When Dark Doves Fly

Poetry Contest Description
The Classic Corner: Federico García Lorca Tribute

Co-Hosts - Ahavati & JohnnyBlaze
Part XVI in an ongoing series introducing serious writers of DUP to the most well-known poets, both classical and modern.
Federico del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús García Lorca, known as Federico García Lorca [ 5 June 1898 – 19 August 1936 ] was a Spanish poet, playwright, and theatre director.
Lorca achieved international recognition as an emblematic member of the Generation of '27, a group consisting of mostly poets who introduced the tenets of European movements ( such as symbolism, futurism, and surrealism ) into Spanish literature.
Lorca published numerous volumes of poetry during his career, beginning with Impresiones y paisajes (1918). His lyrical work often incorporates elements of Spanish folklore, Andalusian flamenco and Gypsy culture, and cante jondos, or deep songs, while exploring themes of romantic love and tragedy.
With the publication of his poetry collection Romancero Gitano, or Gypsy Ballads (1928), Lorca received significant critical and popular attention, and the following year traveled to New York City, where he found a connection between Spanish deep songs and the African American spirituals he heard in Harlem.
When he returned to Spain he co-founded La Barraca, a traveling theater company that performed both Spanish classics and Lorca’s original plays. Despite the threat of a growing fascist movement in his country, Lorca refused to hide his leftist political views, or his homosexuality, while continuing his ascent as a writer.
Executed by Nationalist forces at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War, his body has never been found.
Write a new poem honoring Lorca inspired by any one or more of his poems. We feel listing particular poems may be constricting, and want you to follow the inspiration wherever it leads.
Do your best to make us feel as though we are reading poems by Lorca. The more we feel you "capturing his essence" in "your own words" , the higher you will score. This will involve choice of wording, delivery, subject material, formatting, target audience - a wide range of factors.
The Rules
1. One entry per DUP persona.
2. No erotica; this is open to all ages and can't be viewed with an ECW ( Extreme Content Warning ).
3. No exact word limit; however, attempt to keep it no more than 250 - 300.
4. Any form is acceptable ( but studying the poet is advised ).
5. Hashtag your poem #FedericoGarcíaLorca and link to your poem here. Do NOT copy paste your poem to the competition. The point is to eventually direct visitors searching for Lorca to your poem via the hashtag we hope will eventually be implemented by the Webmiss.
6. In your poem's notes, provide links to the poem by Lorca that inspired yours. Without these, we have no way of determining if you were truly inspired by Lorca or simply swapped fresh words into his existing poetry.
Comp will be judged by Ahavati & JohnnyBlaze.
You have one month; best of luck to all entrants!
jade tiger
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134
jade tiger
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 5134
The Gypsy Moon
( after Federico Garcia Lorca )
The cream of the gypsy moon
on this night of green, rising
to its apex as a deeper blush
of a blood orange that children
cannot eat, to leave it intact
lest the old gypsies mourn.
Two lovers walking white horses
on the lake’s shore, are grieved
to not sit astride, to admire
the bath of reflected silver
on each other’s face from the path the moon has taken.
That their love is not welcomed
by the stillborn water, isolated
and fading into the green night
while she bleeds in silence,
unable to hide in veiled mists
on her veranda of high birth.
The cream of the gypsy moon
on this night of green, rising
to its apex as a deeper blush
of a blood orange that children
cannot eat, to leave it intact
lest the old gypsies mourn.
Two lovers walking white horses
on the lake’s shore, are grieved
to not sit astride, to admire
the bath of reflected silver
on each other’s face from the path the moon has taken.
That their love is not welcomed
by the stillborn water, isolated
and fading into the green night
while she bleeds in silence,
unable to hide in veiled mists
on her veranda of high birth.
Written by Jade-Pandora
(jade tiger)
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17591
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17591
Singularity ( after Federico García Lorca )
Many things shall be said
once I'm deceased—
maybe what I actually wish:
