Poetry competition CLOSED 26th December 2019 00:30am
Addi82 (Addi)
View Profile Poems by Addi82
RUNNERS-UP: Jade-Pandora and eswaller



Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Poetry Contest

Wat is your mantra that you mutter under your breath
When you are bored
When you fend off death
When your boss irks you
When you smell bad breath
When you see your ex with your best friend Tex
When your check bounce
When you see a lady on whom
You wanna pounce


Thought Provoker
Joined 22nd Apr 2014
Forum Posts: 281

I'm sorry that you're sorry that I'm sorry

Tyrant of Words
United States 159awards
Joined 11th July 2012
Forum Posts: 1896

When In Hell, Might As Well…

When things are just going wrong,
Bitching about it won’t really help,
It’s late and I’m knee deep in it,
Whatever deed needs to be done,
I’m here so might as well.

Got a job that no else wants to do,
Because apparently “it’s too hot”,
Or whatever others want to yell,
I don’t care, I’ll give it what I got,
Damn it, might as well.

Are comments demoralizing you?
Maybe they won’t cut you any slack,
Or they’re critical, you just can’t tell,
To me it’s like water off a duck’s back,
Whatever, might as well.

I voted for this but I got that,
Why not try to make the best of it,
Even though I know it’s going to smell,
I just refuse to give a fuck even if I’m stuck,
So when in hell, might as well.

poet Anonymous

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

The Languages of Scream

( a Quatern )
The languages of Scream and what we learn:
That children all delight the sounds it makes,
When causing other heads around to turn,
And family members’ nerves begin to shake.
So wide a range of purpose do we find
The languages of Scream and what we learn:
Believing that you’re gonna lose your mind,
To making love and how it has you yearn.
To sin and think you’ll go to hell and burn,
It won’t be long before you know the truth.
The languages of Scream and what we learn;
Go for a walk and soon you’ll hear the proof.
The road rage at the light when cars collide,
The chaos that ensues with faces stern.
You think they’d know they’re lucky no one died,
The languages of Scream and what we learn.
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


The stockings have been hung
The dead tree has been set
The lights have been struck
But I frankly by dear,
“I don’t give flying fuck!”

Bah Humfuck! Bah Humfuck!
I don’t give a shit!

Christmas is about gluttony and greed
Not about the birth of a Savior
The only God being worshiped
Is the great ‘Almighty Dollar’

Bah Humfuck!  Bah Humfuck!
You greedy sons-of-a-bitch!

People stampeding over each other
For a piece of plastic junk
That was made in a third world country
By some poor starving schmuck

Bah Humfuck!  Bah Humfuck
Let the heathen run amok!

My relatives that hate each other
Can have their family get togethers
I’ll stay home all alone, by myself
And eat Campbell’s soup for supper

Bah Humfuck!  Bah Humfuck!
Go ahead and stuff your guts!

After every sip of soup I suck
I’ll take pause to stop and mutter
“Bah Humfuck to all you hypocrites
I hope the test-tube turkey you’re eating
Makes you good and damn well sick!”
Written by snugglebuck
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

My Mantra(s)

Be myself in a world that is filled
With too many people who pretend
To be someone else. Be a light in
A dimmed or dark room. I build
Myself back up when I spend
Time getting knocked down. Grin
And smile even when I just want
To hide away for a little bit. No one
Can ever take away my dream or
My hope. Spend time and energy
On those who deserve it. The sun
Is right there in the way I ignore
Self-doubt and killers. Yesterday
Is in the past and I am walking
Towards a better tomorrow. I am
Letting the truth spill out instead of
Hiding behind lies. Stop clocking
In and out of prison. Let the slam
Of the door be definite. I will find love.
Written by eswaller
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Haiku/Senryu Renga: CHANTINGS🎏
( Jade-Pandora & Hepcat61)        
the one who sees all        
namu amida butsu        
crane on utmost branch        
only the tree        
sees the crane standing        
nen nen fu ri shin    
emptied to be filled        
namu amida butsu        
sun in morning fog        
morning fog        
hiding day's new sun in vain        
nen nen fu ri shin        
encompassing all        
namu amida butsu        
a wind in wheat fields        
prayer flags        
sending proof that wind exists        
nen nen fu ri shin        
Namu Amida Butsu means    
 "total reliance upon the compassion of Amida Buddha."    
Nen Nen Fu Ri Shin means  
"Thought after thought are not separate from mind."

Preview photograph of Prayer flags - Dennis (France)

Thought Provoker
United States 4awards
Joined 17th Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 327


You want my turns of phrase, my prayers
sacred secrets I keep to get through my life
When the world seems flat-line terminal
I scream into the silence, fire in my eyes
Keep waiting, today isn't when I fall
A single breath, then another, over again
Push on through, keep your head down  
Get it done, walk away and onto the next one
Just a second, you think only words
ensure my survival from day to day?
Words are just useless noise without intent
Faith is the catalyst bringing them to life
Written by inechoingsilence
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Lost Thinker
United States 1awards
Joined 2nd Aug 2019
Forum Posts: 8

it is what it is


when things go wrong
as they sometimes do
and you're forced to hold your head up
smile and push through

just remember,
it is what it is

maybe you're feeling down
like you're just stuck
like things never change
and you're running out of luck

just remember,
it is what it is

its Friday night
and your sitting at home
no one ever asks you out
every night is spent alone

just remember,
it is what it is

want a cold beer
after you've worked all-day
fridge went out
what can you say?

just remember,
it is what it is

its murphy's law
whatever can go wrong, will
throwing a fit
sure has its appeal.

Just remember,
it is what it is

it is what it is
what does this mean
you cant change reality
things are exactly as they seem.

it is what it is
it aint what it aint
deal with it
cause change it you cant.

Written by Addi82 (Addi)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17758

Love Survives

as a Syrian wedding
  or Palestinian birth  
despite hopelessness—    
it outlives politics: Brexit,    
  impeachment, deceit    
human ignorance—    
withstands genocide    
   of speciesism, tribal rites      
and planet Earth—    
Love survives    
  war and death    
—such as words    
  you cannot erase     
Written by Ahavati (Tams)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 30th July 2017
Forum Posts: 909

Everything is...

Whether through headed mess
Neither heading into a mess
Lay thy conscience known,
Writ of mirrors inducing actions gain
Any contentions affecting senses fly
Certain winter shading made of rain
This mask thou wore in haste to die,
Never into inane understanding
Begat now Intention motion.
Now thee sleep an angels' song
And float on our high ocean,
Together we string the sea along,

Sails on a meaningful notion.
Written by runaway-mindtrain
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Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Wow... thank you so much!! This is a great way to end 2019 with a bang. Thank you to our host. Congratulations to Addi82 for the win and congratulations to my fellow sister Jade! I feel honored to stand alongside you two. Thanks again.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

I so agree with my dear sister Es!  A wonderful way to see out the year with the honor of sharing the podium with her and the winning poet Addi ... congratulations!  

Thanks to our host Mr Rabbitquest for giving us all the opportunity,,,.

See you all next year!


Dangerous Mind
Ukraine 2awards
Joined 20th May 2012
Forum Posts: 2051

Thank everyone for their lovely writes,
Love peace happiness
And to all a good nightenzee

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