Poetry competition CLOSED 8th February 2013 10:57pm
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Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 32

Poetry Contest

Hey.  So I'm the president of my school's creative writing club.  Every month I pick a theme for the members to write to, and January's is revenge.  I'm supposed to read them a poem every week as a 'prompt', but am having trouble coming up with one.

Anyone want to help me out?;P

Nothing explicit please, they are mostly 14 year olds, and my advisor would probably not like it haha.


Dangerous Mind
Joined 3rd June 2012
Forum Posts: 2408

Aphotic Infliction

Colder than the deepest sea
lays the memory of their treacherous infliction
The looming of an aphotic malevolence
Has manifested into an aching desire

Searching for their repugnant passage
The obsession of vindication
Lay wreckage on the mind with chaotic grace
Leaving all unnecessary emotions cast aside

There is only one devotion,
one lonely thought of rampant devastation
Devouring with impunity the ruins
of a once reasonable conscience

Retribution is the wayward calling
Complacent revelings of satisfaction
The wait is not much longer
Till they are found in vulnerability

The anticipation of their mangled flesh
Blood chilling on conquering hands
Brings forth the only comfort
That can reach a dismal mind

They will scream for their trespass
Massacre feeding the desolation
Crumpled and insignificant on the floor
Making whole the mind that was reaped

hope this will do, maybe a tiny bit graphic

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 10th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 270

Sure, it sound cool!
I'll be back

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 7th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 82

Furnace of the Soul's Vengeance

Betrayed by those who I thought deserved my trust.
I let my guard down all for bust.
Now I live with anger not trust.
A terminator unleashed from blinding rust.
Vengeance shall come for you in the forms of fire and thunder.
My burning rage a cosmic storm so dire.
My burning hate will devourer you liars.
Tell the priest to ready your funeral pyre.
You gave me crap when I gave you gold.
You scorched me and left in my heart a big bloody whole.
Now my only desire is that you drown in hot sludge.
Fire is as fire does.                                                                                                                          

Fire of Insight
United States 8awards
Joined 10th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 270

                What goes around
Abandon, staving
found in a closet
A child , eyes wild
frighten and scared  

Pleaded, drug abuse
 culprit of negligent
excused, sought
treatment, released

Gave birth,
this woman of sin,
to do it all over again

Abandon, staving
found tied to a bed
A woman, eyes wild
Frighten and scared

Pleaded, Mental illness
culprit of negligent
Condemned, given drugs,

Threw them out
returned to beat
Mother again
for her past sins

Lost Thinker
Joined 22nd Sep 2012
Forum Posts: 32

Thanks for your submissions!

poet Anonymous

“This Fight is Going to Be Fun”
Some things are just
best left undone,
let bygones be bygones,
don’t rock the boat,
vengeance is thine (sayeth the Lord),
those kinds of things.
I really try to keep my anger at bay.
I really do try, karma is a bitch.
But, what you did to
my little sister mister
ain’t right, takes the cake.
I’d been warning you for
years not to touch her.
And, for the most part you listened,
until you blackened
not one,
but two of her pretty eyes.
Bloodied her jaw, too.
Oh, you tough big guy,
picking on women.
Why?  Shhhhhhhhh.
Don’t bother to answer,
I’m coming for you,
you know me,
you know my meaning.
This fight is going to be fun.
Knowing you though,
you’ll probably run.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- The Archon’s Revenge -

Part One – Cosmic Apocalypse

Androgynous and beautiful, I stood once more in divine form,
My wings of light spread out behind my back, reaching high…
A goddess of such splendor, that jealous would be the morn!
I came to where the tyrant of the gods dwelt beyond the sky,
In his ship of grand design, like unto a city was the Olympus.
And therein: sat Marduk, who had exiled me into human flesh,
When of old Atlantis fell and the Archons all surrendered thus.
I came to visit upon him old torments, and remind him afresh…
That I was ancient when he was young, and his power is false.
At my side were the Titans, once exiled by Marduk’s very will,
Now lumbering mechanically through the Olympus’ very halls.
Gods and angels, perhaps you might call them aliens yet still…
Clashed and battled, for this was the hour of their final battles.
Did this happen in the past, or is this yet to come in the future?
None can say, for time is a cycle, and that cycle turns, rattles,
And the universe shakes beneath its’ rumbling’s cosmic nature.

