Poetry competition CLOSED 31st March 2012 2:50am
Page_Writer (Mad Girl)
View Profile Poems by Page_Writer
RUNNERS-UP: diddi and Grace

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First True Love

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 9th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 76

Poetry Contest

About the truest and realest love you have had and felt.
I'd like to invite you to write a poem about your first true love.
Not to be confused with a first love, but the love that truly completed you and made you feel "wow this is so real...I never knew I could feel this"


1. One entry per person
2. Erotica is acceptable (stay within the context of the subject)
3. Any questions PM me directly.

Good Luck and I look forward to reading your entries.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

Against All Odds     ( Written in 2010 )    

Memories are clutched
in the hands that point time
flocculent skies did touch
the turning of the dial
love is such
the contrary of denial
barefoot in the dust
we married without an aisle .

Against all odds
and across the waves
we of the same pod
that god
had gave
the path we trod
is how we were saved
together we rock
to the grave .

Memories are clutched
in the hands that point time
the future holds so much
like unpenned lines
new seconds they crush
the doubts that fly
all mouths will hush
that ever lied
together we'll push
together we'll die
I married my love
with the Indian eyes    
your soul comes flush
with your mind
of surprise
your heart is plush
with a golden
magnetise .

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 9th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 76

Thank you for your entry Mr.Summerscales I appreciate it and it is a beautiful piece.

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

CrypticX said:Thank you for your entry Mr.Summerscales I appreciate it and it is a beautiful piece.  

You're welcome :)

Dangerous Mind
United States 14awards
Joined 6th Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 2026

I would so love to write
but it would be a cut with a knife
Because even though I moved on
(at least I think so)
I still am wounded from the lost

Mad Girl
Thought Provoker
United States 19awards
Joined 25th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 183


He was the guy in the cafeteria,
the one the noticed me when I didn't want to be noticed.

He was the guy that sat next to me in biology,
so that way I didn't feel so alone.

He was the guy that wanted to hang out with me,
when I thought that he would cancel last minute.

He was the one that stopped me from killing myself that night,
like he has done many time after that.

He was the one that I could go to
when no one else was there.

He was the one that made sure everyone else was happy,
not once stopping to do the same for himself.

When I allowed him to hold me those September nights,
I didn't know what I was doing.

Was I leading him on?
I would often wonder to myself.
What I using him?

I tried to justify my actions.
My flutter eyelashes,
my shy smiles.
My inflamed cheeks when he'd wink at me.
I was dating someone at the time.
And that someone was a girl.
This story is getting old.
I was gay.
And was dating a girl.
But he stole my heart.

Right where I use to wear it on my face,
to protect me from the pain that I was facing alone.

He called me beautiful.
Admired what I saw as flaws.
Blushed when flirted innocently with him.
He held me.
Pulled me close.
Let me lay my head on his lap.
Hold his hand.
Cling to his arm.
Hug him.
Hold him.

I saw him as my best friend.
She hated him.
But yet he was so much understanding than her.
When he gave me lean way to cut myself, just a little--
If I needed it, because I was sick at the time.
He let me, within reason of course.

She said that he didn't love me as much as she did.
But he loved all the more.
He was willing to do anything for me.
He didn't try to come between her and I.
I was the one that put him there.
Just in case no one knows by now...

I cheated on her with him.

But I couldn't help it.
My heart swelled with pain when
I heard what he said to me that day.
I promised her I wouldn't cheat on her again.
I promised I would never kiss him again.
As long as I didn't have to say good-bye to him.

"You're the perfect girl for me, I'll never find anyone else. You're the one."


Did he have to say THAT?

Chivalry, that thing that I thought to be dead.
Believing in the fairytale happily ever after.
Wanting the movie and books romances that I blushed at the thought of.
And that's what he gave me.

And not just any kind of love.
Not love at first sight.
Not my very first love.
Not lust.

He gave me true love.

When a penguin finds it's mate, they stay together forever. Just like soul mates...

"You're my soul mate."

He said those words to me and they echoed in my mind,
always and forever.
Ever since I've called him my penguin.
Because he was the one,
that I wantedt to be with for life.

He was my soul mate.
He was my penguin.

Poetic Joker
Fire of Insight
United States 10awards
Joined 2nd Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 557

My Angel

Here we are, together at last, hand in hand
As we walk along the beach, in the waves, in the white sand.
Here we stroll through the park, side by side
As we talk and laugh together, waiting for the next ride.
It doesn't really matter what we do
the only thing that truly matters is that I get to be with you.
It doesn't matter where we go
As long as we're together we'll have fun, that much I know.
Cause my sorrow and loneliness is a thing in the past
I now experience a happiness that will always last.
Even though sometimes our days can go kinda bad
Even though the distance and my deployments can cause us to feel a little sad.
We don't have to worry about being alone anymore, not now, not ever
Because you and I will always be together, for now and for forever.
Renee, my beautiful angel, I love you more than I could ever say
My adoration and love for you grows more and more each and every day.
Ever since we met you've had a special hold on me
The first night we talked I knew we were meant to be.
You had me hooked honey, I never had a chance
It's like I'm under your spell, almost stuck in a trance.
I am yours, my love, for as long as I shall live
There's nothing I wouldn't do, nothing I wouldn't give.
For the chance to see you, kiss you once more
You affect me so much, down to my heart's very core.
I cannot live without you, my sweet angel of light
I would do anything to protect you, even suffer Death's bite.
All I can do now is kiss you hard and hold you tight
Cause there's nothing I can say, nothing I can write.
That could possible explain my emotions, or my feelings
I swear every time I think of you, you send my mind reeling.
This poem I write for you, Renee, while I am gone, since I play no instrument, nor do I sing
And one day I'll truly show my love by coming back and slipping on your finger a wedding ring.
But right now my duty calls me away once again, so we must bide our time, which is fine
Just know that one day I'll be yours and you'll be mine.

