Who do you think you are?
Joined 13th Nov 2019
Forum Posts: 18
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 18
This is ME
Kind, fun, caring, smart
Imagination drawn in beautiful art.
Grace given without debt
Instantly decide the hurt to forget.
Surrounded by positivity, gratitude and joy
Speaking words to enrich and never destroy
Conscious of nature in all its glory
Proud to live my individual story
Not deterred by establishments rule,
Kind to animals, never cruel.
Welcome, adventure knocking at the door.
Embrace any chance to explore
Forging a unique path
Glass always full, never half
Practising unconditional love
Believing in the force living above
Steadfast in my beliefs,
Comforting others in moments in of grief.
What is wealth if friendships are hollow?
Give me connections and money borrowed
In years to come and my light fades
Peace I'll enjoy knowing, from my path I never swayed.
Imagination drawn in beautiful art.
Grace given without debt
Instantly decide the hurt to forget.
Surrounded by positivity, gratitude and joy
Speaking words to enrich and never destroy
Conscious of nature in all its glory
Proud to live my individual story
Not deterred by establishments rule,
Kind to animals, never cruel.
Welcome, adventure knocking at the door.
Embrace any chance to explore
Forging a unique path
Glass always full, never half
Practising unconditional love
Believing in the force living above
Steadfast in my beliefs,
Comforting others in moments in of grief.
What is wealth if friendships are hollow?
Give me connections and money borrowed
In years to come and my light fades
Peace I'll enjoy knowing, from my path I never swayed.
Written by JOY
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Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 765
Who Will I Be?
Some say I came into the world with fire
In my veins and the truth in my heart.
If one stands close enough they can see
And feel the emotions, including desire
I wear on my sleeve every day. I start
From scratch because it is who I will be,
And become. They see that fire turns into
Water, something calm below the surface.
To them I am God because they think I have
That much power, but I am only like the blue
And calm sky. I am the raindrops they trace
With their silky fingertips and as they halve
Their love they are born with I am there as
A reminder to be gentle, yet free. Kind yet
Brave. Smart yet balanced. Happy yet elated.
Because I know the fire and I know the topaz
Flames. I know pain. I know the burnt cigarette
And I certainly know how much the world waited.
In my veins and the truth in my heart.
If one stands close enough they can see
And feel the emotions, including desire
I wear on my sleeve every day. I start
From scratch because it is who I will be,
And become. They see that fire turns into
Water, something calm below the surface.
To them I am God because they think I have
That much power, but I am only like the blue
And calm sky. I am the raindrops they trace
With their silky fingertips and as they halve
Their love they are born with I am there as
A reminder to be gentle, yet free. Kind yet
Brave. Smart yet balanced. Happy yet elated.
Because I know the fire and I know the topaz
Flames. I know pain. I know the burnt cigarette
And I certainly know how much the world waited.
