Poetry competition CLOSED 14th June 2022 5:17pm
View Profile Poems by Nevermindthegaps
RUNNER-UP: CanisInc-Untis

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Natural images series

poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918


Warm and sunny days
Three witches of Summer,
Umbra, Penumbra and Antumbra,
Musing by the lake side
As the Sun was about to set
Each one enjoying the lovely breeze
By the campfire
Yes, enjoying the feast
Of fruits and veggies, vegan as they were
And awaiting the arrival
Of the Moon Goddess
Three in one (waxing, full, waning)
Just as they were, in a manner
Praying and hoping for eternal cycles
Of superb Life.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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poet Anonymous

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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Thank you.  Glad you appreciate.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

Related submission no longer exists.

Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Moved by Love

- Moved by Love -

I am a being moved by love, and so I write of life,
For love moves the universe, from peace to strife.
Nature, thy name is Terra, for thou art this earth…
Where all beauties and horrors alike are given birth!
Naught is fair, yet in thee is balance swift and sure,
The fairness of the harlot: who gives her love to all.
It is there, in every forest, jungle, swamp and moor,
Where your perfume is sharp, wherever it may fall.
Have I not in my time, walked in your wild places!
Do all thy children not crave the best of thy graces?
The scent of pine in the forest, when crisp is the air,
And the garlands of flowers that girls used to wear:
Do they not smell sweetly, to senses that can feel?
Are they not more delightful than the chill of steel!
Wood burning away upon the hearth, when kindled,
Is as welcome as the trees where the wood mingled.
So long as a tree is planted, to give back to Terra…
There will be all such delights known, in every era.
Mighty mother, thy mood is so filled with changes!
The tides of thy seas, and every wave that rises up,
Each is a wanton maid to those who sail thereon…
Just as thy hills are the bosom of a land that ranges,
Beyond the rim of the shore, like the lip of a cup…
Onward toward the horizon, heaving below the sun!
Roughly dost thou take thy love, Terra, and willing,
For all who love thee not are lost to thy divine fury.
Just as the raptor that glides softly before a killing,
Thou are loud in thy anger, yet gentle in thy glory.
From the hells below, the fire in thy blood wakes…
Even as the soil that is thy flesh groans and quakes.
The heat of thy awakened passion issues thus forth,
Reminding all thy children of thy power and worth!
There is power in thy passion, and love moves it so,
As it moves all in the universe: all above and below.
It moves the angels in their high places far beyond…
It moves the fallen, within their caverns and canyons.
None can speak of the author of that love, with voice,
For to behold pure love is to be without the choice…
To be silent or to speak cannot be, for love sings out,
And so to speak of divine love would mean to shout!
Such does Terra: do when the mood comes upon her,
Since it takes but little to such love, as is divine, stir.
How like the fallen I am, trapped in a heat that burns,
How like mother Terra I am, in a universe that turns!
Passion rules me, moved my love, and I am its’ slave,
Such fire burns within me and I burn, too late to save.
And so I realize that even Hell is moved by pure love,
Even, as is Heaven: beyond stars that shine, above.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

Very good to be posting again after so long an absence! And especially great to see a new contest from you, my dear sister and friend. And one with such a lovely, inspired theme too! Some great entries so far, I must say.

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1807

Posted wrong piece

Tyrant of Words
United States 24awards
Joined 23rd Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 1807

Sunrise Sunset

Entranced by the beauty of mother earth,      
I can’t decide if it’s sunset or sunrise        
either way it’s quite spectacular to behold        
especially when unpacking mental baggage            
I walk the beach a lot in my mind            
soon I will feel the sand under my feet            
and between my fingers            
Sunrise is full of surprises, sea creatures take refuge under rocks as the tide rolls out, seagull’s dot the shoreline with there beaks scavenging for food, and me, well, I am quietly absconded behind a seawall of wonder as my entire being absorbs all that is nature at sunset…
Written by Zazzles (Broom)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 157awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1891

Kind of Paradise

The sun peeks right over the horizon
Amidst a range of mountains with a soft display
The water reflects the warmth
As if it’s reassuring us…
    We will have another beautiful day

I can almost feel the cool breeze’s caress
Like a whisper of nature’s magic and mystery
The colors in the sky are stunning
Like a romantic painting…
     Only to be captured in memory

This brings joy and peace to the heart
Calling us, pulling us closer to Mother Earth
As all the senses can freely capture
The beauty this world offers…
     Like new found joy and love’s rebirth

This sight serves as a reminder
Of all the planets in the universe to mesmerize
We get to experience this first hand
How lucky we really are…
     To be living with this kind of paradise
Written by wallyroo92
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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

Ice on fire

I left my words in the ice,
a soft voice for the cold lake to sip
as it listens to the melting shoreline
amongst messages dropped by mountains.

Hard granite ridges shoot shotguns
of evening air into white covered peaks
I hear the sister snow flurries laughing
as they circle inside heavy old clouds.

The bloodshot eye of a vast tired sky
spreads red through its capillaries.
Its pink tongue laps across the lake
for a final drink of the day.

I stop breathing to hear the waters reply
I know the sisters are listening with me
But only the mountains boom their commands
and the nights eye begins to close.


Written by Razzerleaf
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