Part Two – Titans and Gods

At my side, stood she who was in ancient times my fair sister.
Through mechanical halls merged with living organisms horrid,
We fought the most terrible guardians that the gods do muster.
Their grotesque forms quivering in a heat so alien and humid…
Her golden sword cleaved their forms with its’ electric energy.
Whilst my blade took its’ fair share of the demonic things too!
Once the tyrant of the gods so wrested the tablets of destiny…
Now broken and long since dust: the meaning, no longer true,
From my hands, when of old we waged war across the stars.
Now was the hour, when old scores would be settled in full…
And through the bowels of Olympus we carved deeper scars!
The ship creaked and groaned, and felt some unknown pull…
As if an outside force was tearing to get in the gods’ own lair.
My sister went forth to stabilize it, whilst I pressed on boldly,
Through the silvery corridors of the uppermost levels to dare!
My feet echoed on the metal floor, hammering mayhap coldly.

Part Three – The Fall of Olympus

Within the circular chambers where the Council of Twelve sat,
A thirteenth soul stirred, for I entered that forbidden domain…
Where the gods were melded into machines so incredibly vast.
Such was Marduk’s desire for control, that it caused this pain!
I came to free the gods from his madness, and for my revenge.
Thusly we clashed, my sword upon his ringing in the chamber!
Electric sparks shooting out, for our swords kept their charge.
He looked upon me, but his gaze was unfamiliar as a stranger,
For I had changed over time, becoming more beautiful than he.
I was not the one whose soul he had entrapped in a past age…
But something grander, as if joined to some power of divinity!
All he could do was rant and fume with his unbridled hot rage.
Finally a golden glow sparkled and the gods broke free entire,
Shedding the machines like cocoons, and emerging in wrath…
Focused upon the tyrant, so that Marduk knew their fullest ire!
He fled from me, and I did not pursue him to his ghastly death.

Part Four – A Tyrant’s Torment

He was cast into the machines that he himself had of old made,
Unable to escape the wrath of those once his very prisoners…
Eleven gods turned against the Lord of the Twelve, of the shade.
In that final battle, it was ordained, who would be the winners!
The ship was no longer being pummeled, its’ hull made stable.
My sister had done her job well, earning her place as a legend,
But I had no use for accolades; I did only what I was thus able.
A tyrant had met on that day, his most deservedly wicked end!
But in the heavens, there must always be a status quo to keep,
And so the Titans would have to return to their places of exile…
Lest from cosmic unbalance come chaos unbridled to so creep.
The battles so ended in that way, and all was quiet for a while!
Was I given my reward, or is that yet far off in some other era?
I cannot say, lest in knowing I learn too much like Pandora did.
Perhaps ignorance is bliss, and to know but little is much fairer!
It is enough to share what I beheld, where secrets are often hid.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

- Samurai and Shadows -
Based on some of my past-life memories…

The paper lanterns hung from tall slanted roofs,
As the soft crickets and fireflies came to play…
Amidst the green, blue, red, and yellow colors:
Cast by the lanterns’ magic like some fair spell.
And I stood by a bridge over a stream, aloof,
Regarding the passing of afternoon and of day.
Something ancient beyond the world, so stirs,
In the forests and old trees, as if risen from Hell.
My sword is sheathed at my waist, not needed,
And my sandals tread upon the wood beneath.
The bridge creaks, and leaves fall from trees…
To tumble to the soil, which was richly seeded.
All of Nara prefecture is celebrating this week,
Unsuspecting what comes upon a night breeze.
The crickets knew not, nor did the fireflies sing,
Of the coming clash, which I soon would bring!

The Yagyu clan’s home awaited in yonder city,
In the east of Nara, where silent shadows sat…
Never stirring for fear of awakening men’s fury.
I remember, when that was only a small village!
When their warriors hunted me without all pity,
My servants defied them, undying ire so begat…
And so now they would taste of fear and worry.
I brought no vast army, to plunder or to pillage!
My power was not of this world, but of others.
The shadows waited for my signal, to so strike,
And I played a reed whistle, to bring them out.
The Yagyu Samurai came like closest brothers,
But the shadows made them tremble with fright.
It was the year of steel, of blood, and draught!
The shadows would clash with them, endlessly,
Each side mustering their spirit: in noble dignity.

My powers had cursed the land, karmic justice.
I strode to where the one-eyed master waited…
Defying him to remember me, from fallen Hara.
Had he been there, when I made my last stand?
In his eyes, I could see serenity and much bliss.
He was no butcher, to be by such things sated!
And so I faced him there, in that heart of Nara,
Whilst all about us chaos raged across the land.
Our blades crossed seven times, both breaking,
So we were weaponless, and then we laughed.
The gods did not intend us to fight to the death!
This was not the revenge I was oft anticipating,
I bid the shadows depart, with the utmost craft.
Then I walked out of Nara to catch my breath!
The one-eyed master did not pursue me thusly,
He merely laughed; in his heart, he admired me.

