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Poetry competition CLOSED 19th June 2023 11:06pm
View Profile Poems by Betty
RUNNER-UP: tomgoonery

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Pure violence

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 8th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 5

Poetry Contest

Purely imaginative

1. Absolutely anything to do with pain, violence, gore.
2. 50 word min 150 max
3. The more detail the better. But leave room for imagination.
4. Has to be new writings

Chloe A. Harper-Ashton
Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 10th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 21

A Child's Sacrifice

The sickle in my little hand,
is sharp enough to cut flesh...
Down to the bone, if needed.
Sacrifices for the gods of the land!
Blood, to water the soil, and more.
I do it by the gods' command...
the earth cries out to me afresh.
They foolishly never heeded!

The sickle in my little hand...
is brought down on bound neck,
Snuffing a grown sinner's spark.
One who sinned against the land!
Now they perish, unto their core.
They die by the gods' command...
Insignificant as the puniest speck.
Now they dwell in the outer dark!

I lay the sickle upon the altar,
and paint the stone with blood...
Down to the soil, down deepest.
Drink deep, and never ever falter,
You gods beneath this stone alter!
Let every unbeliever, shudder...
their body's wine falls in flood.
The sinners perish, never to rest!
The gods rise, the sacrifice good.
Written by CrazyPrincess_Chlo (Chloe A. Harper-Ashton)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 510


Your sexy fucking arms  
bulge against  
the duct tape.  
Sweat drips from your beard  
and your passivity finally  
levels the fuck up  
as you apologize,  
and I think this is the most  
you’ve turned me on  
in a hot minute.  
A drop of blood  
slides down the latex  
body suit  
like black sun  
across my chest.  
My nipples chafe against  
the material.  
I check the coals  
on the brazier and  
lay the long,  
thin metal dowel  
along it  
until it glows  
dull red.  
Some sort of  
banal shit falls from  
your face as I turn slowly,  
no longer a pert angel  
ODing on Starbucks  
in a New Orleans  
but a dark goddess  
hungry to balance  
the universe.  
(you’re my  
And I am  
not accepting  
for mercy.  
My tongue sneaks out  
and touches  
my red lower lip,  
and my hair hangs  
in a wet braid  
down my  
After all,  
it takes some  
to shove a  
dull edge  
Charred chest hair  
lingers like burnt popcorn,  
and I laugh a little,  
because after  
all of this bullshit  
I’m going to have  
to wash my hair  
so the smell doesn’t stick.  
But first.  
My universe.  
Need balance.  
More shit words  
drip down your  
as I make  
the same  
strong eye contact  
I do when I slide  
over your cock  
like a human condom  
and push it in  
with a grunt of exertion.  
I grind my crotch  
against your thigh,  
dry hump your pain,  
as your skin  
sizzles and breaks  
against me.  
It’s beautiful  
to see your white  
lips mime my name  
as hot agony rips  
your guts open  
It’s beautiful as  
I pull the dowel out  
and splash  
us in an arching  
spray of crimson  
as I flick my wrist
to get the  
of viscera off,  
It’s beautiful to see  
light up in your  
dimming eyes.
I kiss your cheek  
and lay the rod  
back on  
the brazier.  
Written by Betty
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words
United States 69awards
Joined 15th Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2802

A Cage Unbarred

- A Cage Unbarred -

All along the road...
The crows gather in black clouds.
Vultures too, wherever they can!
The crosses stand tall,
Whilst those upon them wail...
Piles of skulls below their feet.
Blood upon the bones, pooled!
Like a bloated toad...
One who hurt me, in the crowds,
Of the dying in that hellish land!
That one tries to call,
Only for their voice to so fail...
As I smile, when our eyes meet.
By deceivers I cannot be fooled!
I say unto that soul...
Can you guess, my truest name?
They get it wrong, once again,
Begging for mercy, to console.
I drive the nails in deeper still,
Causing more of their blood...
To upon the skulls below, spill.
They burst into flames and soot!
Leaving the cross charred,
From the burning soul, marred.
Nothing left for the death birds,
Only sad and desperate words!
And a cage unbarred.
Written by Kou_Indigo (Karam L. Parveen-Ashton)
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Tyrant of Words
Joined 3rd Mar 2013
Forum Posts: 2996

The Lucky People

Full moon  
Wolf totem  
Nocturnal Naguals  
Unleashed beast within  
Track stalk prowl  
dining monkey meat
Monkey see  
Monkey Chew  
Rend flesh flaked  
Devoured organs  
Delightful delicacies  
Maimed limbs creaking  
Terrified eyes  
Faded light  
Ears pricked  
Sharply seeking  
Faint hearts faintly beating  
Minds scarcely conceiving  
Shadowed shaded monsters  
Fine dining  
Or so it seems
Written by Carpe_Noctem
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Fire of Insight
Canada 4awards
Joined 19th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 72

Electric Chair Blues

Condemned in a whisper
Charged with denial
Feared within reason;
unaccompanied rile
To reach vacillations before they amend
Creating a victim;
explaining the end
Reaching absoluteness to terminate the guise
Enhancing the pleasures of my torturous demise
My innocence is threatened by one final closure
For exhorting the switch releases composure
Victory is born to those who conclude
Voltage of fury; no blood to exude

wanting what is harboured in my brain
ending a chapter of your pain

Conspiracy to murder;
reconciling their prediction
Sealing the bind to ascertain my conviction
Justification was tempted by limited persuasion
a masquerade of pneumonic invasion
Thine innocence? Behest, an inquiry- rejected
Without ramifications, to death I’m subjected
While volatile outrage permits to this crime
Weary and ill-mannered; I’m biding my time
Be still whilst the innocent vow to avenge
Freeing my spirit; the ultimate revenge
Feared immortality? The consciousness within
The switch has been pulled
I’m written in sin
Written by Everavalon
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Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845

