Whose shoes are these, then?
Joined 27th July 2010
Forum Posts: 2329
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2329
Poetry Contest Description
Put yourself in someone else's head and write to yourself, from them.
I liked the idea of the "Dear me..." competition - writing to your past, present or future self -
and it inspired another competition idea. Choose someone in your life right now, and try to see
yourself as they see you. Write to yourself, what you think they might say if they either had the
cojones to tell you, or the presence of mind... whatever. I'm interested to see what you all come
up with. [:
and it inspired another competition idea. Choose someone in your life right now, and try to see
yourself as they see you. Write to yourself, what you think they might say if they either had the
cojones to tell you, or the presence of mind... whatever. I'm interested to see what you all come
up with. [:
StephenPaul Summerscales
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704
StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1704
hmmmmm , great idea Jesta , I will be back , ha ha :)
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2251
requiem for a dream
As the mortal sun bled
bleary and smogged
A pair of cold lips
sent down crawls of
frozen memory and familiar fire
The unfriendly reflection of the man
stared from the mirror of his taxi
the honks and hum not more than
a died-down-mechanical-note
each second a millenium
of peeping inside
a frenzied kaleidoscope
The raging, fulfilling vacuum inside
made me grip you
with heightened desperation
while my opportunist eyes took liberty
and sent down verses of liquid poetry
drenched in congruent pathos
across the valleys of my face
which felt like alien terrain
Then you lifted your face
and dived into my flooded lakes-
two conjugate mirrors
defying the course of nature
defining the amorphous woes-
The abstract graffiti of
your smudged kohl accentuated
the tributaries of swollen veins
carrying a lifetime of melancholy
with a fulfilling void
shaped like a man
yang dissolving in yin
the chain reaction of necrosis
fluid like the fading moments
or maybe it was ricocheting secrets
beyond the high walls
of my amatomy reach
Your fingers clutched at the cotton
of my vest atop the writhing skin
reminders of the flowing fire
begotten by a mere brush
of those-
Wishful thinking of vain
alongwith silent hymns to Minerva
a slight breeze blew from the east
and the half moon of the wry smile
widened to show dried billabongs
A racing crimson beneath
with the pair of crow's feet
in the last flash before
d a r k n e s s
showed me the mercury moon
of my dying universe
sending down pregnant tides
of lactic acid in the vast scope
shooting pain and screaming silence
in seminal coexistence
Frozen I stood still
an ageless mountain range
with varying slopes
of veritable emotions
as dark matter invaded
& the constellation got lost
in the gaping chasm
the light years racing
like unstable neutrons
The metallic door opned
and the cancer burst inside
numb my feet felt the ground
slipping away in the ebbing moment
And the pavement accepted me
I felt a familiar touch on my eyes
shut tight-in their flight from misery
the fingers looking for signs of REM
and the probable imminence of death
with the last rushing reel
before the fade to black
The minutes expanded to hours
& the ground shuddered
with footsteps
while you fell asleep alongside
one hand on my eyes and the other
clutching my hand in a loose grip
as we fell to dreamless sleep
and walked across the still water
of the Mediterranean, hand in hand
As the sun shed its bathrobe
the sepia tinged collective memory
flowed like life sap in between
we waved at the dots
on the distant shore
and levitated, painting the white walls
until the bubble burst
and a storm originated
I opened my eyes to see a hundred others
I was just a blottesque shade
a coded message
with broken sequences and complex chains
and you lay in limbo-
slow rise and deep fall
my breathing embryo
in formaldehyde
smelling like a new car-
for the gateaway
that won't happen like
the forgotten sojourn
The mountains would wait
along with the cottage
and the unfinished cot wrapped in sheets
with old news papers underneath
Somewhere inside I had died
and I waited for you
to stare from above
at us
tie up loose ends
and take a while to contemplate
post that may be annihilate
Till then in perfect symmetry
my blue veins would bleed love
till you would wake up to
my sodomized innocence
my repressed spontanity
and neutralized neural signs of the right side
Until the connection would end
and the obtuse edges of neo-alternate reality
would Cut thru my bones & uproot it
I would protect you-
my own version
with my skin dissolving in the saline solvent
precipitated crystals of industrial warranty
assembled down-verses of electrical impulses
which you'd deconstruct & immortalize
And thereafter I would burrow down inside
shedding my rags for metachrosis
and wait till my capsule-burst
while you would appreciate the crystals
of saline sadness-one of its kind
Cut and polished by abrasives
And abuse your muse
listening to the hiss of silent rain
I would stand beneath the supermoon
and the taxi would leave fresh tyre tracks
on the rain-washed ground
smelling of pus filled love
Incurable infection in the still air
& liquid crystals flood the pavement-
to be praised and auctioned
by you, for the incapacitated
Wrest in peace.
