Weird Dreams
Ivelina Boneva
Joined 7th Nov 2018
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Ivelina Boneva
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Do you know what causes weird dreams? I've been having a lot of these lately. I noticed that when i got my dream journal. Google says it's either my mental health or something else, but it's the internet, not everything is true,right? Anyways, please tell me your answer in the replies.
Joined 13th Nov 2009
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Tyrant of Words

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Any description for these weird dreams of yours.
Is it the same one each night or do they cover random events?
Dr Google can be a double edged sword, but if you haven't seen this
it seems to contain a dose of common sense (as long as you don't sign up for a new mattress).
Is it the same one each night or do they cover random events?
Dr Google can be a double edged sword, but if you haven't seen this
it seems to contain a dose of common sense (as long as you don't sign up for a new mattress).
Ivelina Boneva
Joined 7th Nov 2018
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Ivelina Boneva
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They are always different, they cover random events and have weird elements. Sometimes they have mentions of anxiety, depression or loneliness. I honestly can't sum them all up with one word. I have a journal for them, but i'd say each time they are different scenarios. Like that one dream where I see people probably pissing out egg yolks. It's really weird. But if you want to hear the whole dream with the egg yolk, I can't say it on this forum, it's too weird. I can only by DM's. So ,yeah, the weird dreams I have are always different. But I do remember dreaming once of falling teeth.
Alistair Plint
Joined 24th July 2012
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Alistair Plint
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A Ripped Blanket Screamed...
"I'm Baack!"
Putin called on a burner, there's a little issue
in a storm water drain,
just south of Munich.
My Russian isn't fluent, it was difficult to decipher.
I heard "balloon" and "ice cream"
militant code words for
and "a cold, sweet, creamy dessert" .
I ran to the local drug store, bought a home pregnancy test
just incase.
My neighbor is a sex therapist,
she said this dream means
I need to re-connect with nature.
I've skinned three fish and a carrot
- the result was still pregnant positive
So I've sent a personal letter
to President Ramaphoza,
congratulating him on becoming
the queen
in July.
The local butcher says
the nightmare means I should eat more bacon.
The alarm clock is ringing insistently
I need to get up.
Written by RevolutionAL
(Alistair Plint)
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I use wierd dreams as a prompt to write them into poetry. This was my last recorded one. But dreams make for awesome poetry. An opportunity to inspire.
Joined 12th July 2013
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The number one cause of dreams is being asleep. I mean no offense I know you're being serious and I'm not but I couldn't resist.
Joined 12th July 2013
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Me personally if I can keep it between 5 or 6 hours I seldom even recall my dreams but between the 6th and 7th hour it becomes very eventful
Miss Indie
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
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Miss Indie
Tyrant of Words

