Poetry competition CLOSED 17th April 2024 4:49pm

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Why...veteran members

Tyrant of Words
United States 20awards
Joined 8th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 315

Poetry Contest

Why Poetry...
If you joined the site prior to 1 January 2023, this comp is for you! Write about what brought you to poetry. Use your own particular style and/or genre. Whatever it is that makes your poetic voice distinctly you, do that. What drew you to poetry & what keeps you?

*Open to only members who joined prior to 1 January 2023.
*3 weeks
*Old or new writes welcome
*Competition will be sent to vote

L.C. McQuillen
Thought Provoker
Australia 5awards
Joined 17th Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 65

Best Absorbed Written

For a long time I believed poetry was lyrics for those who could not sing  
And I was consumed by what I could not compose  
My brave soul possessed uncourageous lips  
And I despised the small quiet characters that seemed to sum up my existence
But art is not meant to be taken but gifted
And although I perceive my poems as weak  
I hope you find power within them  
For my words in this lifetime  
are best absorbed written
Written by Isgyppie_ (L.C. McQuillen)
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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 619

Daily Strife (villanelle)

I get peace in these from day to day strife  
in here the world doesn't barge in on me  
with its gross madness, its hard facts of life  
though, I confess, even here I've to strive  
but  a different strife, in here, d'ye see,  
I get peace in these from day to day strife.  
My world gets much narrower as I write  
the gross world disappears, it recedes,  
with its madness and those hard facts of life,  
Its indiscriminate hate, the bad vibes,  
somehow wrapped in these I become, I be,  
I get peace in these from day to day strife.  
Within life's strife will death become first prize?  
this life really kills my identity,  
with its gross madness and hard facts of life,  
But within my writes I'm peaceful and blythe
within these writes I discover rightly  
that I get peace within, from daily strife  
and madness in other parts, of my life...
Written by Rew
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Thought Provoker
United States 12awards
Joined 21st Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 166

Metal head until I’m dead

This soul has become demonized
So allow me to externalize
But do not try to rationalize or exorcise
Your eyes will bleed with the blade of one thousand jagged hand written lines

Two became one upon this night of lunacy
Delirious and rabid I don’t need the moon to be
When I attack me
I don’t need eyes to see
Just a pen to release what’s been trapped, buried within me

With the coming of the falling sun
The crowds bow
Knee deep in their own ruin
Await the tempo bring the dead to life
Rhythmic slaughter to their ears delight

Heartbeats slow with the pace of the breakdown
Guttural growls, put your horns up bang your face down
Can you hear me now?
Screaming loud with this death metal sound
I was born for music
Slow and heavy
Just writing out loud
Written by Krosgood (Violence)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 9awards
Joined 24th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 173

Why I Write

People write because no one listens
But see words on paper how they glisten

The comfort of the pen in my hand
Helps me write to better understand

The chaos I keep locked inside
The darkness in my mind’s eye

Writing is an emotional journey for me
Peering behind veils so that I may see

There is more to me than just my darkness
Bright seething truths I find and confess

But truly past all of that mess
Are the dear connections that we get

From others in the deep underground
Treasured friendships here are found

Written by nightbirdblue
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Faith Elizabeth Brigham
Tyrant of Words
United States 12awards
Joined 29th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 212

he read to me

the first time that i heard your name
i thought that i would go insane
it sounded like a summer breeze
i was so young i could not explain
the wonderful thoughts running through my brain

i wanted to know just what your were
and father said nothing at first
but seemed to know i wanted to
know everything but instead
he went  to get a book and
i tried to get my first look

i never will forget the times he read to me
he had such a dramatic way of acting out the scenes
when he read edgar allen poe's "the raven"
he scared the breath right out of me
and that is when i started
my love affair with poetry
Written by faithmairee (Faith Elizabeth Brigham)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625


Sick... and so goddamn tired
Of engorging my curse before the fire
Called everything from a prophet to a fucking liar

The voices will not stop
They're driving me to bedlam
Bullet to the head - straight to the top
I am exorcising
Exercising my demons

Chained... to this sinking vessel
Not screaming for help but high like a missle
Double, double toil and trouble mortar and pestle

The voices will not stop
They're driving me to bedlam
Bullet to the head - straight to the top
I am exorcising
Exercising my demons

   the witch's brew
   so cold and cruel
   god's greatest trick
   was convincing the world
   that he exists

Clear... headed to the abyss
On haunted pages inked by the phantoms' kiss
I cannot kill the devil within my apocalypse

The voices will not stop
They're driving me to bedlam
Bullet to the head - straight to the top
I am exorcising
Exercising my demons

   you know what they say
   if you can't kll 'em

Written by HadesRising
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poet Anonymous

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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 70awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2808

Stand of the Warrior Poet

- Stand of the Warrior Poet -

In your eyes I see a truth that the world denies,
And in your face I see a beauty that is so pure...
Sometimes I wish I could create a true paradise,
In which people like you and I could have more.
Is it wrong to wish for a golden age of our design?
One not harmed by the ravages of modern times.
How far back would I turn the clock, if I could?
Sweet one, only as far back as you think I should.