Great competition J,
As the mortal sun bled
bleary and smogged
A pair of cold lips
sent down crawls of
frozen memory and familiar fire
The unfriendly reflection of the man
stared from the mirror of his taxi
the honks and hum not more than
a died-down-mechanical-note
each second a millenium
of peeping inside
a frenzied kaleidoscope
The raging, fulfilling vacuum inside
made me grip you
with heightened desperation
while my opportunist eyes took liberty
and sent down verses of liquid poetry
drenched in congruent pathos
across the valleys of my face
which felt like alien terrain
Then you lifted your face
and dived into my flooded lakes-
two conjugate mirrors
defying the course of nature
defining the amorphous woes-
The abstract graffiti of
your smudged kohl accentuated
the tributaries of swollen veins
carrying a lifetime of melancholy
with a fulfilling void
shaped like a man
yang dissolving in yin
the chain reaction of necrosis
fluid like the fading moments
or maybe it was ricocheting secrets
beyond the high walls
of my amatomy reach
Your fingers clutched at the cotton
of my vest atop the writhing skin
reminders of the flowing fire
begotten by a mere brush
of those-
Wishful thinking of vain
alongwith silent hymns to Minerva
a slight breeze blew from the east
and the half moon of the wry smile
widened to show dried billabongs
A racing crimson beneath
with the pair of crow's feet
in the last flash before
d a r k n e s s
showed me the mercury moon
of my dying universe
sending down pregnant tides
of lactic acid in the vast scope
shooting pain and screaming silence
in seminal coexistence
Frozen I stood still
an ageless mountain range
with varying slopes
of veritable emotions
as dark matter invaded
& the constellation got lost
in the gaping chasm
the light years racing
like unstable neutrons
The metallic door opned
and the cancer burst inside
numb my feet felt the ground
slipping away in the ebbing moment
And the pavement accepted me
I felt a familiar touch on my eyes
shut tight-in their flight from misery
the fingers looking for signs of REM
and the probable imminence of death
with the last rushing reel
before the fade to black
The minutes expanded to hours
& the ground shuddered
with footsteps
while you fell asleep alongside
one hand on my eyes and the other
clutching my hand in a loose grip
as we fell to dreamless sleep
and walked across the still water
of the Mediterranean, hand in hand
As the sun shed its bathrobe
the sepia tinged collective memory
flowed like life sap in between
we waved at the dots
on the distant shore
and levitated, painting the white walls
until the bubble burst
and a storm originated
I opened my eyes to see a hundred others
I was just a blottesque shade
a coded message
with broken sequences and complex chains
and you lay in limbo-
slow rise and deep fall
my breathing embryo
in formaldehyde
smelling like a new car-
for the gateaway
that won't happen like
the forgotten sojourn
The mountains would wait
along with the cottage
and the unfinished cot wrapped in sheets
with old news papers underneath
Somewhere inside I had died
and I waited for you
to stare from above
at us
tie up loose ends
and take a while to contemplate
post that may be annihilate
Till then in perfect symmetry
my blue veins would bleed love
till you would wake up to
my sodomized innocence
my repressed spontanity
and neutralized neural signs of the right side
Until the connection would end
and the obtuse edges of neo-alternate reality
would Cut thru my bones & uproot it
I would protect you-
my own version
with my skin dissolving in the saline solvent
precipitated crystals of industrial warranty
assembled down-verses of electrical impulses
which you'd deconstruct & immortalize
And thereafter I would burrow down inside
shedding my rags for metachrosis
and wait till my capsule-burst
while you would appreciate the crystals
of saline sadness-one of its kind
Cut and polished by abrasives
And abuse your muse
listening to the hiss of silent rain
I would stand beneath the supermoon
and the taxi would leave fresh tyre tracks
on the rain-washed ground
smelling of pus filled love
Incurable infection in the still air
& liquid crystals flood the pavement-
to be praised and auctioned
by you, for the incapacitated
Wrest in peace.
