
Dangerous Mind
11awards United States
Read Poems (173)
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Member Since 30th June 2014
Savaja joined 3901 days ago and last visited 7 days ago
Comments 2337
Forum Posts 186
Group Posts 0

Poet Introduction

I explore the erotic world, sensuality, and whatever other topics shimmer and dance through my brain. Life is full of passion and we should not fear to be who we are wholly.

Favorite Poets/Writers

Far too many to adequately name, though Pearl S Buck will make every list...

About Me

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I am compelled to write poetry, erotic poetry, poetry. I always have been. It is curious how one can set aside something, yet the compulsion can become so great that it must be picked up again and resumed, even when one believes the muse has abandoned the idle heathen. Apparently, it is not so. Not life's vicissitudes, tragedies, comedies, or boredoms have managed to silence the craving, urge, necessity: I am writing on a phone next to a child I finally got to sleep...

I've an account at All Poetry as Savaja as well made during a dark, dark time when I was not here between October 2014 and May 2015. Betimes, pieces from it will make their way here and vice versa. I can also be found on tumblr as savaja100 and I've a Word Press blog, which is woefully neglected (as is the tumblr account); periodically I've something to say there. Mayhap, I'll eliminate one of those at some point; we'll see.

My Reading List

Full Reading List
ORGASMATRON by wallyroo92
My Naughty Doll by calamitygin (Jennifer Michael McCurry)
Resist by DaVinci_07 (Leo)
about prison systems by misterrerun
Quail in Rose Petal Sauce by Ahavati (Tams)

Poets I Follow

All Poets I Follow (215)