I moaned “You should have had it in your thinking!”
She pled, “Babe, don’t quarrel – after all we'd been drinking!”
After the fastest wash and dress up I’d ever done,
And one parting peck from her, out of the room I'd gone.
I passed by the sister, my naval rig she had seen:

(For uninitiated "HMG" means "His/Her Majesty's Government", the Royal Navy's employer.)

Twisted Dreamer
United States 14awards
Joined 21st July 2012
Forum Posts: 240

Do you feel me?

I recall the first time I saw your
bouncing dreams like two sensitive
heavens calling my name daily.
The vista was spectacular, made
easy by your shirt size’s blossom,
which of course caused Peter to
salute the world.

Regardless of size I’m proud to call
you my ultimate fantasy, so please
give me your toe, I’ll give you my
hero for you to glide till the sun sets.
Maybe it’s because I’m just a sixteen
year-old at heart and inner thigh,
but I’ve entered the nascent world of

What have you done to my calm nature?
No longer can I think, super speed my
blood rushes to Woody, no boosters needed
to give you hours of intimate exercise.
Rock-solid, we’re here for a real reason,
let me give you dedicated attention, warming
up next to each other till I enter into the lair
of sin.

Mouth to mouth I’ll bring you back to life, bounce
up and down on my love, have it how you want it.
Jumpstart my day by waking up next to you,
nightstand and poke bare fingers galore
streaming my favorite song while the river flows.
Do you feel me?

Strange Creature
Joined 14th Feb 2015
Forum Posts: 1

A great post indeed!

Thought Provoker
Joined 24th Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 333

That, that Bone.

I made her eat that bone
made her eat the bone.
she was screaming and choking,
her mind was blown, her mind was gone.
she rode it and dote it
she quote it, and throat it.

I made her eat that bone
made her eat the bone.
she wanted to go home alone
but I slapped her down.
she cried and lied, she said
an eye for an eye.
she cried and cried, I sprayed
her in her eyes.

I made her eat that bone
made her eat the bone.

I made her eat that bone
made her eat the bone.
and now her mind is blown.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047


Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 30th June 2014
Forum Posts: 186






Voiced: http://youtu.be/FPE4qGfO4U4

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 30th June 2014
Forum Posts: 186

My Match

You make me
A little
With you

I find I want
To make you
A little
With me

Dripping with my honey

Dripping with your cream

I want you
All over me
My body

Besplatter me
Despoil me
Ensconce me


I intend to
Bedaub you
Desecrate you
Encompass you



I'm waiting

(What else did you expect?) :-p

Voiced: http://youtu.be/x1PZyOw52rg

Dangerous Mind
United States 11awards
Joined 30th June 2014
Forum Posts: 186


I was utterly done in by the way the sun glinted like gilt on the fine hair of her forearms...

Definitely a dyke and every inch of her delectably delicious

                       from her

Dress khakis and button-down with rolled up sleeves (undershirt underneath ~ a concession concealing nipples, eschewing a bra)

Some sort of eminently comfortable shoe...

But her, herself, Mmm...vibrantly androgynous at first glance

Short, tousled blond(e) hair, vivid blue eyes bright with life and keen with quirky, clever wit as well as shrewd intellect

Roman nose ~ rather bold

Lips, ahhh...that lower lip especially. Drawing it betwixt my teeth, pulling lushness into my mouth, sucking...and releasing only to do it all again...

She'd come up behind me in the kitchen whilst I was cooking, breathe in succulent aromas, bend in and press my body to hers, loving murmurs caressing my ears and adoring bites adorning my neck

And, me, weak and wanton, after

Flushed and trembling in her wake

No longer thinking of food
but of another kind of sustenance
I craved as I did the cooling breeze
freezing my humid, shaking body afterward...later...

I was drawn as inexorably as the tides to the moon by her. She, unaware of my deepest yearning to be had by her...and had again...to taste her and touch and, ohhh!

When I told her how attractive I found her, she was surprised, told me to wait, but spoke with me long hours into the night by phone...seducing me...

Ahhh, I lie...for we seduced each other by word alone and sound and it was decadent...

We stopped even that for a time for she had much to attend ~ unfinished ~ that yet remained.

But, when at last all was done (and, I admit, I had resigned myself at this point to being but her friend and naught more), she came for me.

And, when she came, no more was there hesitation in her, she came and took me as though I were spoils of some arcane battle and she the victor, plundering...

And, I, oh, I, well...

I was wet with want and desperate with it, ripe for the plundering and eager to be despoiled...

And, she did despoil, over and over, again and again with mouth and teeth and tongue wreaking havoc, with hands and fingers plunging and her very body plundering...

Til I was screaming with it, crazed

I held her down, arms wrapped round her thighs and despoiled right back riding her writhing, my mouth and tongue and, yes, teeth bedeviling her, bringing her as she'd brought me...

And, as she poured her tart nectar into my mouth, she triggered me again, screaming into her, eliciting forth yet more of her sea's ambrosia to quench my thirst
                             for a time...

Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2012
Forum Posts: 241

Sorry for the late judgement. That was so bloody hard to judge due to the very high standard and the sheer number of entries. I took most of the afternoon to read and re-read. So many great entries I'd award you all a prize if I could. Thank you everyone for such high standard of work, creativity and poetic magic!
Luv & hugz to you all.

Jennifer Michael McCurry
Tyrant of Words
United States 28awards
Joined 22nd June 2015
Forum Posts: 2047

Congrats to Rain..Rev Al....and the beautiful and talented Savaja!

Great comp kitty cat....

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Hi Tony,
I didn't envy you the task of choosing, but it was a great competition, and I not only enjoyed participating, I also enjoyed reading all of the entries!  I also want to congratulate the very talented winners who have my utter respect as fellow artists/writers: Rain, Al, & Savaja!  

My best to everyone,

Tyrant of Words
Sierra Leone 109awards
Joined 16th Apr 2013
Forum Posts: 3304


Congrats to the three outstanding poets!

As mentioned ... Tough judging these but a joy to read!

Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 230

Goodness gracious! So honored! So humbled!
Thank you Tony! We appreciate you hosting such a marvelous and provocative comp, one I’m sure was very difficult and exhausting to judge due to so many wonderful poets with incredible writes shared. This post contain several poets I respect, and celebrate their craft through support on a regular basis, so I’m thankful to be amongst some of the best that DU has to offer. I like to dedicate this trophy to all the sensual writers here. Congrats to Sexy Savaja and Amazing AL, and once again, thank you Tony. xo

Poetic Love~

Alistair Plint
Dangerous Mind
South Africa 29awards
Joined 24th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1257

Awesome comp this Mr Cat... well done RainC and Miss S


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