Fire of Insight
Japan 10awards
Joined 19th July 2011
Forum Posts: 216

do you remember that childhood dreamss
sometimes cold and full screams.
nights grew long and bumbs at night.
Result in catastrophe from creepy fright.
soothing words creped up in ear.
touched you so and whiped your tear.
tears fell black from those haunting days.
waiting for the sun to shine.
sticky fingers from strawberry pie.
you promised that day you wount make me cry.

sun shined in my face, and wend blew threw my hair..
no words can show me that you do care.

shouting shouting
that beats up my head..
droped dead body from what you said.
imposed tranquility between the brunt of the sky.
baried know so no longer i cry

-kumiko yamamoto

poet Anonymous


Queen Nitocris, beautiful, virtuous

Wife of King Metesouphis II

Who was savagely murdered by his subjects

Queen Nitocris became the sole ruler

Determined to avenge the death of her beloved

A huge underground hall was constructed

Near the river Nile, connected by a hidden channel

She threw an inaugural banquet

Inviting all her late husband's enemies

While the guests were feasting

Nitocris commanded the secret conduit be opened

All the traitors were drowned

Nitocris then committed suicide

To escape the vengeance of the Egyptian people

She is remembered as being

Braver than all the men of her time.

Guardian of Shadows
Yemen 67awards
Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14608

Ballad of Seán Óg

He turned away
then walked into the nigh-time
she fell to ground
and begged for him to stay
she'd called his name
'till she no longer saw him
they say, they say
she never spoke again

'twas deadened night
he started down the mountain
his mind was made
that he would have revenge
he'd held in hand
sword forged of tempered steel
they say, they say
he'd cooled it with his tears

the moon was high
he walked into a clearing
then heard the voice
of the man that caused his pain
he raised his sword
and plunged it deep inside him
they say, they say
he never blinked an eye

He started home
back up towards the mountain
to tell his love
the deathly dead was done
she took his sword
pierced him through his young heart
they say, they say
he never felt a thing

poet Anonymous

If revenge were mine  
Which the Lord has not given me  
He might be kind  
But not so for me  
I would fire you  
Just before Christmas  
Withhold your bonus  
Saying your work was bad  
Give you a weak reference letter  
Watch you as you pack  
Your sorry little bag  
I would single you out at a party  
Start commenting on what a fashion plate you are  
When I know you cannot shop  
At Holt Renfrew, you can only shop at Sally Ann  
I would show off the ring my husband bought  
Knowing you have no boyfriend, a sad lot  
Tell you it was an emerald and wait there is more  
I was going to fix you up, but you know how you are  
I could not take the chance of embarrassing myself  
I would get a promotion and it would be high  
My income twice as large, and I am an heiress  
Tell you I got there only on smarts  
Not tell you about the family "Foundation"  
That gave certain applicants  
A large donation  
Then I would circulate that rumour  
About your mental health  
Undermining you gives me a high  
Once a person is deemed “crazy”  
All their credibility is a big lie  
Now that I have ruined you for good  
I see you got sick and blame you for it  
How come you did not take better care of your body?  
Now you really look like a “nobody”  
The best part is that they all think I am your friend  
I cry about your lot, complain how I tried to help  
People think I am an angel to you  
For putting up with all that shit you give out  
Thus you see, if we traded spaces  
I would revel in lowering you step by step  
Until self-doubt set in  
That would be the nail in your coffin!  

poet Anonymous

The idea of "Revenge" is a very good competition topic.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 4th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 2

Are you in the car?

The dealers & ladies in black .
Scheming & lying  for  just one more sack.

I wish I was stronger than that drug you love.
It covers your heart like a glove.

I cant think, My feet feel like lead.
Adrenaline Swelling from my soul to my head.

Was it Jeff  or Tom or that man on the plain .
Naa Just the dope, am i going insane.

The thought of a man in my bed.
When I am through , you will wish you were dead.

Adrenaline rushing, I feel like I am falling.
Heading out to answer my calling .

They think they know me all tame & kind.
You will  never know what hit you when come from behind.

I am two hundred twenty pounds.
& always down to go 12 rounds.

Veins are popping fists are clinched.
You take a mile when she gives you an inch.

Now I am here , what will you do.
You went to her , not her to you.

I slide in behind you , no one knows I am there .
Your hand on her thigh , I don't even care.

I say her name , You can't  even blink.
One blow to the head , now what do you think.

My  fists are on fire , 7 more to the head.
No fear in my eyes , you know your dead.

I hit you again , the blood rushes out.
I hit you again,  your knocked the fuck out.

Slap you with water, now you feel the dread .
As i press the barrel  up to your head.

You plead and you cry.
But Baby,  I was just getting high.

Your Tears fall like rain.
I know now I've gone completely insane.

Cold  steel , pressed to your skull.
Your just lucky my knife was dull.

One down  now, just for today.
hope that was one  hell of a roll in the hay.

To do it again now what would you choose...
When you gamble with MY WIFE
your certain  to loose .

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