Poetry competition CLOSED 12th June 2024 8:15am
Liziantus-Marantus (Ivelina Boneva)
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Misery, suffering, despair, loneliness.

Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 12th May 2024
Forum Posts: 2

Poetry Contest

Steel yourselves for diving into sadness. I want the most heart wrenching, tearjerkers you can give. All entries to be judged solely on how depressed I get reading them.
No cursing.
No violent, unnatural, pædophillic, or interspecies sex descriptions
No dead babies or children
No description of commiting a crime.
No politics.
No religion.(You may mention your God[s], but no theological arguments.)
No excessive gore
No racism
No sexism

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16793

A Father's lamentations

Weeping will not do you any good
You stupid son of a bitch
You have done everything against God
teaching, Faggot, you backdoor loving bastard
If you have not been born
If your mother had an abortion
To scrap you out of her womb
No, to erase you obilerate you
You would not be here
In this hospital with that tube in your face

Do you know, I looked for you every where
In the back lane of this sweltering city
Looking into descrepit houses
Into garbage dumps, praying that I
would see you there, find you
even in rags and bring you home
I prayed in churches in parks
In open spaces that I might find you
and bring you home
Even if you did not want us

You left, you little whore-man
without telling your mother
that you left with another man
a faggot he was and so are you
You never said anything to us at all
You just left, bringing us sorrow
and grief before the eventual
would that we grieve for your death
clean death, o dear God, clean
But this? This I cannot stand

How did you become this?
You were my son, so beloved of mine
I remember the first few toys I bought
Darth Vader, Godzilla, robotman
You loved them all then
although you spent your mother's
lipstick on them
The bicycle, remember it?
You painted it with pink hearts

Remember the swing under the linden tree
where I pushed you and you sang
that song about the banana man?
Oh my son, my son what changed you?
Can I even get to understand
why you changed? Even your name?
From Billy to Bella, isn't that insane?
And here you lie, eyebrows plucked
like a thanksgiving turkey...
I cannot understand why..why?

Your face pale with oozing pustules
Your lips cracked, your eyes sunken
Your voice is gone, your hands skeletal
You breath rattles you stink of death
Oh my son my son, I will wait with you
if only I could fight the reaper with my fists
for you my son...
But no, I can't , so I bid you good rest
drink this concoction now, it will make you sleep
Nightshade will bring eternal night to you
Good night My son.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 263


Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 510

Nitrogen plasma

internal hoarfrost  
my sweaty fingertips  
as I read  
the goodbye letter  
you left  
in invisible ink
the frostbite  
the rest of me  
I loved you  
with this  
to brave the cold  
but your last hit  
sprayed brittle pieces of it  
on the ground  
with shards  
of our broken  
I cut my foot on them,  
as if they were glass
from a shattered snowglobe  
bloody footprints
limping slowly away  
are all I have left
to show you  
that I believed  
Written by Betty
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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 8th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 37

Learn to Fly

Such a trip,
A disservice.
To congregate words.
With no bliss.
No happiness.
No chick flicks.
Just dampen the canopy,
With mugginess.

The pools are born,
The mosquitoes swarm,
The creatures huddle,
To relieve the itch.
Another head hung low,
Looking down below,
Into the abyss.

Another classic sight,
From deadly heights.
Another illusionary trick.
To hypnotize,
The unrealized,
Being shoved off a cliff.

May the lagoon,
Deter the baboon.
Hide you from it's grip.
A head held high,
Might reach the sky,
You have to jump,
To ascend.

Written by AfterSexDilemma
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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 12th May 2021
Forum Posts: 31


Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 8th Apr 2012
Forum Posts: 37


Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 431

My deepest apologies to Grace and the rest of the poets in this competition. I was tired from personal issues and did not fully absorb the context of what I was reading and misinterpreting. I hope I did not cause any problems. Thank you so much, and again, I offer my sincerest apologies for my mistake. Thank you, Toni Scales.

Lost Girl
Fire of Insight
United States 36awards
Joined 16th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 431


Today you almost died.

The car wrapped around you
Like silver, jagged arms
Wanting what was mine
Since you were an infant.

That's all they told me.
You were lifted from the scene
By the indifferent, whirring hands of a chopper.
I searched frantically for you,
Calling hospital after hospital,
But to no avail.

And in those few hours
I assumed the worst.
But business was happening
Frantically around me.
There was no time
To sit quietly in a grove of quiet trees
Listening to the birds and the lonesome wind

To watch butterflies flitting
And feel and know
Fully your absence

The fact I have known since the day of your birth
That I do not want to live
Without you here.