Fire Power

It’s an obsession
But it’s a God Damn given right like it’s self-expression
And the heavier the fire power the better the gore
There’s a score to settle with the utmost ferocious aggression
The more rounds the more damage it can do
The sick fuck has been dreaming of blood and horror
He wants the bullets to pierce flesh and bone, heart and soul
The sick fuck wants to hear children screaming in terror
It’s his God Damned given right for fuck sake
The bigger the bullet the wider the open chest cavity
He has a lust for big spatter, of tissue, of muscle and brain matter
The sick fuck is drunk with cruelty and inhumane depravity
But don’t you know its his constitutional right
He can bear his arms and set off alarms whenever he wants to
The sick fuck wants to play soldier but only take innocent lives
And if you get in his way, you’ll feel the spray of his bullets too
And once he’s severed a head or concaved a face
The reality and the cowardice begin to settle in
He won’t deal with the truth and consequences
So he puts a bullet in his head when he’s all boxed in
Meanwhile in hell…
The devil and his demons are waiting for this sick fuck
They’ll welcome him with open arms for all these wrongs
What the dumbass doesn’t know is that for eternity
The demons will rape his ass with cactus prickly dongs
Written by wallyroo92
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Lost Thinker
United States 2awards
Joined 25th May 2020
Forum Posts: 27

Why So Serious?

Why So Serious?
tomgoonery (Tommy.)
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Thought Provoker
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Drowned the Cocks in Blood Stepped in So Deep

The Net Yet and the Lime, the Pitfall and the Gin  
"Thou hast killed me, Mother."
-- a baby chick  
on being hatched
The yesterdays the cockcrows shrill beget,
each lesser dawn, the future greater yet.
Come, come, within this straw and plot of muck,  
the eggshells vast here help me, dearest, chuck.
Written by Jordan (D.O.C.)
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Fire of Insight
Portugal 18awards
Joined 26th May 2022
Forum Posts: 271


Tied to the chair
he awaited the scourge!
The chains weighed on the ankles.

The other asked:
Do you want to be flogged all night?
You want me to hit you with it until you bleed?

He was waiting for the scourge!
He craved the lash!
His eyes begged for pain.

Tied to the chair
he awaited the scourge!
Desire weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Yes, hit me, give me the pleasure of pain.
The other brandished the whip
and simply said: No!

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Twisted Dreamer
United States
Joined 23rd Jan 2023
Forum Posts: 10


Take a minute and reflect

Here we go

Shove it down

I killed my shadow
For a moment in the spotlight
I killed my shadow
For just a fucking minute
with the microphone

It's been a long time that no one has talked
About everything we know we need to talk about
But y'all be lying
It's been a while, but I can still remember
The last minute you still haven't checked
To see if I'm alive

Shove it down my throat

I killed my shadow
for a moment in the spotlight
I killed my shadow
For just a minute
with the microphone

Trying to scare the scarecrow, silly boy
I've bled a thousand tears and you strap me to the tree
Hm, allow me to interject, I've come from nothing
But today will be the day I take everything
Including that hammer, close your eyes
This is gonna hurt, silly boy

Shove it down my throat
and ask me to curl my tongue

Rules and rules and laws and feelings
I want to burn down all of the kingdoms

It's hard to tell when you're good
When you're evil, when you're nothing
When you're everything, until you

Shove it down my throat
and ask me to curl my tongue
I never chose the life you critique me on
But here I am, on my kness
Begging for redemption

Fuck you
And your god

- Jesus
Written by Results_May_Vary
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poet Anonymous

<< post removed >>
Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Shameless guilt

A big, corpulent fellow
Still wearing his Service uniform
On TV shedding tears,
Pleading for people to help
Find his wife, gone missing for two weeks.

He helped with the search party
Helen, a dear friend of hers, was part of it

Turns out she'd helped him cut Mary's body to pieces
Make her disappear
So they could enjoy a life of bliss.
Written by robert43041 (Viking)
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Strange Creature
United States
Joined 8th Dec 2022
Forum Posts: 5

Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell
Thought Provoker
United States 5awards
Joined 29th June 2018
Forum Posts: 305

Haptic Feedbacks

I like the little haptic feedbacks you give,  
The eeks and ows, as your life drains like a sieve,  
The pained groans and sighs  
From one who hasn't said their goodbyes,  
If I said I didn't enjoy this, that'd be one of many lies.  
The convulsions and noises, as with tools, I poke and prod,  
Beaming with kvell to play god,  
To the top, I have clawed,  
Knowing on your bones, animals will have gnawed.  
The smell of singeing flesh,  
The cuts, and carvings with a knife so fresh,  
Messages left behind, before I zealously deflesh,  
Maggots and worms to feed upon your carcass,  
It's alright, you couldn't even tell your elbow from your ass,  
In the dim, dark, velvety, darkness.  
Leaving you in the dirt to be caked with mud,  
Checking off my death queue, and drained all your blood,  
To be used in paintings and sculptures, you dud.
Written by Orc_Pirate_68 (Sabrina Kirk-Caldwell)
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