#NoPoo Book 1 An ode to Gabriel
Forum Posts: 2186
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2186
Ode To West Side Story
West Side Story
A beautiful tale told in all its splendid glory
The Jets and the Sharks
Unexplained eyes of contentment larks only in the dark
Love over honor
Songs of the minds to ponder
Absence to embrace, unity, and desire, makes the heart grow fonder
For me to choose such a cushioning fall
Security of the heart without the protection of the firewall
Dancing hearts in rhythm and rhyme
Stars in motion twinkling as they shine
Two faces of Eve merge from the dust of covetous within the sands of time
Oh my love, enwrap thy heart as I make you mine
Whisper to me such tenderness, catered to my ears
Silken kisses to my lips softy graces my lips from the stratosphere
Serenade me on the whispered calling of the wind
Who dares to say where a Unrequited love story begins or ends
Somewhere, there’s a place for us
Hold my hand and we’re halfway there
A promised oath stamped upon lips, inflaming the fires, the sweetest must
Peace and quiet and open air
Love among blind eyes who has no cares
The scent of me he inhales, my essence he prefers, he smells
Any others throw a coin in the deep wishing well
Or read a book and eyes shall find our love story written upon the pages of a fairy tale
Meet me in Heaven as I shed lover’s tears
Reincarnated as stars dancing among the stratosphere
Souls bathing beyond the warmth of the sun
None as the hands and minds to put asunder
No more love on the run, the lion roars of his kingdom come
A seventh wonder to be under, passionate rains of fire loud as thunder
As we look down on earth and its rumpling demise
West Side Story tells of a forbidden love story that could only be written with the ink of the sky
A beautiful tale told in all its splendid glory
The Jets and the Sharks
Unexplained eyes of contentment larks only in the dark
Love over honor
Songs of the minds to ponder
Absence to embrace, unity, and desire, makes the heart grow fonder
For me to choose such a cushioning fall
Security of the heart without the protection of the firewall
Dancing hearts in rhythm and rhyme
Stars in motion twinkling as they shine
Two faces of Eve merge from the dust of covetous within the sands of time
Oh my love, enwrap thy heart as I make you mine
Whisper to me such tenderness, catered to my ears
Silken kisses to my lips softy graces my lips from the stratosphere
Serenade me on the whispered calling of the wind
Who dares to say where a Unrequited love story begins or ends
Somewhere, there’s a place for us
Hold my hand and we’re halfway there
A promised oath stamped upon lips, inflaming the fires, the sweetest must
Peace and quiet and open air
Love among blind eyes who has no cares
The scent of me he inhales, my essence he prefers, he smells
Any others throw a coin in the deep wishing well
Or read a book and eyes shall find our love story written upon the pages of a fairy tale
Meet me in Heaven as I shed lover’s tears
Reincarnated as stars dancing among the stratosphere
Souls bathing beyond the warmth of the sun
None as the hands and minds to put asunder
No more love on the run, the lion roars of his kingdom come
A seventh wonder to be under, passionate rains of fire loud as thunder
As we look down on earth and its rumpling demise
West Side Story tells of a forbidden love story that could only be written with the ink of the sky
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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NoPoo #138 (05-13-21)
I did not realize how long it has been since I graced here
Forum Posts: 17161
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17161
flowing in my mind
silken threads
on gossamer cloth
your soul woven
within the fibre
heart weeps
it never gets better
the memories of you
poke ducts of tears
watering my heart
embedded on hurt
encased in thorns
its quiet within my being
in four days today
anniversary of you leaving
six months
I haven't stop believing
here...somewhere somehow
You are.
flowing in my mind
silken threads
on gossamer cloth
your soul woven
within the fibre
heart weeps
it never gets better
the memories of you
poke ducts of tears
watering my heart
embedded on hurt
encased in thorns
its quiet within my being
in four days today
anniversary of you leaving
six months
I haven't stop believing
here...somewhere somehow
You are.
Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349
because, character
Don't give up on people.
Return kindness
with kindness.
Tell. The. Truth.
Have a glorious sense of humor,
about all things.
Don't ascribe to adolescent drama.
Making mistakes is human.
Remember that while accepting others
will always make mistakes too.
Try to forgive that which isn't inherently evil.
Bask in humility.
... and always be brave...
So brave that fear
could never shield honesty.
Because there's unmitigated
honor in being real.
To become better
To be better
My heart
is willing enough—
Is yours?
#Nopoo (#183)
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6107
Tyrant of Words

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lepperochan said:
to that end I would plead to anyone who has the commitment to gather all the names to do it, it would be class
Here’s a list of everyone who has contributed at least one poem. In alphabetical order, because I couldn’t sleep and we all know I go moist over organisation.
💯 = people who have gone over the 100 contributions mark
AspergerPoet56 💯
BlueVelvete 💯
Grace 💯
Northern_Soul 💯
Ricky (on various profiles)
Souladareatease (in spirit 🎸)
Sweetkittycat5 💯
Can we have a theme hashtag from the web lady? It would be great to be able to theme tag our offerings as I think we are all posting to our personal poetry pages anyway
to that end I would plead to anyone who has the commitment to gather all the names to do it, it would be class
Here’s a list of everyone who has contributed at least one poem. In alphabetical order, because I couldn’t sleep and we all know I go moist over organisation.

