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This forum post contains content which some readers may find disturbing.
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Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2686
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2686
Poetry Contest Description
Give me your best slasher/horror poem! It IS October...
Need it to be 18 + mods, thanks! <3
Not too long
New writes only
No collabs
Can model your write after a movie and or character
Be gory
Be sexual
Be a Slasher
Be full of horror
Make me want to go to church or see a priest after reading your poem!
3 WEEKS, go!
Not too long
New writes only
No collabs
Can model your write after a movie and or character
Be gory
Be sexual
Be a Slasher
Be full of horror
Make me want to go to church or see a priest after reading your poem!
3 WEEKS, go!

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Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2686
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2686
Thanks for kicking this off Jay! <3 Great entry!
Joined 17th July 2012
Forum Posts: 21
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 21
Wont apologize
I will not apologize if my main squeeze
Is not with whom you are please
Or of whom religion speaks
With the right amount of masculinity
Shaping our forbiden entity
Your feminine nature
Our love they can't waver
When two hearts are becoming one
You and I, their thoughts I shun
Moving to the beat of our own conga drum
Drunken in love
The taste of your suckulent, honey dip, goodness
With the scent of lingering lust on my finger tips,
What hot mess we create when entageled together on that mission
To being the only ones
We are lost in our own world
Your curve lines in my arms I fold
My chocolate covered beauty
In your eyes I could see
I could feel
The virtue of your natural being
Are we less human
because off my tongue rolls your favourite song
Oh my sweet, lets begin
To move to our own rhythm.
Is not with whom you are please
Or of whom religion speaks
With the right amount of masculinity
Shaping our forbiden entity
Your feminine nature
Our love they can't waver
When two hearts are becoming one
You and I, their thoughts I shun
Moving to the beat of our own conga drum
Drunken in love
The taste of your suckulent, honey dip, goodness
With the scent of lingering lust on my finger tips,
What hot mess we create when entageled together on that mission
To being the only ones
We are lost in our own world
Your curve lines in my arms I fold
My chocolate covered beauty
In your eyes I could see
I could feel
The virtue of your natural being
Are we less human
because off my tongue rolls your favourite song
Oh my sweet, lets begin
To move to our own rhythm.
Written by Asani
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Joined 4th May 2022
Forum Posts: 245
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 245
Related submission no longer exists.

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Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2686
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2686
Asani, Jordan awesome entries, thank you! Jay, another great one! Thanks yall!
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1893
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1893
Unearthing Things That Shouldn't Be Unearthed
He’d been traveling through little secluded towns
He’d always been fascinated with this part of the world
That week his tour guide took him to the market
Lined with street vendors and small dark stores
That day he walked into an old curio shop
He skimmed through books written in Arabic
And some that were “ancient transcripts in Aramaic”
At least that was what the translator said
But what caught his eye was a dusty bookshelf in a corner
It had several books and what looked like a large box
When he opened it, the only thing he could think of was
“It looks like a very old Ouija board’
“How much for this?” he asked the translator
The translator asked the shop keeper
The shop keeper looked confused and shocked
As if he didn’t know he had that item in his store
“It’s not for sale” the translator said also sounding confused
“No, he said more than that” the American replied
“No sale, no sale” the old store owner said in broken English
Then said other things to the translator
After some haggling, the American offered so much money
The shop keeper could not refuse the temptation
And as he wrapped the board in an old burlap bag
All the shop keeper said was “careful, careful”
Back home
He looked up translations for the letters in Arabic
So that he and his friends could play the game
And though things seemed to be fun at first
They started experiencing things beyond explanation
They spoke to an entity, who claimed was from Babylon
Who spoke of murder, deceit and ancient worshipping
And as the friends wanted to know more, the entity asked for favors
He asked for gifts, for offerings in order to give them more
And so the friends complied and brought offerings
The entity would tell his story and then ask for more
The entity eventually asked to inhabit a body
So that it could feel physical pleasure once again
After playing the game for weeks
Some of the friends decided to stop playing the game
Which made the entity angry
Each and every one of them began to have bad luck
One had a terrible car accident
One had a mental breakdown
Another lost everything in a house fire
While one’s apartment was flooded
Another lost all his life’s work
The entity kept asking for more offerings
Until of them of them decided to give in…
When the police arrived at the man’s residence
Each officer would step back outside vomiting
Unable to handle the smell of decomposition
Bodies piled up in a bathtub, flayed for display
Surrounded by candles like an altar
And though he hasn’t been seen since
Every now and then a small town goes into lockdown
“Another victim found”
