Poetry competition CLOSED 20th April 2012 10:22am
View Profile Poems by kriticool
RUNNERS-UP: goodest and raorrick

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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 25th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 14

Time Stopped

One moment
defines everything
Second by second
Breath by breath
Memorize this feeling
but everything changed

Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2668


Time is a valuable thing  
But come see it through  
An insane person's brain.

First minute in the mental institution
"Come Crimsin take your meds"
"It's your only solution".
"No I say"
With much resolve
Then no cig. for you move it along.
"Wait I cry, i'll take your pill"
Anxiety growing  
Only a cig. will still.
Checked onto the ward an hour later
Looking to the clock
Not believing I have to stay here.
They bring me to the wall
Introduce me to time
We are the wards of the clock.
If you ever want
To see light again
Step in line.
Stomach grumbling, I look to the clock
He mocks me with his tic tocking
Lunch isn't until 1 o'clock.
Searching for a person of interest
To pass the time with but to no avail
Each trapped in their own time hell.
Hooray it's cig. time again
I get to go outside
Time is finally back on my side.
Time is up, inside we go
Click goes the metal
Back behind a locked door.
Only three more hours until dinner
Nighttime is almost here
Please time don't slow down or stop while i'm here.
Anxiety growing, I make a dash for the door
Crimsin it's time you meet our box
Come take a tour.
Time stops here and leaves me adrift
For the rest of the world I no longer exist
Locked in the Marie Greenery as part of the scenery.
I've learned my lesson
The door swings open
Time has taken me back into it's bossom.

Thought Provoker
Wales 2awards
Joined 24th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 196

Time swiftly passes by,
selfishly not thinking of its victims,
unwilling to slow down.
I remember when we first met,
but time went by so quickly.

And now all we have is memories,
Celebrations and tragedies,
Will only be remembered,
by fragments of our minds.

Time swiftly passes by,
cruelly devouring the aging process,
unwilling to slow down.
I remember when we first met,
but time only slows down,
when its not worth having.

And now all we have is memories,
Celebrations and tragedies,
Will only ever be remembered,
by fragments of our minds.

Fire of Insight
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 596

.:Inverted Time Piece:.

Time propels through second thoughts
Sometimes on a second hand during a third thought
If we could just put some weight on that minute
Wait a minute. Count up or down
Then count on sums of time coming sideways
These days don’t hide ways for seizing introspection
With some quiet indiscretion; the anticipation of the next or last hour  
We’ll all hope to laugh in it while seeking our way out of it
Hope there’s a win in it... Perhaps we’ll freeze frame with a fresh freeway vision
An uncomplicated snap…a healthy shot
Picturing everything being as beautiful or as near perfect as possible
Thoughts perfect & personal as the previous or next one
The one that used to be or could be back to the front in time

In time..

Why can’t we just take a look that’s not so cumbersome?
Too difficult to understand...to handle
With time we need to get a handle
Free up the bland with some rockets red glare
That’ll have hours of time...Time celebrated like tricks of ticks that tock
That clock circling in an analog display; a measured way of wishful thinking
Time keeps shrinking; it keeps reaching. Always chasing after its ways & means  
Back to a beginning wanting to grab hold of those ticks & tocks  
Those tricky times that rolled and rocked…racing to invert all the reverse
All those clocks in the universe catching a free ride as time goes by to get ahead
It’s what’s read every time; all the time…as time
Where time never travels unyielding
Time…it’s never shielding from the inevitable
The final outcome of no time...when time gets timed



Thought Provoker
United States 15awards
Joined 9th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 276

There was a time when it was all so simple
When we didn't make a big deal out of something so little
Remember those times when we was in synchronocity
One with each other with a side of reciprocity
Explain to me where exactly we went wrong
How did we weaken a bond so strong?
Time passing us by while we try to figure out
Too much time on our hands we started to trigger doubt
Too much time apart I couldn't recognize you
This time my response may actually surprise you
It's about time we come up with a solution
Time seems to be our only contribution