Written by eswaller
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Joined 30th Sep 2014
Forum Posts: 72
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 72
Tears Of A Broken Soul
My heart ache as you break me away
You walk out on me
Left without having any words to say
My love had expire
Sour like apples
In my feelings
I felt like i'm going to be sick
Tears falling down my face
My heart is broken
This hate I cannot erase
Without even having any words to be spoken
Tears of a broken soul
This pain doesn't seem to subside
With the true emotions you always try to hide
There is nothing left to do
But die from the tears of a broken soul
I thought love suppose to be true
This was all a lie
I thought this was meant to be
Everytime I look in the mirror I see me
You walk out on me
Left without having any words to say
My love had expire
Sour like apples
In my feelings
I felt like i'm going to be sick
Tears falling down my face
My heart is broken
This hate I cannot erase
Without even having any words to be spoken
Tears of a broken soul
This pain doesn't seem to subside
With the true emotions you always try to hide
There is nothing left to do
But die from the tears of a broken soul
I thought love suppose to be true
This was all a lie
I thought this was meant to be
Everytime I look in the mirror I see me
Written by MalcolmJThePoet
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Joined 17th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 17
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 17
Live a little more
I don’t feel alive
Sitting on the couch
No one calling
Nothing on tv
Focus on my breathing
Decide who’s deceiving
Disguise who I’m being
Dream who I could be again
Describe how I’m feeling
Prescribed to feel again
Only to stare at the ceiling
Blank face in my mirror begs
If I’m already dead
I should start living
Stop caring while
I can be me again
Until then
I crawl out my grave
And try
A little harder than before
I’ll live
Live a little more
Might Fall on my knees
Beg god please
But I’ll Breathe in the new
I don’t want to feel
possessed by this feeling
Wanna do what’s next
while I’m stealing air breathing
I don’t know where
I’m going to stay
when all this goes away
No memories or thoughts
So I’m going to start living a little more
Sitting on the couch
No one calling
Nothing on tv
Focus on my breathing
Decide who’s deceiving
Disguise who I’m being
Dream who I could be again
Describe how I’m feeling
Prescribed to feel again
Only to stare at the ceiling
Blank face in my mirror begs
If I’m already dead
I should start living
Stop caring while
I can be me again
Until then
I crawl out my grave
And try
A little harder than before
I’ll live
Live a little more
Might Fall on my knees
Beg god please
But I’ll Breathe in the new
I don’t want to feel
possessed by this feeling
Wanna do what’s next
while I’m stealing air breathing
I don’t know where
I’m going to stay
when all this goes away
No memories or thoughts
So I’m going to start living a little more
Written by 0UTPUT_a_AURA
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Joined 3rd Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 86
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 86
Here I am a change man due to an situation that became beyond my own control but yet it is that one situation, that changed my life forever as it became a health issue that I didnt even knew exist, for you see lets start from the beginning of that journey 17 years ago for the date was Dec 19 2002.
It was in the wee hours of the morning just like another raising of the sun when I awaken to start my day but yet to my own surprise, a shape pain run up my spine grabbing me with an unexplainable hurting pain till it bought tears to my own eyes, leaving me in a fetus position unable to move due to the shapeness of pain that run up my spine. As I laid there waiting to be taken to the hospital all kinds of thoughts were running endlessly through the mere depth of my mind and for the life of me I couldnt figure out why, well after the MIR and CT SCAN I was inform that I would need to be rush to surgery to repair my spine for a spinal infusion as I was inform that I may not ever walk again.
As that thought sinked into the vortex of my mind I saw my life through a different set of eyes, even as the tears fell down my face asking WHY is this happening to me but upon my awakening from the surgery, that fact became truth spoken indeed for there I laid unable to move my legs facing a life bound within a wheel chair with therapy awaiting me for my future life cycle. But yet as the reality settle in my mind I was determined to walk again on my own strenght of power, for the me that I was never believed in giving up so on Dec 24 2002 I was sent home for recovery cause I didnt wanted to spend xmas even in the hospital, for I was already feeling the depression setting in my mind as well as my soul.
But through deep determination and the help from the most highest spiritual soul and good kindred souls those 3 years, were the most painful years of my life for you see I was determined to walk again by any means necessary, so through therapy and time to heal I achieved that goal to walk again on my own for its been 17 years since that time and I still am walking now only difference I walk with a cane now as I have been bless to continue to have LIFE.
It was in the wee hours of the morning just like another raising of the sun when I awaken to start my day but yet to my own surprise, a shape pain run up my spine grabbing me with an unexplainable hurting pain till it bought tears to my own eyes, leaving me in a fetus position unable to move due to the shapeness of pain that run up my spine. As I laid there waiting to be taken to the hospital all kinds of thoughts were running endlessly through the mere depth of my mind and for the life of me I couldnt figure out why, well after the MIR and CT SCAN I was inform that I would need to be rush to surgery to repair my spine for a spinal infusion as I was inform that I may not ever walk again.
