Poetry competition CLOSED 26th June 2020 3:14am
Grace (IDryad)
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First Love

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 760

Thank you Mandihulsey1509, ManorMyth, Jermainesplain, Grace, Austin_Flank, anvinvil, and Thetravelingfairy for your entries. Keep them coming!

Tyrant of Words
United States 151awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1845

The Far Unknown

You know the feeling in your stomach
When your heart races a little fast
Your body temperature goes up
Not knowing the emotion is going to last
But what do we know at twelve?
And as the years pass and we grow up
The feeling lingers for a while longer
The heart palpitations signal something
As a friendship grows even stronger
But what do we know at thirteen?
Adolescence cements these relations
Foundations found deep inside the heart
We build a dream with great expectations
But are too scared to have it torn apart
But what do we know at fourteen?
Until one day we find the courage
To declare what we feel is for real
Only to hear that we’ll always be friends
But those words are never so ideal
But what do we know at fifteen?
As we grow older and a little smarter
It’s harder to keep in line to those terms
But the sentiment remains in the dark
At the core because sometimes it burns
But what do we know at sixteen?
And as others come into our lives
That friendship becomes a small ember
Still warm and glowing in the shadows
Aching and longing to be remembered
But what do we know at seventeen?
Yet as young adults we make decisions
It’s not an easy being in the friendzone
So we seek our happiness somewhere else
And launch ourselves into the far unknown
But what do we know at eighteen?
And like two sailing ships in the night
Our vessels crossed paths once again
In admiration of what became our lives
But my journey into space was about to begin
But what did I know at twenty-eight?
It was only then I heard the message  
Coming in clear and through
It was too late, I’m in the far unknown
Fate tends to do that to you
That’s all I know at forty-five
Written by wallyroo92
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Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 828

1 of 1

Traveling within your shadowy wind
Cloak abstruse draws inner twilight
Wink on later time's secret holy end
Archaic stream soul serum arc light
Woman proffers one holy waterfall
Allow spirit flow within cryptic blood
Convert soul burn from lifeless rain
An opaque path draws a flash flood
Watery rhyme douse marrow flame
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Lost Thinker
Joined 20th Mar 2020
Forum Posts: 9

*93 million miles*

His warmth takes 8 minutes to reach my face
Not hard to differentiate
Love from lust
Just like the Midas touch
Take my dreams and turn it into reality

93 million miles

When he lays down to rest
The reflection of his divine nature can still be seen from the soft light of the moon
In my room
I sit and reflect

93 million miles

Bringing into existence an understanding that only the two of us can see
The distance may seem so far
But you are always right here with me

93 million miles…
Written by sincerity_earth
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Dangerous Mind
United Kingdom 41awards
Joined 1st Jan 2018
Forum Posts: 843

Virus of love

Eternity grows like an old mans beard
and it's srings still tied in a ponytail behind
philosophy and poery broken citidels
for each word that I composed

Dreams just chalked on sidewalks
the footfall past the broken neon sign
and hordings ripped with empty hate
just graffiti, art the heart can't fake

Dancing hope just to see her pass
lamplight of her smile
a virus strike, her presence
and gasp for breath in silence
Written by slipalong
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Casey Brock
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 9th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 11


WordScape (Casey Brock)
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Casey Brock
Lost Thinker
United States
Joined 9th Sep 2017
Forum Posts: 11


WordScape (Casey Brock)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 760

Thank you wallyroo92, runaway-mindtrain, sincerity_earth, slipalong and WordScape for your entries.

Fire of Insight
United States 2awards
Joined 16th Feb 2020
Forum Posts: 90

First love...

She’s like a breeze in springtime
her eyes like pools of blue
her hair like wheat in sunshine
it shines like morning dew.

her footsteps soft as winter snows
her touch is soft as kittens fur
her smile is like the sun just rose
and shadows bound that regal nose.

