Poetry competition CLOSED 9th September 2023 2:38pm
View Profile Poems by Bluevelvete

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Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Poetry Contest

You are reading a book. You fall asleep, yet wake up in the universe of that book you are reading, what do you find, how do you act?
Poems up to 50 lines preferred.   Short stories up to around 1,000 words welcome.

Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Dangerous Mind
India 7awards
Joined 9th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 154

Operation social detox

A storm named
Echo Chamber came.
big buildings like
Twitter, Linkedin, Digg
The river named
pinterest got flooded
everything started drowning.
the city named
digital world started drowning.
You Tube, Facebook, Instagram
and thread started drowning,
N begging to be saved by .
raising their hands.
Emojis started losing
their existence.
and just then a community
of books was trying
to go to the shore
floating slowly on the water.
and some other books
were saving their lives by
flying in the sky like angels...
Written by dimpy (dimpsmoon)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17128

With the Books

He ran within the landscape
the trench was deep and dirty
snow on all around him
and bullets peppered the ground

He fled on skis
dodging trees and rocks
as the alien ship
traverse the midnight skies above

He fell into the ocean city
almost forgotten, now a mere myth
Atlantis the sunken world
where fantastic beings lived

He walked on the great Sundaland
listening to the people
understanding their way of life
tribal but elegant in its starkness

He stood on the shores of Lemuria
awe and wonder overwhelmed him
magic and mystery captivating him
as he watched everything enchanted

He closed his book
put it back on the shelf
Make sure its bookmarked
where he had left off

He snuggled into his blanket
his adventures done for the day
distantly heard the sounds of Jumanji
continued his adventures in his dream

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Superb.  Good luck in the comp.

Tom Sawyer
Strange Creature
United States 1awards
Joined 4th July 2018
Forum Posts: 10

"Smash Mouth" (Parody of "All Star" by Smash Mouth)

Somebody once told me      
The government would own me      
And I punched that stupid bitch in the head      
Left 'em lookin' outta' one      
'Cuz I poked him with my thumb      
In the eye when my fist hit his forehead...      
Well, the riots started comin' and they wouldn't stop comin', then shots rang out and they all started runnin'! Never made sense not to own a gun, you might sound smart but your points are dumb. So much abuse, so much deceit, don't be surprised when we protect our own streets.      
If you didn't know now ya' fuckin' know -      
Hey now, grab your AR      
Get your gear on      
Hey now, you're a WorldStar      
F'n try me      
Get sprayed      
You gotta speak plain to these hoes      
Make 'em understand what they don't know      
It's a cruel world but its better than prison      
You'll end up in there if ya' ass doesn't listen      
Think you've got the right, I beg to differ -      
Steal shit from me and you won't know what hit ya      
My patience is wearing pretty thin      
They say we better not but fuck it man, I'm goin in      
The ship's on fire, what's our course?      
I'm puttin' on my jacket and I'm swimmin' for the shore
Hey now, grab your AR      
Get your gear on      
Hey now, you're a WorldStar      
F'n try me      
Get sprayed      
You gotta speak plain to these hoes      
Make 'em understand what they don't know      
[Musical Interlude]      
Go to the woods (W-w-wacko, w-w-wacko)      
Go to the woods (W-w-wacko, w-w-wacko)      
Go to the woods      
Go to the woods      
Hey now, grab your AR      
Get your gear on      
Hey now, you're a WorldStar      
F'n try me      
Get sprayed      
You gotta speak plain to these hoes      
Make 'em understand...      
Somebody once asked "Hey, Sir, do you have a mask? You need to cover up to get in this place."      
I said "No, but don't be a hoe. This is all a bunch of bs, you know, and don't you think it's just a little strange..." 

Well, the riots started comin' and they wouldn't stop comin', then shots rang out and they all started runnin'! Never made sense not to own a gun, you might sound smart but your points are dumb. So much abuse, so much deceit, don't be surprised when we protect our own streets.      
If you didn't know now ya' fuckin' know -      
Just bought an EXPS 3-0      
Hey now, grab your AR      
Get your gear on      
Hey now, you're a WorldStar      
F'n try me      
Get sprayed      
You gotta speak plain to these hoes      
Make 'em understand what they don't know      
I ain't fuckin' 'round with you hoes      
Make 'em understand what they don't know
Written by TodaysTomSawy3r (Tom Sawyer)
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Tom Sawyer
Strange Creature
United States 1awards
Joined 4th July 2018
Forum Posts: 10

Fell asleep circa the turn of the 21st century whilst reading Thomas Paine's classic "Common Sense", descending deep into what I can only describe as a collective nightmare that seems all but impossible to wake from. I have no choice but to fight my way out.

