Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd April 2023 3:53pm
Zombie_B (Rotting Rhymes)
View Profile Poems by Zombie_B

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It all went wrong

Tyrant of Words
Canada 43awards
Joined 30th July 2020
Forum Posts: 918

Poetry Contest

The love that could have been, the moment missed. The time when it went all wrong....
This is the negative side, not the cuty romantic stuff. Pains, tears and cries in this one.
Poems, any style.  Up to 50 lines preferred.
The public will vote.

Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 5th Oct 2022
Forum Posts: 22

Love So Deep

Lying lonely in this grave,
it's too late my soul to save,
For Ravens flock and fly around,
just to hear my lonely sounds,
Claustrophobic in the ground,
Darkness clothes me all around,
Many souls do lurk above,
The ones who didn't praise God enough,
But Why am I still here alone?
Because evil in my heart had grown,
Jealousy and greed did follow,
Because of them my heart is hallow,
Punished with my guilt and shame,
Only I can feel my pain,
No one else to care but me,
Will God have pity on thee?
For what I did was wrong,
But in doing it was right,
It didn't take me very long  
To take a life that night,
That life I took was minute in that hour,
For my wife was taken with nasty power,
Sorry im not but sad am I,
For she is gone up to the sky,
My sacrifice was without measure,
For my wife was my greatest treasure,
Our love still strong through space and time,
Forever she'll live deep in my mind
Written by Sapphirewolf
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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2705


dear Father I'm here
I'm sorry for insulting your heart
you love me no matter what
I am your child of your DNA sequence, of your soul

I apologize for the times I disappoint you
you pick me up off the ground and stand me back up
I indulge in the darker sides of me
I thought you didn't know
I didn't know that was a part of you too

we have power but we should use discretion

use our humility. be loving
you are patient with my tantrums
and tears are rolling down my face realizing I fucked up again

I don't get to go with you yet
I want to be a companion in the eternal
I was almost there at the meeting point
and I went off in your face like a big shot
you knocked me on my ass
correcting me like a Father would

I am sad because I long to be a space pirate
discovering the treasures you have hidden
please bring me home

I don't hate it here but I want to be with you

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 27awards
Joined 8th May 2012
Forum Posts: 517


What a stupid
fucking metaphor

It indicates you end;
burn alive,
and then rise
as a new creature.

So tidy.

But it indicates
you end.

Fuck that.

I’m crawling away
from the blast zone,
face covered in
tears and snot,
gasping through
the impermeable
thick, black

My hands and
knees are shredded
from the forward
one hand,
one knee,
one hand
one knee;
not stopping for
broken glass,
twisted metal,
rotting corpses.

I’m not going
to rise from this
as some beautiful
new creature.

I’m going to get to
a safe place,
and stand,
screaming against
the blood and shit
outlining the
shirt melted
to my back,
and the jagged
gashes that

Rising isn’t

It’s bitter work.

I won’t end.
I won’t rise anew.

I’ll just swallow hard
and take a first step,
hobbling away
a little less
than I had been
Written by Betty
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Tyrant of Words
United States 56awards
Joined 17th Nov 2013
Forum Posts: 180

Bleed out in the Love Ghetto

I didn't want to believe in our love
Because I knew it would go down in flames
You fought really hard for my commitment
Until I gave it to you, then you discarded me
Translation: You threw me out
But kept my heart, my bones on the roadside
Fresh kill
Bleed out in the love ghetto

The joke's on you though babe
I always come back
With scars but smarter
Next time just prostitutes
Transactions consummated
No fault love loss
Everyone wins, no tumors, no malignancy
Written by PoetSpeak
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 13awards
Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245

Rotting Rhymes
Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 15th Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 47

Lost Love's Lament

In moments dark and still of night,
I ponder love's flight, once pure and bright.
The dreams we had, the plans we made,
Now lost in shadows, a bitter trade.

We laughed and held each other tight,
Promising forever, with all our might.
But time slipped by, and we lost our way,
Now left with memories, in disarray.

The moment missed, a chance so rare,
Slipped through our grasp, without a care.
Regret and sorrow, heavy in the air,
Heartbreak's weight, too much to bear.

The time when it went all wrong,
Our once sweet love, now a bitter song.
Words that cut, piercing and strong,
Love's demise, dragging us along.

Pains and tears, a relentless burn,
A heart once whole, now bruised and torn.
The dreams we shared, now distant and forlorn,
Drifting apart, each taking our turn.

Cries of anguish, silent screams,
Echo through the night, haunting our dreams.
Emptiness, shattered schemes,
Leaving us broken, ripped at the seams.

Love, so cruel and unforgiving,
Leaving us wounded, our souls still grieving.
The love that could have been, now buried,
Memories carried, our hearts wearied.