Great competition J,
Forum Posts: 17123
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17123
The He that sees me
Oh God she clings
I wish she would not
And she blinks
Through her stupid glasses
I wish she would not
Wear that thing…idiot.
She uses contact lens
Purple I kid you not
the simpering idiot
If not for her warm
Arms and hug boobs
She would be history
She is five feet tall
A midget actually
And all of 60 kilos
She talks like a dreamer
That has never woken up
And she is a writer?
A five feet tall woman
Who thinks like a girl,
Whose Junoesque figure
Makes a man dream
But whose mind
Is a twisted labyrinth
Oh God she clings
I wish she would not
And she blinks
Through her stupid glasses
I wish she would not
Wear that thing…idiot.
She uses contact lens
Purple I kid you not
the simpering idiot
If not for her warm
Arms and hug boobs
She would be history
She is five feet tall
A midget actually
And all of 60 kilos
She talks like a dreamer
That has never woken up
And she is a writer?
A five feet tall woman
Who thinks like a girl,
Whose Junoesque figure
Makes a man dream
But whose mind
Is a twisted labyrinth

Whitewand6 said:requiem for a dream
As the mortal sun bled
bleary and smogged
A pair of cold lips
sent down crawls of
frozen memory and familiar fire
The unfriendly reflection of the man
stared from the mirror of his taxi
the honks and hum not more than
a died-down-mechanical-note
each second a millenium
of peeping inside
a frenzied kaleidoscope
The raging, fulfilling vacuum inside
made me grip you
with heightened desperation
while my opportunist eyes took liberty
and sent down verses of liquid poetry
drenched in congruent pathos
across the valleys of my face
which felt like alien terrain
Then you lifted your face
and dived into my flooded lakes-
two conjugate mirrors
defying the course of nature
defining the amorphous woes-
The abstract graffiti of
your smudged kohl accentuated
the tributaries of swollen veins
carrying a lifetime of melancholy
with a fulfilling void
shaped like a man
yang dissolving in yin
the chain reaction of necrosis
fluid like the fading moments
or maybe it was ricocheting secrets
beyond the high walls
of my amatomy reach
Your fingers clutched at the cotton
of my vest atop the writhing skin
reminders of the flowing fire
begotten by a mere brush
of those-
Wishful thinking of vain
alongwith silent hymns to Minerva
a slight breeze blew from the east
and the half moon of the wry smile
widened to show dried billabongs
A racing crimson beneath
with the pair of crow's feet
in the last flash before
d a r k n e s s
showed me the mercury moon
of my dying universe
sending down pregnant tides
of lactic acid in the vast scope
shooting pain and screaming silence
in seminal coexistence
Frozen I stood still
an ageless mountain range
with varying slopes
of veritable emotions
as dark matter invaded
& the constellation got lost
in the gaping chasm
the light years racing
like unstable neutrons
The metallic door opned
and the cancer burst inside
numb my feet felt the ground
slipping away in the ebbing moment
And the pavement accepted me
I felt a familiar touch on my eyes
shut tight-in their flight from misery
the fingers looking for signs of REM
and the probable imminence of death
with the last rushing reel
before the fade to black
The minutes expanded to hours
& the ground shuddered
with footsteps
while you fell asleep alongside
one hand on my eyes and the other
clutching my hand in a loose grip
as we fell to dreamless sleep
and walked across the still water
of the Mediterranean, hand in hand
As the sun shed its bathrobe
the sepia tinged collective memory
flowed like life sap in between
we waved at the dots
on the distant shore
and levitated, painting the white walls
until the bubble burst
and a storm originated
I opened my eyes to see a hundred others
I was just a blottesque shade
a coded message
with broken sequences and complex chains
and you lay in limbo-
slow rise and deep fall
my breathing embryo
in formaldehyde
smelling like a new car-
for the gateaway
that won't happen like
the forgotten sojourn
The mountains would wait
along with the cottage
and the unfinished cot wrapped in sheets
with old news papers underneath
Somewhere inside I had died
and I waited for you
to stare from above
at us
tie up loose ends
and take a while to contemplate
post that may be annihilate
Till then in perfect symmetry
my blue veins would bleed love
till you would wake up to
my sodomized innocence
my repressed spontanity
and neutralized neural signs of the right side
Until the connection would end
and the obtuse edges of neo-alternate reality
would Cut thru my bones & uproot it
I would protect you-
my own version
with my skin dissolving in the saline solvent
precipitated crystals of industrial warranty
assembled down-verses of electrical impulses
which you'd deconstruct & immortalize
And thereafter I would burrow down inside
shedding my rags for metachrosis
and wait till my capsule-burst
while you would appreciate the crystals
of saline sadness-one of its kind
Cut and polished by abrasives
And abuse your muse
listening to the hiss of silent rain
I would stand beneath the supermoon
and the taxi would leave fresh tyre tracks
on the rain-washed ground
smelling of pus filled love
Incurable infection in the still air
& liquid crystals flood the pavement-
to be praised and auctioned
by you, for the incapacitated
Wrest in peace.