Twisted Dreamer
Joined 9th Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 76

Some really impressive and beautiful entries here. Keep them coming but this is going to be a tough call already.

poet Anonymous


When I was young and fair

There was a young man

Who  would have been perfect for me

Unfortunately we were Romeo and Juliet

From two countries at war with each other

Furthermore we were of different race and religion

My Romeo and I met on campus

Where nobody would look for us

We planned to run away

To another country

Where we could live in peace

Instead of this insanity

We planned and plotted and waited

Until we graduated

Tragedy struck - he got multiple sclerosis

Was paralyzed from the waist down

Spent six months in the hospital

Meanwhile I met a young man

Of my own kind

Was pressured into marrying

He did not mind

And I never knew, and do not know until this day

What happened to my Romeo

Who disappeared from my life in every way

Emily LeBeaux
Strange Creature
United States 1awards
Joined 25th Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 12

Sometimes I find it strange
That I recognise your face
In people I barely know
Under the cloth of mange
You’re lost, without a trace
But I just couldn’t let you go
That’s not you,
He’s not you,
She’s not you,
Yeah, I know that’s true,
But I’m lost without you.
Just blindly reaching for a clue.
Tell me, where are you,
donde estas, wo bist du?
some people find it strange
When I quicken my pace,
To catch up to someone I don’t know
But I don’t think it strange
Cos I thought I saw your face
And it’s one I can’t let go
I still love you.

Kristin Sapper
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 21st Mar 2012
Forum Posts: 6

When are eyes first met
I seen the same sparkle you see in mine
We felt the same feeling inside
When you opened up I was speechless
Because all this time I've been going insane
are kisses are like a fairytale one foot off the ground
Our romance is like romeo and juliet but ended quick
You said you loved me but booted me out for your new girl
Thanks for nothing it was just a game everytime I see your face I wanna scream
Now you wanna hug me act like we used to be but honey we will never be
I loved you once but not again but I do wanna say I miss the old days

poet Anonymous

Anchored in my past,
between two dates seared into my head,
my first true slab of love found me
in October.

It's hidden within me now,
with all the bruises and tears,
but years ago
I would've walked
ten miles over mountains
to see her cruel face.

It took me twenty-eight months
and fourteen days
to learn that love is rarely
just tongues and hearts and smiles.

Mine was sorrow, anguish
scrams, scars and blows.

Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 7th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 2808

Until Tomorrow

and trails of breath fill the air
Frostbitten cheeks and
conversations about anything
and everything
I've never met anybody who takes
my mind off of life like you
We walk to keep the conversation moving
to keep blood and stimuli flowing
Adding to our time by
seeing things we either
both love or both hate
I love the way your eyes light up when you laugh
You move fast because you
simply want to see everything
before you have to die
I move slowly because we have
control over tonight and I want
it to last as long as it possibly can
We talk about mortality and realize
we're both afraid of the things we can't know
But you dive headlong into that darkness with a torch
and learn everything you can
I go over and over what is here
trying to glean every little detail
Hoping to find a loophole
and in digging through all this mental paperwork
I see your name signed at the bottom of every page
right next to mine
Suddenly I think
all the rest can wait until tomorrow
and I steal a kiss from the cold

StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 42awards
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704

PierreTheMad said:Until Tomorrow

and trails of breath fill the air
Frostbitten cheeks and
conversations about anything
and everything
I've never met anybody who takes
my mind off of life like you
We walk to keep the conversation moving
to keep blood and stimuli flowing
Adding to our time by
seeing things we either
both love or both hate
I love the way your eyes light up when you laugh
You move fast because you
simply want to see everything
before you have to die
I move slowly because we have
control over tonight and I want
it to last as long as it possibly can
We talk about mortality and realize
we're both afraid of the things we can't know
But you dive headlong into that darkness with a torch
and learn everything you can
I go over and over what is here
trying to glean every little detail
Hoping to find a loophole
and in digging through all this mental paperwork
I see your name signed at the bottom of every page
right next to mine
Suddenly I think
all the rest can wait until tomorrow
and I steal a kiss from the cold

Bravo , indeed :)

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17161

First Love

Dean, my first love
Eyes dark in his wants
Kisses so slow and soft
He soothe away nightmares

Dean, gentle fingers
Lifts my hair from my face
Whispers kind  sweet promises
of life together in love

Dean, walked with me in the woods
holding my hands
Cuddling me in tender embraces
Kisses loving without darkness

Dean, when at last wanted me
Like a man and lover
Like a virgin he took me
Like its my first time ever

His lips on mine were like ether
His penis in my vagina like fire
His lips on my breast like ember
stoking my inner fire

The woods were our witness
That day  we  became lovers
Our laughter and joy rang
Like bell peals in a wedding

Dean and I, two misfits
victims of rape and abuse
Came together and fit
Like two halves of a heart

Days and nights went by
and the months went too
One day the nuns came by
and told a sad news during assembly

Dean died that night
riddled with gunshot
He had climbed the fence
which was an offence

At 15 he had wanted his freedom
From his keepers' lustful hands
He wanted our Kingdom
where love and life were in abundance

That day I died once more
Longing for death, tired and weary
Missing Dean, Life was a grey core
nightmarish, drab and dreary

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