Splayed under a shrine
Then there are reports
Of a strange wild looking man peering through windows
With visceral eyes
But he is looking for another sacrifice
He’d always been fascinated with this part of the world
That week his tour guide took him to the market
Lined with street vendors and small dark stores
That day he walked into an old curio shop
He skimmed through books written in Arabic
And some that were “ancient transcripts in Aramaic”
At least that was what the translator said
But what caught his eye was a dusty bookshelf in a corner
It had several books and what looked like a large box
When he opened it, the only thing he could think of was
“It looks like a very old Ouija board’
“How much for this?” he asked the translator
The translator asked the shop keeper
The shop keeper looked confused and shocked
As if he didn’t know he had that item in his store
“It’s not for sale” the translator said also sounding confused
“No, he said more than that” the American replied
“No sale, no sale” the old store owner said in broken English
Then said other things to the translator
After some haggling, the American offered so much money
The shop keeper could not refuse the temptation
And as he wrapped the board in an old burlap bag
All the shop keeper said was “careful, careful”
Back home
He looked up translations for the letters in Arabic
So that he and his friends could play the game
And though things seemed to be fun at first
They started experiencing things beyond explanation
They spoke to an entity, who claimed was from Babylon
Who spoke of murder, deceit and ancient worshipping
And as the friends wanted to know more, the entity asked for favors
He asked for gifts, for offerings in order to give them more
And so the friends complied and brought offerings
The entity would tell his story and then ask for more
The entity eventually asked to inhabit a body
So that it could feel physical pleasure once again
After playing the game for weeks
Some of the friends decided to stop playing the game
Which made the entity angry
Each and every one of them began to have bad luck
One had a terrible car accident
One had a mental breakdown
Another lost everything in a house fire
While one’s apartment was flooded
Another lost all his life’s work
The entity kept asking for more offerings
Until of them of them decided to give in…
When the police arrived at the man’s residence
Each officer would step back outside vomiting
Unable to handle the smell of decomposition
Bodies piled up in a bathtub, flayed for display
Surrounded by candles like an altar
And though he hasn’t been seen since
Every now and then a small town goes into lockdown
“Another victim found”
Splayed under a shrine
Then there are reports
Of a strange wild looking man peering through windows
With visceral eyes
But he is looking for another sacrifice
Written by wallyroo92
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Joined 20th Oct 2022
Forum Posts: 1
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 1
Beautiful written
Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2686
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2686
Wally, thats awesome! Thanks for the indulgence! Come on peeps only a few more days! Tis the season!
Joined 20th Oct 2022
Forum Posts: 2
Strange Creature
Forum Posts: 2
Wow that was a great poem i could feel where you were going with this one.
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 214
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 214
a knife's too dull
to suit his taste
but razors, love,
will make good haste
on lovely flesh
as soft as down
that cuts like butter
toe to crown
he savors every
moan and scream
it's poetry in
the cutter's dreams
and he hears song
in every tear
in beggar's pleas
and victim's fear
and oh, so sad
when death comes near
he takes a toe
as souvenir
a little joy to compensate
until next time
and he can't wait
to suit his taste
but razors, love,
will make good haste
on lovely flesh
as soft as down
that cuts like butter
toe to crown
he savors every
moan and scream
it's poetry in
the cutter's dreams
and he hears song
in every tear
in beggar's pleas
and victim's fear
and oh, so sad
when death comes near
he takes a toe
as souvenir
a little joy to compensate
until next time
and he can't wait
Written by javalini
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Joined 11th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 2686
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2686
Jav, this was totally on point to what I wanted to read! thank you! lets gooooooo pppppeeeepppps!
Michelle Chelley Rice
Joined 13th Apr 2022
Forum Posts: 8
Michelle Chelley Rice
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 8
Passion for Murder
"Passion for Murder"
Thirsting to commit another ghastly murder
My appetite I must feed it's my eating disorder
Bouquet of human pulp fills up my nostrils
Killing is my calling & I worship it as my gospel
I love calculating my hunt for weak prey
I window shop for flesh put out on display
Subtly I sneak up for the surprise attakk
I silently drag them into shadow's blakk
Chloroform rag to gag mouths left agape
Hog tied & bound, zero chance of escape
Trunk of my car serves quick termination
Prayers & rosary their personal salvation
I drag bodies through night that won't end
Torture I inflicted you can't comprehend
Meticulously carve up every inch of flesh
Serving up my victims cold & very fresh
Decapitated heads trophies on my mantle
No need to donate, blood supply is ample
I evict souls leaving nothing but an echo
I'm drawn from the darkside of shadows
Liver, Fava beans & a very nice chianti
Killing is my business & business is dandy
If you see me coming might wanna hide
It's truly a pleasure to rip out your insides
The Punk Poet…
Always Be Punk…
Always Be Drunk…
(On Poetry)
Written by Thepunkpoet
(Michelle Chelley Rice)
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