Note: Here I am a girl from my school who is
heart broken, disillusioned and hurt as I have
turned her down and broken her spell in which
she had taken our friendship to the endless
depths of love.
Great competition J,
Mr Wand.....you took 1 million words to write the piece, then still needed a tag at the bottom to tell us what was happening?! I suggest you drop at least half the words, and get to the point. A poet is a sniper, one word, one kill....this piece is like some drunk Irish guy cutting loose with a shotgun....
I realise that it is poor form to comment on pieces entered in a competition, and for that you may flay me.
As the mortal sun bled
bleary and smogged
A pair of cold lips
sent down crawls of
frozen memory and familiar fire
The unfriendly reflection of the man
stared from the mirror of his taxi
the honks and hum not more than
a died-down-mechanical-note
each second a millenium
of peeping inside
a frenzied kaleidoscope
The raging, fulfilling vacuum inside
made me grip you
with heightened desperation
while my opportunist eyes took liberty
and sent down verses of liquid poetry
drenched in congruent pathos
across the valleys of my face
which felt like alien terrain
Then you lifted your face
and dived into my flooded lakes-
two conjugate mirrors
defying the course of nature
defining the amorphous woes-
The abstract graffiti of
your smudged kohl accentuated
the tributaries of swollen veins
carrying a lifetime of melancholy
with a fulfilling void
shaped like a man
yang dissolving in yin
the chain reaction of necrosis
fluid like the fading moments
or maybe it was ricocheting secrets
beyond the high walls
of my amatomy reach
Your fingers clutched at the cotton
of my vest atop the writhing skin
reminders of the flowing fire
begotten by a mere brush
of those-
Wishful thinking of vain
alongwith silent hymns to Minerva
a slight breeze blew from the east
and the half moon of the wry smile
widened to show dried billabongs
A racing crimson beneath
with the pair of crow's feet
in the last flash before
d a r k n e s s
showed me the mercury moon
of my dying universe
sending down pregnant tides
of lactic acid in the vast scope
shooting pain and screaming silence
in seminal coexistence
Frozen I stood still
an ageless mountain range
with varying slopes
of veritable emotions
as dark matter invaded
& the constellation got lost
in the gaping chasm
the light years racing
like unstable neutrons
The metallic door opned
and the cancer burst inside
numb my feet felt the ground
slipping away in the ebbing moment
And the pavement accepted me
I felt a familiar touch on my eyes
shut tight-in their flight from misery
the fingers looking for signs of REM
and the probable imminence of death
with the last rushing reel
before the fade to black
The minutes expanded to hours
& the ground shuddered
with footsteps
while you fell asleep alongside
one hand on my eyes and the other
clutching my hand in a loose grip
as we fell to dreamless sleep
and walked across the still water
of the Mediterranean, hand in hand
As the sun shed its bathrobe
the sepia tinged collective memory
flowed like life sap in between
we waved at the dots
on the distant shore
and levitated, painting the white walls
until the bubble burst
and a storm originated
I opened my eyes to see a hundred others
I was just a blottesque shade
a coded message
with broken sequences and complex chains
and you lay in limbo-
slow rise and deep fall
my breathing embryo
in formaldehyde
smelling like a new car-
for the gateaway
that won't happen like
the forgotten sojourn
The mountains would wait
along with the cottage
and the unfinished cot wrapped in sheets
with old news papers underneath
Somewhere inside I had died
and I waited for you
to stare from above
at us
tie up loose ends
and take a while to contemplate
post that may be annihilate
Till then in perfect symmetry
my blue veins would bleed love
till you would wake up to
my sodomized innocence
my repressed spontanity
and neutralized neural signs of the right side
Until the connection would end
and the obtuse edges of neo-alternate reality
would Cut thru my bones & uproot it
I would protect you-
my own version
with my skin dissolving in the saline solvent
precipitated crystals of industrial warranty
assembled down-verses of electrical impulses
which you'd deconstruct & immortalize
And thereafter I would burrow down inside
shedding my rags for metachrosis
and wait till my capsule-burst
while you would appreciate the crystals
of saline sadness-one of its kind
Cut and polished by abrasives
And abuse your muse
listening to the hiss of silent rain
I would stand beneath the supermoon
and the taxi would leave fresh tyre tracks
on the rain-washed ground
smelling of pus filled love
Incurable infection in the still air
& liquid crystals flood the pavement-
to be praised and auctioned
by you, for the incapacitated
Wrest in peace.
