Poetry competition CLOSED 24th December 2024 8:12am
View Profile Poems by WillowsWhimsies

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Living Memorial

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17693

Poetry Contest

Tell them now

We've lost quite a few prolific poets and amazing human beings here at DU. It's never easy. I've been contemplating all of the beautiful comments left in Eerie's thread, and those of Danny's, and it got me thinking.

Why do we wait to tell those we care about how we feel after they've transitioned? Why is it so difficult to express our emotions now, when it can make a difference in their lives?

As difficult as it may be, imagine one ( or more ) of your favorite DU poets has passed. What would you say in their memorial thread?

Say it now.


1) New writes only
2) Any form accepted: Poetry, prose, spoken word, visual poem, song
3) Outside of visual poetry ( the poem is on the image ), no separate images are allowed to accompany the poem. I want the thread clean with poetry.
4) Because this is going to be an emotional thread, please do not comment. If you desire to comment or respond to a submission, please visit the poet's personal page.
5) You must mention the name of the poet the tribute is for. The reason for this competition is to speak our hearts out loud now, not after they're gone. That does little good if the recipient is anonymous.
6) Unlimited submissions.
7) Limited word count. While we need to spill the contents of our heart, let's not go overboard and write a short story or novella.
8) No erotica, even tasteful or subtle. This is not the competition for it.

I'm going to give this one month and will be pulling in two judges to help me decide the winners. I will give extra points to those who edit their entries. In other words, put forth the effort. I am certain your recipient deserves it.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17693


Ahavati (Tams)
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This is an example, not an entry.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17147

Editing Entry

Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903

Mary (Her)

her pen is bold  
drips on the page  
with brutal honesty
rare gem amongst pebbles
no need to polish  
her sparkle is natural
in stunning  
Written by AspergerPoet56
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Dangerous Mind
Joined 29th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 52


Damian DeadLove
Tyrant of Words
United States 6awards
Joined 2nd June 2024
Forum Posts: 90


There’s a poetess that resides here
Who encouraged me to chase a dream
I had an idea that wasn’t always clear
A desperate writer with no real theme

She pushed me to find myself again
Another voice hanging out backstage
I cranked these amplifier's up to ten
She sprung me from my vicious cage

Thank you for believing when I didn’t
I owe a lot to the poetess named Fia
Written by DamianDeadLove (Damian DeadLove)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17693

Let me reiterate: This thread isn't for those who have passed away. This is s a living memorial for current members who are inspiring you. Thank you.

Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1419

Dear A,  fine theme & thoughtful one for comp. yes certainly gonna be bringing lot of fondful memories & touching moments.. & being a live tribute to te ones we respect & adore & more… thanks for the comp & waiting to read all of them in this space sure

& yes, reserving this space for my entry;) 🙏🤙

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17693


Ahavati (Tams)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 314

drop kicking reality

they stalk his pages
for the next erotic drop
because he has a way...
but that's not what I watch
never has been
it's his blatant honesty
his foray into shadow
excavating the darkness
see what I'm saying?
it's so inspiring
we all have it
most just won't admit
...not him
he lays it out
plain & simple
sometimes brutally
& that...
that's what gets me
Naajir's not afraid to say it ugly
head slap of wake the fuck up
...that's exactly what it takes
Written by WillowsWhimsies
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Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 314

Brenda's boots

I doubt she knows
but she was the first...
welcoming me home
newest member
...of this dysfunctional family
there was a time...
when I stood in her shadow
in absolute awe...
how does one approach a blazing star
but she reached out
dragging me forward
...as is her way...
her accepting embrace all encompassing
& she had no idea how dear she became
simply by being...herself
breathtakingly beautiful
I've told her before how I picture her
black leather...
thigh high boots
the kind you lace bottom to top
because she's complex
...one of a kind...
with the gift of incredible vision
able to paint imagery we can all see
Crimsin or smackdownraven...
same incredible spirit
because sometimes words come
& all we can do is get out of the way
...just free them
some never reach the observer
their exposure unnecessary...
she knows this
we see mere volumes in her vast library
but I see me in her otherness
& she remains...
a constant star upon my horizon
I am forever grateful
Written by WillowsWhimsies
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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2692

Betty's Shine

lovely lady exciting us all
a passionate flower living life in bloom
love and love loss  
painfully aware of her intimate need
she opens the door  
to a great understanding of desire
I've never experienced, love like this
in wonder, I've examined each scar and freckle
listening as her heart broke
like voyuer, watch as she made her love moves
a Goddess to my eyes, because she lights the room with starlight
beaming images of a love so intense it burns and glows
in wonder, I look on wishing my desire was so fierce
I worship her, as she seduced us all one by one
in high heels and a dare she sashays through life
locking horns with love
see she has the guts to take the beauty with the ugly
and even her bad days are alive with beauty
they speak to my heart
I've fallen is love with her
Betty, it's not hard to see why
beauty queen and woman of understanding
struck by your matter of fact style
I noticed you right away
if a woman can swagger you did
I watch from afar and just stare
drinking you in in large gulps
like a woman parched
sipping from your breast
in tenderness you reach out to me
a superstar in my eyes
there is no other Betty
we are blessed to know you
Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 314

unbeige ambassador

I don't know how he does it
the man is everywhere
I wouldn't be surprised
if he holds some kinda record
...most comments
I see his support on so many pages
he's the meet & greet master
helping folk settle in
looking out for the new guy
as irreverent as it comes at times
but a solid gold heart
the first to welcome this prodigal back
when I returned with hat in hand
checking in on me from time to time
I consider him an ambassador
our Deep Underground delegate
PoetSpeak keeps us on our toes
gives us shocked faces...
beautiful art...
...& plenty of laughs
I can't imagine these halls
& I don't want to
...with his absence
Written by WillowsWhimsies
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17693


Ahavati (Tams)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 314

light cannot be restrained

watch how she moves
so graceful...
despite the pain  
& it's a constant
always trying to force her into submission
yet she maintains her composure
knocking at each door
making sure voices are heard
then uncapping her own bottle
pouring ink in equal measure
her playful nature...
...& her agony
into concoctions & lyrical cocktails  
alternating honesty with entertaining  
wholly relatable  
as we laugh at her word play
& lose coherent speech
when she bares herself  
despite fear & awkward self-image
cringing inside  
...but determined  
because she's fully aware
when she speaks...
so many of us feel seen
she's a radiant being
& light cannot be contained
it always finds accessible fractures
creating a living beacon
making her glow visible  
...to everyone around her
whatever you do...
don't take her for granted...
Duende is so much more
...than she appears
Written by WillowsWhimsies
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