But the voice, so soft, so like a song
the ships of yore drawn to that shore
her lips that sing and call to me
I’m drawn to her, I resist no more.

We kiss, I’m lost, my mind explodes
I’m doomed like ships, within her spell
The world is gone, and I am left
to hold the kiss, the wishing well.
Written by anvinvil (Anvillan)
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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
Joined 25th Jan 2019
Forum Posts: 92


swiping right, swiping left, eventually a match
the conversation starts with Game of Thrones
the Hilton, the Temple, the red wine and catch
two months we waited, horniness to the bones

carefree as a bee, a feeling special to me
the intimacy I feel, will she forever see
passion runs deep, mutually we agree
never to be hurt from the bygone tree

such charming powers she has, a pleasantry
seductive, alluring and sexy, she’s heavenly
powerful, confident and fearless, a destiny
hours and hours, fornication was ecstacy

euphoric, intoxicating, and invigorating
the time spent together was something
the connection that I feel being together
intensely passionate, all kind of weather

the demeanour with gracious eloquence
the desire is not without a consequence
the rush of passion and lust so powerful
the carnal pleasures forever’s wonderful

seeing is believing, but not everything’s true
fantasy slips away, in reality I have no clue
was it selfishness, or honesty that’s abused
spilt of a moment, felling that i’ve been used

the repeated fetish towards mental intelligence
from flames of trust to an emotional dependence
as the seasons change, her true feeling change
time comes when two adults act totally strange

reality did disappear, then fantasy was successful
this world of reality has become awfully stressful
bodies always in union, granted was the attention
now never together, will there ever be satisfaction

was easy to become victim of my own illusions
sexual fantasies, multiple orgasmic confusions
addicted to the sensuality and loving expressions
and in this quiet moment, i pen these confessions
Written by XiaoLong
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Dangerous Mind
India 17awards
Joined 25th June 2011
Forum Posts: 681


Leave it be,
that sordid gesture of heartfelt calamities,
of dissipation and destruction
withering slowly in your cancerous shell.
Save them for a day when you are honest.
without strings and staples
lewdly arched over the bed
invaded and compromised
like Madame Christmas, 10 years ago.
This is your moment,
a violation of virtue,
to become my one and only,
only to become one of my regrets.
Maybe if you didn't care,
even if you did, why would you after all this?
To payback a heart break from 10 years ago?
I hope you're happy now.
Having impaled my love on your lover's phallus
who feasts on your angelic skin.
Do you think of me when he caresses you?
Shed a tear in silent regret?
Maybe I'd cry if you let me know,
leave it be.
Written by 13
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 11th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 44

When last we met

When men recall and due reflect
And find that love does not elect
Nor praise, nor damn, nor set men free
The heart begins to beat for thee

It keeps no wrong, nor shackles pain
Nor breathes it's holy breath in vain
For love is love, and always will be
A jolt of thee in memory

And if you drive the poet's rhyme
I fain would ask to tell the time
For time will tell, and we shall see
If love was right for us to be
My darling,
Written by EleazarSwan
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poet Anonymous

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Thought Provoker
United States
Joined 24th Apr 2020
Forum Posts: 25

the “only” first one

she was a little one,  
about 5 foot and none,
she had a sweet smell to her..  
sorta smelled like a plum,
her front teeth were bucked a bit,  
she used to suck her thumb,  
she was the only thing in the neighborhood
that I didn’t think was dumb,
she was like having a loaf of bread
when you’re used to having a crumb,  
(I guess you’d have to be poor like us
to really understand that one)
she was an old soul at four and teen,  
her attitude was sweet and sour mean,
her budding body had grown eye popping,
my mid teen wet dream beauty queen..  
some people called it puppy love
because we were innocent and young,  
I would agree wholeheartedly
if it wasn’t for the adult like fun
young people love just as hard
when innocents is on the run
I will love and remember “V” always...
she is the “one and only” first one
Written by OG-Poetry
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