Note: Here I am a girl from my school who is
heart broken, disillusioned and hurt as I have
turned her down and broken her spell in which
she had taken our friendship to the endless
depths of love.
Great competition J,
Mr Wand.....you took 1 million words to write the piece, then still needed a tag at the bottom to tell us what was happening?! I suggest you drop at least half the words, and get to the point. A poet is a sniper, one word, one kill....this piece is like some drunk Irish guy cutting loose with a shotgun....
I realise that it is poor form to comment on pieces entered in a competition, and for that you may flay me.
Joined 29th Dec 2011
Forum Posts: 38
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 38
Hello again
Hello there my friend of old
I wanted to tell you thank's
for that time in school I'm told,
you saved me from near fatal pranks.
You took the hit in my place
now wear that scare upon your face.
I never thanked you
those years before
I was in shock too
as you bled upon the floor,
now I'm older and feel disgrace
that scar should be upon MY face.
I didn't realise your pain
that stone was meant for me
so read now upon this refrain
these words will set me free,
I know there isn't much I can do
except for this, Rich, thank-you.
Hello there my friend of old
I wanted to tell you thank's
for that time in school I'm told,
you saved me from near fatal pranks.
You took the hit in my place
now wear that scare upon your face.
I never thanked you
those years before
I was in shock too
as you bled upon the floor,
now I'm older and feel disgrace
that scar should be upon MY face.
I didn't realise your pain
that stone was meant for me
so read now upon this refrain
these words will set me free,
I know there isn't much I can do
except for this, Rich, thank-you.
Joined 1st Nov 2011
Forum Posts: 2251
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 2251
Thank you for the feedback.
Loved the metaphor you used here
(and the ones you use elsewhere as
I am reworking on many of my old
pieces and everything can be bettered.
One cut, one kill-yes, I agree and someone
I admire had said that to me. Thank you again.
Will keep pushing.

Loved the metaphor you used here
(and the ones you use elsewhere as
I am reworking on many of my old
pieces and everything can be bettered.
One cut, one kill-yes, I agree and someone
I admire had said that to me. Thank you again.
Will keep pushing.
Death Plane for Teddy
Joined 4th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 4409
Death Plane for Teddy
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 4409
< dearest ray >
the hedge
has gotten
where the fuck
did you put
the trimmers?
- - -
StephenPaul Summerscales
Joined 18th Dec 2009
Forum Posts: 1704
StephenPaul Summerscales
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1704
How The Mother Of My Kids See's Me
Look at him
he thinks
that I am dim ,
going around
holding all of the pounds ,
driving fast cars
but really he's an arse .
With girlfriends
here and there
he doesn't even cut his hair
acting 25
practising new lies ,
he keeps the house clean
but he's a fucking dive
I see through his screen ,
I know where he's been
yeah he maybe clever
but I see the inbetween .
The bastard took my kids
from me
I'll get him back some day
you'll see.,
how can this happen ,
there's not a thing
wrong with me ,
he's the effing wanker
it's not like I was ever mean ,
I'd love to get a handgun
and shoot that fuck
right out for real .
Look at him
he thinks
that I am dim ,
going around
holding all of the pounds ,
driving fast cars
but really he's an arse .
With girlfriends
here and there
he doesn't even cut his hair
acting 25
practising new lies ,
he keeps the house clean
but he's a fucking dive
I see through his screen ,
I know where he's been
yeah he maybe clever
but I see the inbetween .
The bastard took my kids
from me
I'll get him back some day
you'll see.,
how can this happen ,
there's not a thing
wrong with me ,
he's the effing wanker
it's not like I was ever mean ,
I'd love to get a handgun
and shoot that fuck
right out for real .