one hundred year-old elms
grow blueprints in dust and ash—
boney ringlets annually; listen
then understand.
Damaged grass bleeds
green leaf volatiles, golden
copper across dry air—
a distress signal:
self-preservation, SOS
against inflicted injury.
Death breeds Truth
despite how unwelcome its fingernail
picks your secret’s lock,
hidden down the chimney’s throat.
Accept his burgundy content
staining plush carpet—
wine-glassed communion:
body, blood
offering Genesis of birth.
Every existing thing alters to live—
marinates slowly inside change.
Everyone gestates hungry until dead,
though not from hunger itself;
but, for Life instead.
See? Nothing was about me personally;
I am no singularity.
once I'm deceased—
maybe what I actually wish:
one hundred year-old elms
grow blueprints in dust and ash—
boney ringlets annually; listen
then understand.
Damaged grass bleeds
green leaf volatiles, golden
copper across dry air—
a distress signal:
self-preservation, SOS
against inflicted injury.
Death breeds Truth
despite how unwelcome its fingernail
picks your secret’s lock,
hidden down the chimney’s throat.
Accept his burgundy content
staining plush carpet—
wine-glassed communion:
body, blood
offering Genesis of birth.
Every existing thing alters to live—
marinates slowly inside change.
Everyone gestates hungry until dead,
though not from hunger itself;
but, for Life instead.
See? Nothing was about me personally;
I am no singularity.
Written by Ahavati
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Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1873
When Silence Speaks
Silence speaks volumes
With words unheard
Silence begets silence
For all becomes hushed
As every ear strains to hear
Silence's every word
With words unheard
Silence begets silence
For all becomes hushed
As every ear strains to hear
Silence's every word
Written by snugglebuck
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Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 177
A Solitary Rose
( after Federico Garcia Lorca )
A dark seraph, and a black horse,
riding the one without a broken wing.
My heart is an orange,
drawn and quartered in sections,
succulent and ready for midnight
to take in my breath of desire
before I succumb to the scarred
sunken pits in the garden
that death haunts, that knows
the way is far beyond Córdoba.
But not for me, like a songbird
who sings of my pain,
not of the love I have to give it.
A dark seraph, and a black horse,
riding the one without a broken wing.
My heart is an orange,
drawn and quartered in sections,
succulent and ready for midnight
to take in my breath of desire
before I succumb to the scarred
sunken pits in the garden
that death haunts, that knows
the way is far beyond Córdoba.
But not for me, like a songbird
who sings of my pain,
not of the love I have to give it.
Written by Heaven_sent_Kathy
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Joined 30th June 2016
Forum Posts: 749
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 749
Gaela Of The Remembrance Of Love (Orchard Of Remembrance)
The heavy fruit lay
against bare branches,
All night long,
quinces of pain growing
Like difficult dreams
crowding each other.
White lillies of chalk
hide from the dogs
Who stalk their poisons
in dreams of remembrance
In my secret orchard,
windswept in Night's greenery.
Like tulips in January
I sleep in frost's hibernation.
As a tremor I am kept
by pains of a bleeding rose.
Sometimes the night is a wall
that prevents me from knowing darkness,
Sometimes my eyes are but winds
through Death's orchard of remembrance.
against bare branches,
All night long,
quinces of pain growing
Like difficult dreams
crowding each other.
White lillies of chalk
hide from the dogs
Who stalk their poisons
in dreams of remembrance
In my secret orchard,
windswept in Night's greenery.
Like tulips in January
I sleep in frost's hibernation.
As a tremor I am kept
by pains of a bleeding rose.
Sometimes the night is a wall
that prevents me from knowing darkness,
Sometimes my eyes are but winds
through Death's orchard of remembrance.
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Joined 24th Mar 2019
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Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 484
lambs ears
(When Dark Doves Fly competition)
wrested from a flight
I whispered back, each stem’s name
that had fermented in her perfume.
a collapse of my head
upon her nape of morning mist,
where blood had flowered
anabatic musks; guiding me
under a nettled raiment.
…and I shoplifted, scruffed this moment
and placed it into the crosshairs
my on/off switch