Or perhaps forward, into an age of our creation,
Wherein the world is not in pain, and we all sing.
We have to be the architects of a grander elation,
To make this world anew, and happiness to bring.
I know sometimes your heart breaks, just like me!
Because there is only so much sorrow we can see,
Before we have to cry out until the heavens hear...
Sometimes I cry alone, and feel the agony of fear.

Even a warrior, a knight such as myself, can fall,
And in the darkness I have wandered, in sorrow...
Wondering how I can continue, to heed this call,
Sword in hand, to face the twilight of tomorrow!
Where is our Valhalla, when the fire is coming?
We must forge it from the embers of the burning,
Of a world transforming beyond all past turning.

In your eyes I am reminded of why it is I fight,
And when the struggle gets too much to bear...
I think of you, and am imbued with your light,
Overcome with joy, knowing delight most fair.
Is it wrong to wish we could have all of history?
To make anew, and create with a better dignity.
How far back would I reforge it all, if I could?
Sweet one, only as far back as you think I should.

Poetry, like music, is a mead sweet as is honey,
But I do not write to flatter, merely to say true...
Things that cannot be said otherwise in destiny,
Lest those words be filled with power long due.
Elfin girl, fairest one, for you I shall keep going,
Beyond the ending of all things, ever knowing...
That one more lovely than a Valkyrie is smiling,
As her faithful warrior poet stands fast, undying.
Let us dance, and let us sing! Together.
Let us soar on graceful wing! Forever.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 29awards
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1544

In Search of...

The path was clear yet darkened in fear
My destination obscured in mystery
Knowing the truth would set me free
I was unsure if I would embrace honesty
Now I see it is the only way to be
When contemplating the creation of poetry
Fore had I never confessed my duplicity
None of my verse would be worth
The canvas where my heart spilled the flow of my soul
Her forgiveness enlighted the shadows ahead
Making the road never traveled before
The only course to follow to expose the inner me
Written by Poetryman
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Poetry as a Lifeline

You gave me a clean conscious and slate
To start over again. It is like everything in
My mind and things piled high on my plate
Have suddenly disappeared. You have been

There constantly through the highs, lows
And everything in between. You gave me
Every breath and you gave me every rose
When all of mine faded and died. You see

Me standing there and made me realize
That I am never alone. You are my lifeline
Day in and day out. You made me alive
When I am barely there. Like a skyline

Above my head you are there on every
Single page being the closest thing I got
To perfection. You see every core memory
I choose to share like a diary entry. I forgot

What life was like without you. So to you
I am grateful. You make my heart less blue.
Written by eswaller
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Tyrant of Words
England 36awards
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6107

Hymn to Words

In dim lit corners    
of whisky-soaked nights  
she stood in a stained nightdress    
stuffing prayers into wounds  
she ran  
nimble fingers though matted hair  
opened up a throat    
allowed grief to splutter out from lungs  
that choked on midnight’s breath  
she stared—  
placed her hand on a weary chest  
counted irregular beats  
found God in the exhale  
amongst limitless space  
she came without warning  
on a barren winter’s eve  
replaced blood with black coal  
wiped hot tears with her thumb  
Written by Northern_Soul (-Missy-)
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 19th Aug 2021
Forum Posts: 13

Experience me for I have become

I was drawn in by the way the words seemed to dance around a page.

Vivid images,
described in such a way as to communicate an experience that can really
only be perceived by the one experiencing it.

Yet there is something inside us,
something that makes us human,
that cries out

"Know me."
"See me."
"Experience what I have experienced."

It is that same desire that pushes us to carve our names into trees, walls, even bathroom stalls.

All we ever want,
as humans,
as people,
as individuals,

Is reassurance that we are not alone in this world.
And that even if someone has not seen what we've seen,
or felt what we felt,
we can tell them about all the colors that paint our skies.

And maybe,
just maybe,
we will find some colors in common after all.
Written by Koulouri
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DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.

Thank you to the following members for voting:

WillowsWhimsies, PAR, Phantom2426, monovox128, fianaturie8, dimpy, Tallen, JiltedJohnny, deadwolf, Kinkpoet, stevenyprince, ReggiePoet, lepperochan, eswaller, Northern_Soul, ajay, Kii_Ahn

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