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2808
- The Lonely Shepherd -
Can you hear me calling, calling out your name...
Will you venture closer, the moth unto the flame?
Not all light is blinding, and not all fire burns harsh,
Comfort falls like water, so come and in it wash!
Dark has been the journey, and long past the day,
We have gone far into the darkness along the way.
Winding are the roads, and the path easy to lose...
When many are the ways a person has to choose.
I have worn many faces: and walked many roads,
A traveler carrying burdens, heavy are my loads.
All the doors were closed to me, no comfort sent,
Save for the few who cared, and all that it meant.
How shining bright, the glory that the sun does endow!
Yet how fleeting the hours, since I last spoke with thee.
The best of times, they say, are yet to be given form...
But the future is a field, and each of us has our plow,
So how, can any man or woman know what shall be?
Sightless we go forth, seeking for the light of the morn.
And in the twilight times, betwixt light and pure dark,
We await what comes with a spirit ever willing to hark.
What is the meaning of triumph enduring?
The measure of success differs with each soul.
Like a vessel freed of all weighty mooring,
We may journey beyond the point of control.
Now I shepherd others along the paths I walked,
Avoiding the perils that along those ways stalked.
Briars and thorns more sharp than nature devised,
And pits deeper than any mind could even surmise!
Mountains so tall, they were as walls of solid rock...
Such are the obstacles of which I do but lightly talk.
Few lodges for travelers lie along the trails I know,
And cold are the land's comforts, so as falling snow.
But where I walk I try to let my warmth reach out...
Touching others' hearts and expelling mortal doubt.
But certain come the nights when lonely it becomes,
And so hot becomes my fear, hotter than any suns!
Weary the waiting, I have sought to change fate itself,
Thinking the future to be some bleak and terrible thing.
The hope of heroes and the dreams of innocent youth,
Where have they gone, in this jaded period of history?
Consider thou the myriad of books on a library's shelf...
Yet even with all that knowledge, no joy will such bring!
There is no triumph without wisdom, and that is a truth,
And few are those who consider this a fact of destiny.
What is the meaning of triumph everlasting?
The measure of victory differs with each cause.
Like a storm grown beyond any forecasting,
We may grow beyond ourselves without pause.
Who shepherds the shepherd, my sandals do ache,
Who will comfort the comforter, for comfort's sake?
I long to lay down my burdens, and roam no more,
For long is the road, and hard the rains do oft pour!
Winding trails that circle off into darkness so thick,
All filled with perils waiting to, our very spirits, trick.
When will the sun rise, and dispel my eternal night;
Am I to be the only one denied the warmth of light?
So many thoughts such as these, a mind will dream,
As we make our journeys along life's rocky stream.
No ferry can guide us to the paradisial fields that lie,
Somewhere past the horizon, beyond the very sky.
Loving wisdom allows not the inner spark to be aflame,
Without the element that is hottest, known as desire.
Even the highest paradise will be beyond your reaching!
There is nothing beyond the reach of mortals to obtain,
Once you have tasted the glory of the most sacred fire.
Then, even in darkness, the light will be fairly breaching!
Contrary to the bonds that hold back the weaker wills,
You will triumph against the darkness, and all lesser ills.
What is the meaning of triumph eternal?
The measure of peace: that a person can achieve.
Like a mystic looking deep at the spirit, internal,
We may discover far more than we could believe.
Can you hear me calling, calling out your name...
Will you venture closer, or just run away in shame?
Forget the ones: who wounded you, it was not I...
I await you in the paradise, beyond the distant sky.
The sands of time run swiftly, so let us waste none!
Think of the joys that await us, all we could become.
That is where the road ends, I've walked it before...
Now I long to walk it with you, let us go once more!
As in other lifetimes, when our souls first entwined,
Let us journey together, to spite the sands of time.
A shepherd and a shepherdess, comforted at last...
Let the cycle be complete, as in ancient eras past!
Can you hear me calling, calling out your name...
Will you venture closer, the moth unto the flame?
Not all light is blinding, and not all fire burns harsh,
Comfort falls like water, so come and in it wash!
Dark has been the journey, and long past the day,
We have gone far into the darkness along the way.
Winding are the roads, and the path easy to lose...
When many are the ways a person has to choose.
I have worn many faces: and walked many roads,
A traveler carrying burdens, heavy are my loads.