Only in the way
Of cars and phone calls and credit cards
Was I pulled from death.

Instead, I finally found you
In a white hospital bed,
Bruised and battered and stitched
Doll, the most darkly beautiful sight
I have ever seen, swollen everywhere.

Hours later, I gently wash your matted hair.
The water in the bucket turns burgundy.
And as you sleep, I walk the silver,
Silent corridors for snacks for you

But collapse in a chair
My face falling into the dark of my hands
Eyes and arms shivering

The scent of roses and your blood
Still cloying on my fingers.
Written by toniscales (Lost Girl)
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Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 13th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 43

Omega Man

Get out of bed
Feeling undead
Trapped in the void
Inside my head

Colours turned grey
Drifting away
Not sure I'll make
Another day

Everyone's gone
Now I'm just one
Forgot the last time
I had some fun

Wish I was real
Could love and could feel
Instead I've got scars
And wounds that don't heal

Hope's running low
Wish I could go
Far from this place
To where, I don't know

No sun, just rain
Drenched in the pain
Tomorrow I start
It all again
Written by Adzy
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Twisted Dreamer
United Kingdom 5awards
Joined 13th Feb 2016
Forum Posts: 43


I wake up in bed
My mind full of fears
Where is my wife?
Then I remember,
She's been gone for 5 years.

I get up and get dressed
Go get something to eat
Suddenly, I realise
My slippers on
The wrong

I pop some bread in the toaster

I open the fridge door,
I try pouring some juice
But half goes on the floor.

A man comes to visit
He seems such a nice guy

When he leaves he says 'bye Dad'
But I never had a son, did I?

The reality
Is dawning
My brain's starting to cloud
In my nightmares,
I see Death
Staring coldly through his black shroud.

This time bomb is ticking
When will my sanity slip away?
I go
Downstairs and I smell

The burnt toast from yesterday.

The story is ending,
That much is plain to see

I look in the mirror

And a stranger stares back at me.

This is it, my mind's going
The end of another life
Time for me to say goodbye

Where is my wife?
Written by Adzy
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Tyrant of Words
Scotland 33awards
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1893

Void Of Solitude

no solace  
from these  
where obvious traps  
have been  
where oblivion  
seems only  
a fingertip away
to nothing  
of rxistence
shallow graves
how dark
becomes darker
you fight  
Written by AspergerPoet56
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poet Anonymous

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 181


Ashes dust off my twisted spine  
And haunt the misery in me  
Loving memories on my mind  
Death suffocates the breath I see  
I slowly escape from the then  
My thoughts all tossed and turned  
Tears wet my remains and descends  
My soulless body dried and burned  
The echoes in the silent air  
Race through her tortured mind  
By her side she walks I am there  
Hoping again her love I'll find  
Her light brown eyes look into mine  
A reflection of our lives past  
Our lips again kiss the first time  
Wishing life this moment to last  
All she has left is her memory  
I'm slowly drowning in this fire  
In her hands this picture of me  
She holds near her hearts desire  
Sorry I left you all alone  
It never should have been this way  
Once you realized I was gone  
All those things you wanted to say  
Motionless in this hell I feel  
The only sounds I ever hear  
This guilty pain is all too real  
The echoes of your lonely tears
Written by Mstrmnd1923
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 2nd Feb 2024
Forum Posts: 181

Sick Roses

Here's this beautiful bouquet of roses  
My love for you my heart discloses  
Full of vibrant color imagination  
The center of any conversation  
Red and burgundy color explosion  
Symbolic of my love passion and devotion  
The white roses some with pink tips  
The taste of loyalty and unity on your lips  
With purple roses also mixed in  
Our love at first sight begins  
And these unique roses of the rarest blue  
You gave me this true love I never knew  
This work of art is my expression  
For my love of you without question  
But over time the bouquet begins to fade away  
Colors bleeding out leaving shades of gray  
I forgot to nourish and provide life  
I never proposed for you to be my wife  
I didn't commit effort or put in time  
To ensure you would always be mine  
Now lifeless with the petals wilting  
I still ignored instead of rebuilding  
So the petals have all fallen to the ground  
The emptiness I have with you no longer around  
My devoid emotions helped push you away  
Into your heart you found a new bouquet  
The regret I feel as my soul decomposes  
All I have left is this bouquet of sick roses
Written by Mstrmnd1923
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