Tyrant of Words
United States 74awards
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349

reflections from the other side of the looking glass

I see a semblance of—
after searching,
staring down that rabbit hole
finally noticing small
tell-tale signs

flashes of memories
imbued with peculiarity;
tinkling whispers of youth
where joy is carved

highlights of decades flown
dance upon each line,
freckles dazzle
born of backwards sunlight
and dripping grains of sand

textures varying
from abstract art
to the smooth design
of a bygone era,
palpable in speckled
almost unrecognizable remnants

from inside to the out,
madness of time
holds its own incessant
tick tock
as the pendulum swings
forth and back
without end

surrender of the chase
is truth in reconciling;
rushing wishes
only to grasp at blinks
as the white rabbit
always makes swift getaway

slipping back through
the looking glass
mirroring reflections
of space and time
in surrealistic
tandem haunts

leaving a

That wishes and dreams
can go a long long way...

Written by Bluevelvete
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Dangerous Mind
England 18awards
Joined 30th Sep 2022
Forum Posts: 610

She. A History of Adventure

" I am She, Ayesha, ruler of Kôr    
Sorceress, Queen, She-who-must-be-obeyed,    
are you my lover I sent through deaths door    
two thousand years ago, returned today?    
I heard you call out to me, call to me    
I called thee back to my immortal embrace,    
you'll be HE if you survive what you see    
when I show my Sun-Fired Beautiful Face...    
Ah, prostrated, indeed you're Kallikrates    
restored!  Now, through the Pillar of Fire,    
then you too, immortal, will be twice blesséd    
and shall be lost to my raging desire. "    
But the jealous Fire burnt her, oh, such wails    
and I, Rew,  escaped intact with my tale...
to continue as I have done lots before
to venture through imagination's door...
Written by Rew
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Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 27awards
Joined 15th Sep 2019
Forum Posts: 525

Album's you must listen to before you die

I fall through, embossed by sleeves,
captured thoughts that never age,
these moments are mine to travel,

Suggestive on your zipper sticky fingers fish for babies,
billion dollar bites the bate,
nevermind the neon typeface.

Prism out my bright new colours, a place were I begin,
climb the causeway of the holy,
kiss the mouth of the crimson king.

Hindenburg is helpless smoke cigars inside the Graf,
muscle bound beside the rider,
burning hell from a gravestone blast.

London’s on the stage calling all guitars to smash,
fly with me to Battersea, on pigs across its stacks,
picked up Ziggy from the club, snorting stardust.

I have run inside these vivid scenes
it seems I do not age,
yet every image I see reflect,
subjects me to myself with lines
I learn and then forget.
My soul was sold for rock and roll,
my face, long since replaced.
Written by Razzerleaf
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Strange Creature
Joined 28th Aug 2023
Forum Posts: 5

The Queen and Mrs Smith

Once upon a regal day, with flair and marvelous pomp, I say,
The Queen, a turkey-like lady fair in red curly wig, led the way.
With ruff and diamonds, she stood tall and proud,
Neurotic and clean, her obsessions allowed.

Beside her stood Mrs Smith,
A teapot of a woman.
In bonnet, white apron and with
Ample bosom.

Silent and enigmatic,
No words to share, only grunts that were automatic
To the travelers ear.
Her hidden eyes, a mystery to all,
With a protruding tooth, like a single pearl not small.

Off they ventured, on grand travels they set,
In their mismatched duo, a sight you won't forget.
The Queen, a clean freak, scrubbed every place,
While Mrs Smith grunted, her presence a trace.

They sailed the seas on and traveled many a land
Mrs Smith was romanced by many a man,
As the Queen fought her dirt-filled foes as best she could.
Ignoring the two insane potato faced Portuguese women,
They continued on, their adventures just beginning.