All the doors were closed to me, no comfort sent,
Save for the few who cared, and all that it meant.
How shining bright, the glory that the sun does endow!
Yet how fleeting the hours, since I last spoke with thee.
The best of times, they say, are yet to be given form...
But the future is a field, and each of us has our plow,
So how, can any man or woman know what shall be?
Sightless we go forth, seeking for the light of the morn.
And in the twilight times, betwixt light and pure dark,
We await what comes with a spirit ever willing to hark.
What is the meaning of triumph enduring?
The measure of success differs with each soul.
Like a vessel freed of all weighty mooring,
We may journey beyond the point of control.
Now I shepherd others along the paths I walked,
Avoiding the perils that along those ways stalked.
Briars and thorns more sharp than nature devised,
And pits deeper than any mind could even surmise!
Mountains so tall, they were as walls of solid rock...
Such are the obstacles of which I do but lightly talk.
Few lodges for travelers lie along the trails I know,
And cold are the land's comforts, so as falling snow.
But where I walk I try to let my warmth reach out...
Touching others' hearts and expelling mortal doubt.
But certain come the nights when lonely it becomes,
And so hot becomes my fear, hotter than any suns!
Weary the waiting, I have sought to change fate itself,
Thinking the future to be some bleak and terrible thing.
The hope of heroes and the dreams of innocent youth,
Where have they gone, in this jaded period of history?
Consider thou the myriad of books on a library's shelf...
Yet even with all that knowledge, no joy will such bring!
There is no triumph without wisdom, and that is a truth,
And few are those who consider this a fact of destiny.
What is the meaning of triumph everlasting?
The measure of victory differs with each cause.
Like a storm grown beyond any forecasting,
We may grow beyond ourselves without pause.
Who shepherds the shepherd, my sandals do ache,
Who will comfort the comforter, for comfort's sake?
I long to lay down my burdens, and roam no more,
For long is the road, and hard the rains do oft pour!
Winding trails that circle off into darkness so thick,
All filled with perils waiting to, our very spirits, trick.
When will the sun rise, and dispel my eternal night;
Am I to be the only one denied the warmth of light?
So many thoughts such as these, a mind will dream,
As we make our journeys along life's rocky stream.
No ferry can guide us to the paradisial fields that lie,
Somewhere past the horizon, beyond the very sky.
Loving wisdom allows not the inner spark to be aflame,
Without the element that is hottest, known as desire.
Even the highest paradise will be beyond your reaching!
There is nothing beyond the reach of mortals to obtain,
Once you have tasted the glory of the most sacred fire.
Then, even in darkness, the light will be fairly breaching!
Contrary to the bonds that hold back the weaker wills,
You will triumph against the darkness, and all lesser ills.
What is the meaning of triumph eternal?
The measure of peace: that a person can achieve.
Like a mystic looking deep at the spirit, internal,
We may discover far more than we could believe.
Can you hear me calling, calling out your name...
Will you venture closer, or just run away in shame?
Forget the ones: who wounded you, it was not I...
I await you in the paradise, beyond the distant sky.
The sands of time run swiftly, so let us waste none!
Think of the joys that await us, all we could become.
That is where the road ends, I've walked it before...
Now I long to walk it with you, let us go once more!
As in other lifetimes, when our souls first entwined,
Let us journey together, to spite the sands of time.
A shepherd and a shepherdess, comforted at last...
Let the cycle be complete, as in ancient eras past!
Forum Posts: 2122
Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Aug 2009
Forum Posts: 2122
My BFF (Best Friend's F***ed-up)
'Give me a break you pussy' she'll say
'your silly words won't bring
them back.' she'll say and walk
away as she always does.
(pardon my language!)
'Give me a break you pussy' she'll say
'your silly words won't bring
them back.' she'll say and walk
away as she always does.
(pardon my language!)
Joined 27th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 18
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 18
"Love, Dad"
Dear Daughter,
My dear child of grace and comical relief in my hardening life,
Can't you see your eyes are the most beautiful of stars and you're lips form the modest of shapes?
Hair like my father's but not as anger rooted,
Won't you, I beg you, strive for a more fulfilling life?
I wouldn't want you any other place besides in my arms,
My dear, you'll always be my little girl so you must know how it leaves me when I see the stories on your arms.
You can shine if you want to and when you're dark inside you don't see me cry,
To know I may have made a few mistakes in your life,
Ones that change the way you look at yourself and flinch at my touch.