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I believe some dreams are random, some are a reflection of our mental state and the world around us. Even books and shows can influence our dreams. I recently went through and binge watched Bones, but after having reoccurring dreams about decomposing bodies, I took a break.
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
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Some dreams can be just that... dreams, creations of the sleeping, subconscious mind. However! Others can be wholly something of a far more mystical variety. In ancient times... there were some prophets, sybils and oracles who could actually glimpse the future through the medium of their dreams. Some say that dreams can sometimes contain various messages from divine beings... and others say that they can provide glimpses of the afterlife because when you are asleep it is the closest your body can come to while still alive to being near to death. There are even dreams which can "open up" into full on astral journeys or out of body experiences. I have over the years experienced all of the above and more. Even dreams that turned out to contain past life memories and more rarely glimpses of parallel or alternate realities. I have learned how to, at least in my case, distinguish the differences between a normal dream and a more transcendent experience arrived at just past the dream state. Basically, normal dreams will be wackier, more surreal, and sometimes just plain silly or ridiculous. They can even be memories from your present life but in various forms altered subtly by your subconscious. Normal nightmares can be suppressed traumatic memories, or manifestations of your fears. In both cases you can learn a lot about yourself through them. Now in the case of not so normal dreams... ones which you could honestly say are more than just simple dreams... there are various subtle indicators that something is off. Firstly, if you can feel pain or physical pleasure and experience taste, smell, and everything you do when awake... that is the first indication that you are not in Kansas anymore so to speak. You might begin to notice things that you could never associate with your normal life, certain symbols that recur, and certain messages of sorts that are trying to be conveyed. Perhaps you might even hear languages being spoken that you never learned in this life! Or you might glimpse cultures or places that you never knew about. It can be very, very subtle at first! But then things can become more powerful, more profound, and sometimes either more purely elating or more terrifying than anything your subconscious could ever come up with on its' own. If you see or feel a silver cord or an astral tether attached to you during these experiences, then you are no longer dreaming but rather you are out of your body. Likewise, if you suddenly possess wings of either light or shadow (sometimes of flame) but are not flying like in a normal dream. (Although flight CAN occur in these more mystical experiences as well!) Those wings... will be a direct manifestation of your spirit... but, in most normal people's cases there will just be the cord or the tether. In my case, it has always been the wings instead. The wings are what you get in the case of a more evolved person spiritually, someone much closer to divine matters or beings. And that is why they are far rarer. They will not always look like wings, either! They can appear to be projections or rays of light or tendrils of shadow or flame that just happen to resemble the patterns of wings. Anyone can get to that state of being, but most never do sadly. In any case... you will KNOW when it is no longer a dream. There are, out there, lucid dreamers who can know when they are dreaming and actually control the dream because of that. In a more mystical sort of experience, you will never be in control because you are not in your own realm so to speak, but in another realm entirely. Some might feel helpless in such a moment, others far more euphoric. It all depends on the nature of the experience and that place that it is taking place in. There are as many examples I could give, as there are different kinds of people, but one thing is always common to the mystical experience: it will affect you profoundly and can even change your whole outlook on things. A normal dream will never have that same impact due to its' more mundane nature. In both cases, you might be left with a heightened sense of curiosity and a desire to learn more about what you experienced... but for totally different reasons. In a normal dream's case, it could be: "Why did my mind come up with something like that?" while in the case of the more mystical experience it could be: "What did I just experience, and what can I learn from it?" And in both cases... you can learn very important things and grow from it as a person. So, dreams are oft not quite as simple or cut and dry as they might appear! I would suggest having a look at various books or dictionaries of symbols. One useful book that helped me out over the years is one called "The Modern Witch's Book of Symbols". And there are others that are also more related strictly to dreams such as "A Witch's Book of Dreams", which at one point I found to be indispensable. They can tell you various meanings and interpretations to literally hundreds of symbols, objects and themes that you might encounter in your dreams. That covers a great deal of what I know about these sorts of matters, at least from my own experiences over the years... so hopefully that should be enough to get you started on your own journey of self-discovery regarding your dreams... and what they either mean or what lies behind or beyond them. Such things can be quite subjective, so in all cases the meaning that makes most sense to you (use your intuition) is likely where the truth lies hid. 

Camilla Beatriz Flores
Joined 4th June 2022
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Camilla Beatriz Flores
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Kou, that got to be the most extensive and true analysis about dreams I ever read! I'm a witch myself, so a lot of what you talk about there I know about very much. Me, I don't get the silver cord at all, but I do get wings like a crow. Sometimes in some dreams I am a crow, and I fly over all kinds of weird places that look like fluid landscapes, hellscapes, or alien planets. My mother used to tell me it's just dreams good ones and bad. But I knew better! I never read those books you recommend, got my own traditions. But I have studied symbols too! Big fan of Carl Jung, his stuff about archetypes is very good. I think some dreams try to tell us things, just not everyone chooses to listen.
Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Joined 15th Sep 2011
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Karam L. Parveen-Ashton
Tyrant of Words

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Greetings, LaBruja! I've researched Carl Jung quite a bit actually, along with Joseph Campbell and various other scholars who have delved into the realm of the metaphysical either in their philosophies or by way of their research. I used to take out books by such at the local library in the town I used to live at, since they had a very good occult and philosophy section there. I spent so very much time there back when I was younger, doing all sorts of research on mysticism, magic (both theories and practices), spirituality, religion (pretty much every religion), mythology, philosophy, symbolism... you name it. I even read books on archaeology, ancient history and ancient cultures. I also was studying art, poetry, and reading as many of the classics as I had a taste for. Especially visionary writers such as William Blake, John Milton, and Dante Alighieri just to name a few. It was seemed remarkable to me how these great creative minds all found spiritual truths sometimes through the medium of visions, dreams, and other such ecstatic experiences. I found a lot of truth in that, myself. You said you take the form of a crow in your dreams? Interesting! That is probably your spirit animal then. The strangest thing I ever took the form of in a dream was a giant serpent with multiple heads, but that dream also took place in another dimension or plane of existence beyond this one. A place, where human forms can shift into other shapes to reveal a person's true nature. In my case, I have always been aware that the serpent... in ancient cultures... was ever a symbol for wisdom. And I have been called wise by some, although I don't actually see myself as such. I just talk about what I know and try to teach people my own take on various truths. So, I suppose the serpent would be my spirit animal. Dreams definitely have things to teach us, and the more personal the dream the more relevant it is to the individual! I have always paid attention to my dreams, and nightmares, quite intently just in case they reveal something I need to learn. It is a lost art these days, sadly! One well understood by the ancients. Oneiromancy is another form of such arts, the ability to understand spiritual truths through the medium of dreams and nightmares. Vision quests and dream walking is all a part of that stuff... things I have practiced, myself, over the years and taught others various methods of likewise practicing. :)