So, we mourn the loss, a love now past,
Bittersweet reminder, meant not to last.
Pain, tears, and cries, echoing loud,
A love once cherished, now just a shroud.
Written by Zombie_B (Rotting Rhymes)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2705

blowing smoke rings in infinity

I'm carving time from ashes
from nothing but smoke
it appears as an emptiness on the horizon
waiting to be captured then bent

the void is endless
minutes become eons
eons become eternity

a neverending blank
tiring is the task of filling that hunger,
the ravaging need of space
it is greedy, swallowing all around it

a black hole, violent and unstable
is its true nature
creation is a sedative
let the blue skies testify
to the grace of God

carefully carving more time for love
in an infinite loop of destruction and truth
evolving patience from nothing

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 3rd Apr 2016
Forum Posts: 28


an earnest plea, the quotations of my soul,
it never led me to that beautiful doll,,
i didnt know the magic, i didnt know the art,
to ask that angel to live beside my heart,,
with every failure, with every fall,
she moved further and i lag behind all,,
slowly slowly as the blue moon waned,
i saw her fading in the monsoon rain,,
and a day came when she was no more,
the tears from my eyes were pouring forth,,
but to my surprise then happened the sunrise,
i wished her good luck in a singing voice,,
u see, here the love paths are  entangled,
some find it near some find it  distant,,
but love shines, it shows its existence,
when u come to live without ur love's presence..
Written by magichearts
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Strange Creature
Joined 6th Apr 2023
Forum Posts: 2

"My Promise"

Through the years, I will try my best,
So that you many not shed more tears through the rest.
For you my love,
Are the one who has brought life into this hollowed breast.
A life without, I can attest is not bearable to say the least
You have brought me so much joy, and so much more.
Please hold onto my words,
For I promise I will work to make you smile rather
Than furrow those beautiful brows in sorrow.

Jared from the Backwoods
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 6th Apr 2023
Forum Posts: 4

opium no. 3

madness, manic, malice
that's just the sense of wonder
wandering through withered
what little piece of myself
can i take off to trade
what pound of flesh
will the pawn shop take
for pay?
how spun can i get for a
or distant memories of
and the happiness it

it has begun
to eat me alive
every pill
every time
i die
i must grit teeth
yet permit to pass
just one more
or i'll spend
another day
somehow shivering
despite the brimstone
in my
willowing away
stay gold, ponyboy
never grow
Written by GreaterPeril (Jared from the Backwoods)
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Jared from the Backwoods
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 6th Apr 2023
Forum Posts: 4

work no. 1

i can't sit still
as i feel
the inside of my hollow skin
fill with fire ants
pins and needles
my hair stands on end
and a cold sweat breaks
across my forehead
i flip over pages
in an abandoned
you can actually see
the exact moment
that the life left my eyes
while i was writing it
i pick up the phone
and the exact tired words
i eat every day
get regurgitated back at me
as a question without form
 i come back every day
and still
if i tell one person
in this room
i won't be able to hide
anywhere anymore
Written by GreaterPeril (Jared from the Backwoods)
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 17th Nov 2021
Forum Posts: 2

Just Another ‘love of my life’

We fell together  
We found love  
By default  
And I know  
I know you love me  
And I truly  
I truly love you  
But I want someone to choose me  
To look at everything I have  
Everything I am  
And decide to have me  
I’m so tired of being a default  
I’m so sick of falling into things, with no forethought  
With no direction  
I think that was the beginning of our end  
The realization that had you known me  
We wouldn’t be here  
You’re infatuated with the idea of me  
But that girl isn’t real  
She doesn’t exist  
And as much as I love you  
I’m not in love with you  
And you deserve so much more  
Than me  
So much more  
Than I can offer  
So much more  
Than I can give you  
You deserve someone to fall so completely in love with you  
As completely in love with you as you are with idea of me  
And she  
Isn’t me
Written by lookingformngick (Taitum)
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Twisted Dreamer
Joined 13th Mar 2023
Forum Posts: 38

It will never end


When you speak
about the warmth
in the middle of
your palms

you will feel how
my piano fingers
tucked slowly
into you,

when you watch
somebody else
climb out of
the shower

with raindrops
dripping down
from their hair

you will recall
how your lips
have waited

to kiss
every drop
off my skin.

Written by neves
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Dangerous Mind
United States 19awards
Joined 8th July 2019
Forum Posts: 941

Death and Clean Laundry

I left your cup
next to the sink -
it’s empty, like me
it needs to be
given a fresh start
but I’m not sure
I believe
in new beginnings

I put your clothes away,
as if freshly starched
shirts and clean socks
will bring you back;
you left your laundry  
in the dryer again,
wrinkling in stagnancy
and weight;
it took me months
to touch it

always in a hurry,
you never even bothered
to say goodbye,
instead you just vanished;
it’s incredulous, like you’ve  
been raptured away
in the middle of a
Wednesday afternoon,
all your worldly
possessions just  
left behind,
like me


Written by LunaGreyhawk (Jenn_Leigh)
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