The Queen fought her dirt-filled enemies with all her might,
Mrs Smith followed, her presence a delight.
To a faraway island, they were suddenly brought,
Trapped there without a way out, their adventures were wrought.

But their luck soon changed, when the tide shifted the shore,
The Queen and Mrs Smith could finally explore.
They explored the island, and all its wonder,
In the end, their adventures were a happy blunder.
Written by LaurelVanderBooben
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Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1880

Remedios the Beauty

I fell into Gabriel’s dream into a hot and calm afternoon  
Laying on a hammock in the shade between two trees  
The hacienda was quiet but I could hear people in the streets  
As I felt that warm tropical breeze  
Wearing all white I made my way through the house  
And upon opening the front door it was a big surprise  
I’d been transported to a different time and place  
The town of Macondo was quite the sight for my eyes  
Barefoot I walked through the streets of cobblestone  
Looking at the houses and shops of the magical town  
Macondo Bakery, Macondo Flowers, Macondo Funeral  
Then I stopped to hear of what recently had gone down…  
The undertaker said another man had died a tragic death  
Trying to get a peek of Remedios the Beauty  
Then I remembered the Buendia’s story and lore  
And the angelic, the ethereal Remedios the Beauty  
I rushed toward the town founders family home  
Looking at my watch I saw it was only 3:57  
Thinking my verse could be the remedy to the curse  
Today was Remedios the Beauty’s ascension to heaven  
Many of men in town had tried to get a glimpse of her  
They’d heard of her splendor , her nudity, her purity  
And yet they all had died by some tragic condemnation  
But my verse would cure the curse of Remedios the Beauty  
When I got there I saw Ursula over by the clothesline  
And Remedios the Beauty’s silhouette behind bedsheets  
A gust of wind was wrapping her, cradling her like an angel  
And if I needed to recite my verse I had to be quick on my feet  
But all Remedios the Beauty did was waive goodbye at Ursula  
As the wind lifted her up in the bedsheets into the air  
I ran and grabbed on as I tried to remember the verse  
That would remove the curse like a miraculous prayer  
From high up in the air I could see the town of Macondo  
I clung to dear life for the beauty I was trying to capture  
I could not see her face only her hand waiving goodbye  
Looking down I saw Ursula witnessing this strange rapture  
And the higher we went the less I could remember the verse  
But it seems that I had fallen to the curse as well  
And just when I thought she’d turn I would see her face  
I lost my grip on the bedsheets and fell
Written by wallyroo92
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Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 6th July 2021
Forum Posts: 12


fades out.
Nothing lasts, and no one
Unless it's me they're
talking about
Built a wall so far from town I had to climb
to come out
Built something real and saw it disappear
I forgot how to talk
I lost interest in the things
That people always talk about
Lucky strokes of ego
Where instead my ego
in the fall.
Froze all winter and it
never thawed.
Now it's
of the
fucking ground
Now it's water
in someone else's
Its all gone now.
It never woke up.
Lost in a fog
Stuck in the mud.
Something lost
never found.
I'm glad
is finally
Written by Dreamboy
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John Daliva
Lost Thinker
Joined 19th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 5

Hello September

Caffeine filled time
Jolly and giddy for a while.
Words fly across our consciousness
Even with the depths of our hearts' converse.
Clouds canopied tall skyscrapers
It's amazing that we're just a couple of takers.
Confidant for life
Even in the face of a jackknife.

Nerve-wracking appraisal,
Long periods where fear assembled.
Crunch time came
Moments passed and overcome.
Triumph another challenge,
Together accompanied by the urge to munch.
Delight was not even the feeling,
But these will be moments that will soon be missing.

How I wonder
That a fun-filled day can meet thunder
Not a day that ended whole
Like the light sucked by a black hole.
Another adventured soak or dry
As if its frightening to give it a try.
One's butt might be cursed
Might be nature's habit I guess.

Written by eljustignoreyou (John Daliva)
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Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Jan 2023
Forum Posts: 45

Caviar on a Cuckoo

Twilight's caviar on a cuckoo
with a kiss of Stolichnaya
thinking it a Starling
dripping a haunting memory
yet, I still stitch an eerie    
with a shadow on a wafer Rye
listening to Rachmaninoff
whispering in my ear
Twilight's caviar on a cuckoo
Written by PaleSkies
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