Please, don't be scared now, to know that you inflict such horible pain on yourself makes me cry,
To think that you felt the way I did,
After my father beat me and mother sold me for drugs.
I hope for your sake the marks don't leave scars all over the body I helped create,
You're too beautiful to be doing that to yourself,
To be living a Hell I once lived in,
To be feeling as I still do for so damned long.
There's one thing I can honestly say to you my dear,
One request I have out of all of the rules,
Please, please, love yourself.
Love, Dad.
Dear Daughter,
My dear child of grace and comical relief in my hardening life,
Can't you see your eyes are the most beautiful of stars and you're lips form the modest of shapes?
Hair like my father's but not as anger rooted,
Won't you, I beg you, strive for a more fulfilling life?
I wouldn't want you any other place besides in my arms,
My dear, you'll always be my little girl so you must know how it leaves me when I see the stories on your arms.
You can shine if you want to and when you're dark inside you don't see me cry,
To know I may have made a few mistakes in your life,
Ones that change the way you look at yourself and flinch at my touch.
Please, don't be scared now, to know that you inflict such horible pain on yourself makes me cry,
To think that you felt the way I did,
After my father beat me and mother sold me for drugs.
I hope for your sake the marks don't leave scars all over the body I helped create,
You're too beautiful to be doing that to yourself,
To be living a Hell I once lived in,
To be feeling as I still do for so damned long.
There's one thing I can honestly say to you my dear,
One request I have out of all of the rules,
Please, please, love yourself.
Love, Dad.
Joined 21st June 2011
Forum Posts: 330
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 330
ugh... MOM!!!!!
I don't know why I hate you today.
Your voice grates on me, but I grate on me.
I wish you wouldn't nag me.
The house is clean enough.
I will grow up and one day
have a house of my own
and you'll visit and live by my rules.
I certainly won't make my daughter dust.
We'll watch the late show instead.
I can't wait to move out.
You can't afford Uggs???
You afford rum- the bottle's in the cabinet
top shelf behind the bills...
no, I didn't drink it.
Maybe you shouldn't either,
and then you will be able to buy me
the boots everyone else is wearing.
I don't like myself very much today.
I wish my hair was lighter, maybe if I had blue eyes
Blue eyes and a different body,
maybe a different face...
I'd be invisible and that would feel good
except when I want to get noticed.
I don't hate you so much anymore, mom.
My friends think it's cool that you swear while you drive
and that you let me play electric guitar in the house,
sometimes it's nice to talk to you,
often, it's easy to hate you,
and even convenient to blame you,
but I really do appreciate that
whether I hate you, blame you, love you, or need you
you still accept me just the same.
Your arms are always open to me.
I am never too big to sit next to you on the couch
grab a handful of your popcorn,
and be your little girl.
I don't know why I hate you today.
Your voice grates on me, but I grate on me.
I wish you wouldn't nag me.
The house is clean enough.
I will grow up and one day
have a house of my own
and you'll visit and live by my rules.
I certainly won't make my daughter dust.
We'll watch the late show instead.
I can't wait to move out.
You can't afford Uggs???
You afford rum- the bottle's in the cabinet
top shelf behind the bills...
no, I didn't drink it.
Maybe you shouldn't either,
and then you will be able to buy me
the boots everyone else is wearing.
I don't like myself very much today.
I wish my hair was lighter, maybe if I had blue eyes
Blue eyes and a different body,
maybe a different face...
I'd be invisible and that would feel good
except when I want to get noticed.
I don't hate you so much anymore, mom.
My friends think it's cool that you swear while you drive
and that you let me play electric guitar in the house,
sometimes it's nice to talk to you,
often, it's easy to hate you,
and even convenient to blame you,
but I really do appreciate that
whether I hate you, blame you, love you, or need you
you still accept me just the same.
Your arms are always open to me.
I am never too big to sit next to you on the couch
grab a handful of your popcorn,
and be your little girl.
The Gardener
Joined 10th Oct 2010
Forum Posts: 1347
The Gardener
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1347
What a queer, whimsical mite,
mighty too with the delicacy
of a fly
across my needs-more-muscle flesh,
she does it. She maintains
the precision of a prostitute, always
keeping her mind
What a queer, whimsical mite,
mighty too with the delicacy
of a fly
across my needs-more-muscle flesh,
she does it. She maintains
the precision of a prostitute, always
keeping her mind