as her flushed spine, unzipped
with heavens weight crumbling.
caryatid; from whom each cracked pore
poured red dusted sand
leaking through much too clumsy fingers
in learned helplessness.
I lost her to a finer mosaic.
wrested from a flight
I whispered back, each stem’s name
that had fermented in her perfume.
a collapse of my head
upon her nape of morning mist,
where blood had flowered
anabatic musks; guiding me
under a nettled raiment.
…and I shoplifted, scruffed this moment
and placed it into the crosshairs
my on/off switch
as her flushed spine, unzipped
with heavens weight crumbling.
caryatid; from whom each cracked pore
poured red dusted sand
leaking through much too clumsy fingers
in learned helplessness.
I lost her to a finer mosaic.
Written by nomoth
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Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 864
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 864
Flamenco #Frederico Garcia Lorca
Castanets, pulsing blood and coursing
Regina for the veins
Stabs a rhythm
Passion of ivory carved outlines
Deaths arrogance the haughtiness caresses
Cuban heels, hearts stamped crashendo
Puppetiers we danced
To winds that strummed
Plectrum on the strings of fate
Rat-ta-ta long fingers that gesticulate
Bare the beast of inuendo
Flames that lick from our flamenco
That we will kiss in love and hate
Regina for the veins
Stabs a rhythm
Passion of ivory carved outlines
Deaths arrogance the haughtiness caresses
Cuban heels, hearts stamped crashendo
Puppetiers we danced
To winds that strummed
Plectrum on the strings of fate
Rat-ta-ta long fingers that gesticulate
Bare the beast of inuendo
Flames that lick from our flamenco
That we will kiss in love and hate
Written by slipalong
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Joined 30th June 2016
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Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 749
Adam (Tree Of Life)
Tree of wine in
passion's early glare,
not forthcoming of dawn,
engorges fevered veins.
The coolness waits
among seedless worries,
in sorrow's early light,
beam of the Moon's flight.
Adam, dreaming,
sees a child aloft
piercing the apple of his cheek
where the woman groans.
She, in morning's blood
soaks the sweet clay
under the tree of life,
burning in the mists of day.
(a non-entry)
passion's early glare,
not forthcoming of dawn,
engorges fevered veins.
The coolness waits
among seedless worries,
in sorrow's early light,
beam of the Moon's flight.
Adam, dreaming,
sees a child aloft
piercing the apple of his cheek
where the woman groans.
She, in morning's blood
soaks the sweet clay
under the tree of life,
burning in the mists of day.
(a non-entry)
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Just a heads up, Folks.
Ahavati and I are now advertising the Classic Corner comps directly on our website
with the intent of announcing the winners, linking to the winning entries and promoting future comps in the hopes of expanding your readership.
Individual pages for each comp will added soon similar to our NaPoWriMo 2019 page:

Ahavati and I are now advertising the Classic Corner comps directly on our website
with the intent of announcing the winners, linking to the winning entries and promoting future comps in the hopes of expanding your readership.
Individual pages for each comp will added soon similar to our NaPoWriMo 2019 page:

Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17591
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17591

Attencion: Firstly, we now have a Classic Corner Discussion Thread:
Secondly, we're putting the final touches on the Classic Corner edition of our website. Each comp will look like the screenshot above. The icons will link back to your winning poems. If ANY previous CC winner, or current competitor, does not wish to be on featured, please message us immediately.
You can view the site updates here: http://poeticmedics.com/index.html
We've only added winners to Gibran and Addonizio as examples for you to view. We will be adding the rest this week. It is our hope that this will give you more exposure as a writer and drive fresh members to the site. Many of our NaPoWriMo participants experienced double and triple views on their featured NaPo Poems.
While your poetry will not be featured on our alternative social platforms - the link to our classic comps will.
A huge heads up to Johnny for working so hard to have this completed by June ( or, should I say tolerating my design preferences alterations

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Related submission no longer exists.