Poetry competition CLOSED 26th April 2020 8:37pm
View Profile Poems by javalini

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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Poetry Contest

Write about a superstition you have. No rules, but be genuine.

Recently, I was awarded my 77th DU win.  What a great number.  If I were to change my name to a number, it would be 77.  I’m very superstitious when it comes to numerology and 77 is so damn lucky.  

Seventy-Seven has traditionally been considered a powerful spiritual number.  It is featured prominently in the Quran, and because Jesus said we should forgive others 77x7, the number 77 was often used as codex to represent Christ during the Roman persecutions.

Maybe that’s why I love 77 so.  Even my friends and family will tell you that I need all the forgiveness I can get.   Consequently, I’ll be asking the webmistress not to award me anymore trophies for wins or critiques.  I want to leave my number at 77.

How could I not?   As far as I’m concern my ticket to Hell is numbered 78 and I want to keep on tripping down 77 Sunset Strip.  For those of you who are too know of what I speak, follow the YouTube link.


So, what’s your superstation?  Tell us about it.  Inquiring minds want to know, just how crazy you actually are.  Maybe we'll discover there’s someone on DU more nuts than me.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 31st Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 3572

Please see my reply in your other thread on this...

You shall understand *why* it was considered an important number...

As well , as I told Brian Greene , on the phone...

The multiverse , is 44 to the seventy seventh power , bits of information...

Which was represented as :

77 = God

44 = Blood

Just saying...;)

So 77 *is* a most auspicious number !

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Thank you, dark Lobo!🐺

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 16777

Rainbow Tale

when the world was young
and colours were clear
when nature sung
songs that one could hear

twas said
when the sun shines
while it rains
the wind blows cold
when its warm
when man stands on solid ground
there will be harmony
and the worlds will become one

the axle of the world
will stop and align
allowing folks of parallel worlds
to stand together briefly
to see with unclouded eyes
colours of rainbows reflect on man

beware that time
for it was said
when man and rainbow folks
meet to war or mate
flesh of man will melt away
when rainbow people triumph
colours will turn to grey
if Rainbow Folks choose
to go man's way

Should man be caught
on such a day
pray, put a sprig of green
upon your hat or hair
and speak you must
bother me not, o passing sprite
we are the same
you and I
for we stand on equal ground

to this day I put a sprig of green
upon my hat when rainbow
curves the sky
on a warm drizzly day.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Rex, may I suggest something to mitigate your fear to urinate; exfoliate.💈  

Thanks for kicking things off.✂️

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 23awards
Joined 19th Aug 2012
Forum Posts: 625

Superstitions in Limericks

What lovely day is it today
Friday thirteenth I hear you say
Bad luck for some
Keep out of the sun
And wait until it is Saturday
I once found an old horse shoe
Hung it on the wall, as you do
The luck escaped
Because I had draped
It open side down and askew
Be careful with that mirror
To break it will bring horror
Shattered and broken
Be more than heartbroken
Your luck will shrink to a glimmer
When you sneeze you may be blessed
Your evil spirits have regressed
Spread your germs
Science confirms
You really should be cursed
A wish bone is not lucky for chickens
The way  they're treated really sickens
Killed, plucked and cooked
Welfare over looked
All that is left are the pickings
Written by gardenlover
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

I never knew a Magpie's song was so profound resounding with an intense sound.

Fire of Insight
United States 17awards
Joined 4th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 213


that penny bears a wicked curse  
a heavy debt  
an empty purse  
a broken heart  
a heavy load  
warts and cankers  
cancerous nodes  
karmic tangles  
guilty woes  
fungus, fever  
bleakest lows  
tremors, tics  
or balding pate  
empty plates  
if you find it  
let it lay  
better luck  
will come your way
Written by javalini
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Move over Lord of the Rings.  There's a new book series called Rainbow Wars.  

Grace, while reading your poem, I visualized every verse.  Thank you for sharing your beautiful universe.

Fire of Insight
United States
Joined 21st Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 122

Break your momma's back

Step on a crack
Break your momma's back
Dang, how deranged can we be
Throwing salt over my shoulder  
Where's the pepper to throw
After all salt and pepper are a pair
Don't break that mirror  
7-years of bad luck  
Is a lot to bear
Black cat crossing your path
Better hone up
On that witchcraft stuff
Walking under a ladder
Makes for long prayer vigiles
To close the triangle
Not being superstitious
Hard to fathom the process
Internalizing the nature
Superstitions today
Seems useless and nonsensical  
Oh dear, think I better pray
Written by elsiesan
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Twisted Dreamer
United States 2awards
Joined 17th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 17

Mind creates anew

Spiritual not naturally  
Screw loose lost strategy  
convinced casually leave reality  
Told my therapist
I’m bored and suppressed  
Want to forget and leave what’s left
Shock faded then she replied  
picture a improved you
Stopped mid sentence hour was up

So my Mind creates anew,
but With Lesser issues
HE Won’t Bury ME,  
But I want him to
Time to Time HE begs
Please, cry for ME  
agreed only if I could
Be presentable nice suit  
Neck in a noose
Tie knots no second thoughts  
But WE Lost OUR geography  
stop wondering where I am
Follow ME In the dark
No care, stop asking how I am
escape reality it’s only mental stability
Soon you won’t remember US  
Maybe then Everything Will be Fine  
Don’t tell god  
Don’t tell the devil
Don’t tell anyone  
This is MY time  
to get away from ME
Written by 0UTPUT_a_AURA (rushing._RUMOR.s)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 11awards
Joined 9th May 2019
Forum Posts: 1061

Are You Superstitious?

it was a Friday the
a day like any other

blackie the  
cat walked  

threw me off  
balance and  
i stepped on a crack  
tripped me up  
so i bumped  
the ladder  
as i stumbled under  
the paint pail fell  
and whacked  
me in the head  
the ladder tipped  
over into the  
wall and  
shattered the mirror  
now i have  
thirteen stitches  
and my arm’s in a cast  
seven years of bad luck  
coming my way  
worst of all  
i can’t find my cat  
so if you have  
a grain of salt  
take it  
even if  
you’re not  
Written by Kinkpoet
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

elsiesan, I loved the way your work ended.

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