As that thought sinked into the vortex of my mind I saw my life through a different set of eyes, even as the tears fell down my face asking WHY is this happening to me but upon my awakening from the surgery, that fact became truth spoken indeed for there I laid unable to move my legs facing a life bound within a wheel chair with therapy awaiting me for my future life cycle. But yet as the reality settle in my mind I was determined to walk again on my own strenght of power, for the me that I was never believed in giving up so on Dec 24 2002 I was sent home for recovery cause I didnt wanted to spend xmas even in the hospital, for I was already feeling the depression setting in my mind as well as my soul.
But through deep determination and the help from the most highest spiritual soul and good kindred souls those 3 years, were the most painful years of my life for you see I was determined to walk again by any means necessary, so through therapy and time to heal I achieved that goal to walk again on my own for its been 17 years since that time and I still am walking now only difference I walk with a cane now as I have been bless to continue to have LIFE.
Written by Stoney223
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Daniel Long
Joined 26th Nov 2018
Forum Posts: 220
Daniel Long
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 220
Psyche of the Dark Poet
Sanity is an unsympathetic creature lurking in our blind spots.
If the dusky rays of Gothic art can’t cast out this relentless foe,
Then our gift of imagination and will of expressionism
will ignite its stalking shadow with a vengeance.
I’m proud to be of another psyche.
Without it, would we write
with such metaphorical beauty?
I think not.
In fact,
all these words
would be ordinary.
The hell with ordinary!
I want my head to whirl around without the sense
of what is in front or in back of me.
Can a head spin 360 degrees?
Imagination could.
It can turn this head again and again
until it screws off its spine and lands by my feet.
Even then, I’m not spitting dirt,
I’m chewing what the world has discarded,
Whether it be taboo or the unspeakable,
it belongs to me.
My words, my feelings, my thoughts,
there’s no defined script for imagination.
Latch the hooks into our mouths
with what you think is true
but they will not open for you
or in a way in which you’d perceive.
The distinct silhouette of reality will be within sight,
the metaphor, however;
will have a shadow which blends
into the most potent of light.
Wherever the creature may lie,
its white eyes illuminated in some dark shadow.
Now and again
its claws sting the outer reaches of my body.
If the dusky rays of Gothic art can’t cast out this relentless foe,
Then our gift of imagination and will of expressionism
will ignite its stalking shadow with a vengeance.
I’m proud to be of another psyche.
Without it, would we write
with such metaphorical beauty?
I think not.
In fact,
all these words
would be ordinary.
The hell with ordinary!
I want my head to whirl around without the sense
of what is in front or in back of me.
Can a head spin 360 degrees?
Imagination could.
It can turn this head again and again
until it screws off its spine and lands by my feet.
Even then, I’m not spitting dirt,
I’m chewing what the world has discarded,
Whether it be taboo or the unspeakable,
it belongs to me.
My words, my feelings, my thoughts,
there’s no defined script for imagination.
Latch the hooks into our mouths
with what you think is true
but they will not open for you
or in a way in which you’d perceive.
The distinct silhouette of reality will be within sight,
the metaphor, however;
will have a shadow which blends
into the most potent of light.
Wherever the creature may lie,
its white eyes illuminated in some dark shadow.
Now and again
its claws sting the outer reaches of my body.