💯 = people who have gone over the 100 contributions mark
AspergerPoet56 💯
BlueVelvete 💯
Grace 💯
Northern_Soul 💯
Ricky (on various profiles)
Souladareatease (in spirit 🎸)
Sweetkittycat5 💯
Can we have a theme hashtag from the web lady? It would be great to be able to theme tag our offerings as I think we are all posting to our personal poetry pages anyway

Joined 1st Apr 2011
Forum Posts: 14643
Guardian of Shadows

Forum Posts: 14643
I feel like the shoemaker from the elf and the shoemaker 😂
thinks so much, Lady
I feel like the shoemaker from the elf and the shoemaker 😂
thinks so much, Lady
Forum Posts: 17161
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17161
Peyton Place
childhood memories
made me remember
how we laughed
remember Flamingo Road
and Monty Python
...nudge nudge wink wink...say no more!
Peyton Place
childhood memories
made me remember
how we laughed
remember Flamingo Road
and Monty Python
...nudge nudge wink wink...say no more!

<< post removed >>
Forum Posts: 2186
Tyrant of Words
Joined 5th Sep 2018 
Forum Posts: 2186
Ode To Aretha Franklin
A word which defines a woman’s creed at best
Separating our femininity from the rest
The bearer, the fruit carrier
The forgiver, the nine months deliverer
The stress reliever
The spiritual trinity believer
No matter if our skirts are too short too high
A wounded Dove still flies when her heart cries
Strong minded
For the women who have lost their way, the tides will ultimately bind
You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman
With whip cream on top for the licky licky under my sexual command
Hearts soaring, weakening rapture refuses to stop
If I close my eyes and reach out my hand
Will you close yours and take my body to a faraway land
Could you, would you, whisper sweet sentiments in my ear
Only my blind heart, my open mind can hear
Love All The Hurt Away
Comfort me through all this madness as we mental play
Your sword upheld when vultures fly and swoop my way
Blending our bodies, loving me so gently from head to toe
God, it feels so good as we’re mending our beautiful souls
Passion ascending higher and higher the desires of Heaven our climatic goal
I Knew You Were Waiting For Me
Soft words bringing me to my knees
Your precocious heart, you gave me to please
I love it when our captive emotions naturally flees
You always allow my inner Chi to be
Mental energy in me you gloriously set free
A Change Gonna Come
Ordained union from above past the infinity of the sun
How do you resist love when it's already been won
Queen of Soul honeyed dipped in peace
Love notes of eternity will continue on as you can see
You have left a void no other can ever fill
No one will ever fit the bill
May you pass on your sultry gift of your truncheon poetic lyrics as I continue to let love instill
Undulated as the flow of my bearer, universal love always distilled
Aretha Franklin, Queen Of Soul
A word which defines a woman’s creed at best
Separating our femininity from the rest
The bearer, the fruit carrier
The forgiver, the nine months deliverer
The stress reliever
The spiritual trinity believer
No matter if our skirts are too short too high
A wounded Dove still flies when her heart cries
Strong minded
For the women who have lost their way, the tides will ultimately bind
You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman
With whip cream on top for the licky licky under my sexual command
Hearts soaring, weakening rapture refuses to stop
If I close my eyes and reach out my hand
Will you close yours and take my body to a faraway land
Could you, would you, whisper sweet sentiments in my ear
Only my blind heart, my open mind can hear
Love All The Hurt Away
Comfort me through all this madness as we mental play
Your sword upheld when vultures fly and swoop my way
Blending our bodies, loving me so gently from head to toe
God, it feels so good as we’re mending our beautiful souls
Passion ascending higher and higher the desires of Heaven our climatic goal
I Knew You Were Waiting For Me
Soft words bringing me to my knees
Your precocious heart, you gave me to please
I love it when our captive emotions naturally flees
You always allow my inner Chi to be
Mental energy in me you gloriously set free
A Change Gonna Come
Ordained union from above past the infinity of the sun
How do you resist love when it's already been won
Queen of Soul honeyed dipped in peace
Love notes of eternity will continue on as you can see
You have left a void no other can ever fill
No one will ever fit the bill
May you pass on your sultry gift of your truncheon poetic lyrics as I continue to let love instill
Undulated as the flow of my bearer, universal love always distilled
Aretha Franklin, Queen Of Soul
Written by SweetKittyCat5
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NoPoo #139 (05-14-21)
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1904
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1904
(NoPoo 184) Political Suicide
They came to point the finger
Where your indiscretions linger
They took your name
Underlined it with shame
What’s the frequency on the dial
Listen to the poisonous bile
Politicians have us beat
Look at the pamphlets on the street
It’s not our fault the cry
Still no European goodbye
Even in this internet age
We couldn’t see the coming wreckage
Caught up in the leaver’s tide
Is it economic suicide
Election time again
Just vote for the one with less stain
They came to point the finger
Where your indiscretions linger
They took your name
Underlined it with shame
What’s the frequency on the dial
Listen to the poisonous bile
Politicians have us beat
Look at the pamphlets on the street
It’s not our fault the cry
Still no European goodbye
Even in this internet age
We couldn’t see the coming wreckage
Caught up in the leaver’s tide
Is it economic suicide
Election time again
Just vote for the one with less stain
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6107
Tyrant of Words

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Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1904
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1904
(NoPoo 185) World Of Delete
The power of persecution
Is all this replicant sees
Human in all but name
The mutant standard
In this world of delete
The power of persecution
Is all this replicant sees
Human in all but name
The mutant standard
In this world of delete

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Joined 21st July 2020
Forum Posts: 2349
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 2349
a voice hums
reverberating splendour
while chests ache
of shared curiosity
punctuated by
distant thunder
upon this,
our declaration
of beats
heady in laughter
#Nopoo (#184)
Forum Posts: 17161
Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17161
Answer my whispers
In the darkness of my gloom
reach out and touch me
let your scent linger
brighten this dark room
with your presence
speak words that will soothe
this aching heart
Answer my whispers
In the darkness of my gloom
reach out and touch me
let your scent linger
brighten this dark room
with your presence
speak words that will soothe
this aching heart
Joined 10th Jan 2021
Forum Posts: 6107
Tyrant of Words

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Related submission no longer exists.