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 112

Time Is A Fluid,,,That Cannot Be Seen,,,
A River Flowing,,,Into The Oceans Of Eternity,,,
And Eventually ,,,Into The Great Abyss,,,
Hey ! Don't Laugh,,,You're Soaking In It,,,%

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 112

Time Is A Fluid,,,That Cannot Be Seen,,,
A River Flowing,,,Into The Oceans Of Eternity,,,
And Eventually ,,,Into The Great Abyss,,,
Hey ! Don't Laugh,,,You're Soaking In It,,,,

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 3rd Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 112

Time Is A Fluid,,,That Cannot Be Seen,,,
A River Flowing,,,Into The Oceans Of Eternity,,,
And Eventually ,,,Into The Great Abyss,,,
Hey ! Don't Laugh,,,You're Soaking In It,,%

Lost Thinker
Joined 11th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 20

friends like u motivate the writer in me...thank you

Lost Thinker
Joined 11th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 20

mikimoondancer said:[quote-77142-lunarvibes]Hello friends..

I was infact a little depressd when i did not see any entires coming up after 2 days of posting this competition..Being relatively new to this website i thought i would not get the response...But to my suprise..all of u guys have done a wonderful job...fantastic work and keep up the good work...I guess Time does give nice suprises!!!

Writers often ebb and flow as the tides, sometimes it's like everyone is constant and busy-then it just dies again-doing what you did is smart and advisable-re-post and stay with it-Thank's for this one-really cool topic!!![/quote]

friends like u motivate the writer in me...thank you

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 14th Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 808

They say time will pass.
Time will heal..
Maybe it could,
If it would just stand still.

But it keeps going
And so will we..
Disappearing tracks
And fading memories..

Time is never ending..
When we are all gone
Time will continue to go
Beating constant and strong..

So time won't stitch these wounds
And won't fade those scars..
Be thankful for whats now
And listen for the alarm..

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 22nd Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 3007

by:  Eric L. Boddie

Tomorrow, it never comes
For it is always today
But the future will be realized
For it lives in each and every Pre-K

Only the now is forever
Yet no one knows how long the now will last
Because my most recent thought
Is the newest entry in the Book of Eric's Past

Because the life expectancy of the present
Is so much less than the duration of a single breath
Because by the time I am ready to exhale
Who knows how many instances have left

For a true concept of time
Is, perhaps, the vaguest mystery
Because within the blink of an eye
The future becomes history

And that is not meant to confuse
Or to cloud anyone's perception
But we all need to understand
That death begins at the moment of conception

And unless there is a rebirth
Life has no meaning within itself
Because only in the soul
Can a man truly acquire wealth

And wealth is derived from the Word
And the Word came from above
And time will never die
But it can be conquered by Love

And Love is the Word
You have to take It for what It's worth
And if you don't know Its value
Look in the Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 15

has taken a toll
Bringing back the memories
of one time
Drifts away
day after day
Wishing there was another way
humbles inside
protecting what needs to hide
resting here in our my minds
welcomes the weakness
and brings back the restless
picture in pen
written in sin
Taking another end
awaits another crime
Another ladder to climb
Dries like clay
and waits another day...

poet Anonymous

firedaughter said:They say time will pass.
Time will heal..
Maybe it could,
If it would just stand still.

But it keeps going
And so will we..
Disappearing tracks
And fading memories..

Time is never ending..
When we are all gone
Time will continue to go
Beating constant and strong..

So time won't stitch these wounds
And won't fade those scars..
Be thankful for whats now
And listen for the alarm..

Beautifully written!  Good luck, firedaughter!

Mr A
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 17awards
Joined 24th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 1878

Measured life

Measured life with moons and shade;
it's important to track the starts,
and the ends.

We fill these gaps between memories
by wasting what we won't remember.

So don't forget to calculate
those times that you remember
then count your days on fingers and toes
those days you can say, you lived.

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