Written by gothicsurrealism
(Daniel Long)
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Joined 5th May 2015
Forum Posts: 93
Thought Provoker

Forum Posts: 93
Today I realize
Angels are here with me
This city just won't let me be
The wicked are always at my door
They keep crying out for more
I'm trapped in the beginning of the end
I can't see my blessings, Just my sins
Voices echoing in my head
They say don't look back my friend
Leave here before you're dead
Her memory blows like the salt in the wind
Here on this mountain
There's no peace within me
I pray for you to set me free
Everything I can't remember
They took from me in disgrace
In their attempt to save the human race
Find your future from the past
For the salt will forever last
Life is not a compromise
Keep on moving leave it behind
By faith you’ll only realize
Her memory blows like the salt in the wind
Angels are here with me
This city just won't let me be
The wicked are always at my door
They keep crying out for more
I'm trapped in the beginning of the end
I can't see my blessings, Just my sins
Voices echoing in my head
They say don't look back my friend
Leave here before you're dead
Her memory blows like the salt in the wind
Here on this mountain
There's no peace within me
I pray for you to set me free
Everything I can't remember
They took from me in disgrace
In their attempt to save the human race
Find your future from the past
For the salt will forever last
Life is not a compromise
Keep on moving leave it behind
By faith you’ll only realize
Her memory blows like the salt in the wind
Written by buddydog
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Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 348
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 348
I am an Empath
I can feel what you feel
my empathy intense
be it grief or bliss
grateful for this sense
I can conjure serenity
steadiness reassured
offering compassion
your peace of mind secured
I can absorb your emotions
inherently for me to own
sometimes it is pleasure
on occasion, despair’s chaperone
I can know your chaos
but manifest neutrality
ease your suffering
intuition my normality
I can perceive the whole of you
possessing an ability to lift
while the toxic may be my curse
your love and kindness are my gift
my empathy intense
be it grief or bliss
grateful for this sense
I can conjure serenity
steadiness reassured
offering compassion
your peace of mind secured
I can absorb your emotions
inherently for me to own
sometimes it is pleasure
on occasion, despair’s chaperone
I can know your chaos
but manifest neutrality
ease your suffering
intuition my normality
I can perceive the whole of you
possessing an ability to lift
while the toxic may be my curse
your love and kindness are my gift
Written by mel44
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Joined 10th Dec 2019
Forum Posts: 940
Fire of Insight

Forum Posts: 940
Since You Asked
A dreamer
A lover
Loyal to the core
A sheep Dog
A warrior
Still fighting the war
Lingering in my head
Those demons buried deep
Seeping from locked boxes
And stealing my sleep
A friend
An enemy
Which one is up to you
A lion
A pit bull
Holding on 'til I am through
I have trouble letting in
And even more letting go
Protector to those close
Nightmare to my foes
A person
A human
Trying to be a normal guy
An ambivert
A Drunk
Who loves drinking rye
So who am I
This is what you want to know
I am a lil bit of everything
With epic highs, devastating lows
A lover
Loyal to the core
A sheep Dog
A warrior
Still fighting the war
Lingering in my head
Those demons buried deep
Seeping from locked boxes
And stealing my sleep
A friend
An enemy
Which one is up to you
A lion
A pit bull
Holding on 'til I am through
I have trouble letting in
And even more letting go
Protector to those close
Nightmare to my foes
A person
A human
Trying to be a normal guy
An ambivert
A Drunk
Who loves drinking rye
So who am I
This is what you want to know
I am a lil bit of everything
With epic highs, devastating lows
Written by Wh1skeySwagger
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DU Webmistress
DU Webmistress
Mistress of the Underground

The winner of this competition and any runners up were decided by public vote.
Thank you to the following members for voting:
JusTim_, nutbuster, _shadoe_, Tallen, Ely, fields_broke, runaway-mindtrain, Razzerleaf, Marks, Moonstonesol, Josh, Billy_Snagg, Addi82, NewBeginnings, Jade-Pandora, CArpeNoctem_, Layla, Kinkpoet, Stoney223, Scorpio1023, wallyroo92, Poetic_Strength, Po_love, Wh1skeySwagger
Thank you to the following members for voting:
JusTim_, nutbuster, _shadoe_, Tallen, Ely, fields_broke, runaway-mindtrain, Razzerleaf, Marks, Moonstonesol, Josh, Billy_Snagg, Addi82, NewBeginnings, Jade-Pandora, CArpeNoctem_, Layla, Kinkpoet, Stoney223, Scorpio1023, wallyroo92, Poetic_Strength, Po_love, Wh1skeySwagger
Joined 4th Dec 2018
Forum Posts: 1903
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1903
Feel I stole this from Butters I thought her entry was so much better. Congrats to Drone too