Poetry competition CLOSED 7th August 2019 11:23pm

and inechoingsilence
Who I Am
Forum Posts: 16
Thought Provoker
Joined 18th Feb 2018
Forum Posts: 16
Hell inside of me
I feel like I’m a failure at life, I just can’t seem to do anything right, I can’t even go to sleep at night.
People say life is hell but my hell is inside of me, day by day my brain sets fire to me, when oh when will I be free?
Free from this blazing prison that tortures me, no bruises to prove the damage it causes,
That’s why so many long sleeves fill my closet. For when the burn within gets to be to much, to my skin with a razor I touch.
Written by TrueLover
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Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1431
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 1431

i (eye), adamantine
home-made kohl
in steely-bellied antique
peacockish clutch
-bleeds her girl
lashing lachrymal blades
of untinkering truth
beatifies blinkless
her face is a small straw chunk of left out last dough
from a scrapped out hunger nation in deep crisis-
screaming provinces
of forgotten smiles
stuck perhaps slight in there
between somewhere to nowhere
of the severe famine-stricken forever parting lips, of
the desiccated
eyepools peeling off in crushed palish patches , of
the shrunken
stigmatic cheeks in no more uplifting
probabilities, of
the deep-etched
quantum pains piercing core
in lightning uproars
gotten frozen as bottled-specimens
in comatose realities within deathful
eternities, as destiny's
stunned mannequin of dimensional myths
afloat alive in the bubbling amoebic airiness
that breaks out abrupt
in empathetic sights
of exuding invisibilities- the eyeful bleeds
and their molten rundown, draining
into an oceanic vividness
of dreaded ignorance
where skullful hearts in rotten sarcasms
of the day's prolific demand, are already leased or sold
out to reigning whorish polities
-ageless warrior soul's child heart, her
chaotic nebulic tongue blabbers an eclectic
cosmic language
of Kali's dooming rage
still in holds of a centric tender lotus in infinitely sprawling
bloom- her third eye's purplish fluorescing inflorescence, an
adamantine composure
of a shimmering hope
past/ recent past writes- two poems fused fully/ partially
Joined 5th Nov 2014
Forum Posts: 2983
Tyrant of Words

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What I Really Am Honestly (an arosdic poem
For the "Who I Am Comp"
W ater sign born as an Aquarian
H ated from birth unwanted nobody's child
A ttacked, tortured, sex-trafficked form ages 6 - 13
T eenage rebellion at knifepoint
I ntimidated by women - mother figure was a lunatic
R etardation given to me created me as an empath
E ventually, a doormat to catch dog shit from heals
A ll my life I have been this way with women
L oveless marriage now divorced - I finally woke up
L oveless still, maybe I am undeserving of real love
Y et subsequently it was offered and cruelly taken away
A night club bouncer of and on for 12 years - no fear of men
M aybe I should adopt that tactic in life in general
H ardman taking zero shit
O ne of life's positive principles
N arscasitic accusations completely false
E mpath I am the bipolar opposite of a Narcissist
S oft like a teddy bear hugs always welcome
T otally honest and up-front, caring, loving
L oving, protecting the underdog and those needing help
Y ou have heard it straight for the bear's mouth - no bullshit.
"What I really am honestly" was inspired and written for the purveyors of lies and bullshit, not that they will care. These targets are true psychopaths who have no conscience. The muck spreading that has been done this past year all from the world of the made-up, not one piece of truth. some of you have been taken in by these lies. So please read this, this is the truth - regardless I am not "A Dickhead", a "Narscasist", "A legless Cowboy", "Useless Cripple", "Limbless Retard". Yes, these terms have all been used. "Stay away from him he's a bad bastard"
Do me a favour, treat people the way you want to be treated don't be hoodwinked, you can ask me anything and you will only get the truth, empathy and respect.
I have a few regular friends who really know me, they will also tell you the truth
W ater sign born as an Aquarian
H ated from birth unwanted nobody's child
A ttacked, tortured, sex-trafficked form ages 6 - 13
T eenage rebellion at knifepoint
I ntimidated by women - mother figure was a lunatic
R etardation given to me created me as an empath
E ventually, a doormat to catch dog shit from heals
A ll my life I have been this way with women
L oveless marriage now divorced - I finally woke up
L oveless still, maybe I am undeserving of real love
Y et subsequently it was offered and cruelly taken away
A night club bouncer of and on for 12 years - no fear of men
M aybe I should adopt that tactic in life in general
H ardman taking zero shit
O ne of life's positive principles
N arscasitic accusations completely false
E mpath I am the bipolar opposite of a Narcissist
S oft like a teddy bear hugs always welcome
T otally honest and up-front, caring, loving
L oving, protecting the underdog and those needing help
Y ou have heard it straight for the bear's mouth - no bullshit.
"What I really am honestly" was inspired and written for the purveyors of lies and bullshit, not that they will care. These targets are true psychopaths who have no conscience. The muck spreading that has been done this past year all from the world of the made-up, not one piece of truth. some of you have been taken in by these lies. So please read this, this is the truth - regardless I am not "A Dickhead", a "Narscasist", "A legless Cowboy", "Useless Cripple", "Limbless Retard". Yes, these terms have all been used. "Stay away from him he's a bad bastard"
Do me a favour, treat people the way you want to be treated don't be hoodwinked, you can ask me anything and you will only get the truth, empathy and respect.
I have a few regular friends who really know me, they will also tell you the truth
Written by David_Macleod
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Joined 17th July 2019
Forum Posts: 15
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 15
I Am Who I Am
I am more than just a name.
Hidden behind my ink.
Sun kissed skin.
Tightly curled hair.
Hard headed.
Learning lessons.
Playing with fire,
Just to get burned.
Being content .
For this life i was given .
Mother killed by cancer.
Sperm donor never there.
Wanting to be loved.
Wanting to love.
Taking it day by day.
Insomnia, sleepless nights.
Now getting old,
Feeling aches and pains.
Needing more time,
There’s never enough.
Intelligent, yet immature.
Living, crying, and laughing.
Ups and downs.
I am who i am and thats okay,
My journey made me this way.
©️ Courtney Hines
Hidden behind my ink.
Sun kissed skin.
Tightly curled hair.
Hard headed.
Learning lessons.
Playing with fire,
Just to get burned.
Being content .
For this life i was given .
Mother killed by cancer.
Sperm donor never there.
Wanting to be loved.
Wanting to love.
Taking it day by day.
Insomnia, sleepless nights.
Now getting old,
Feeling aches and pains.
Needing more time,
There’s never enough.
Intelligent, yet immature.
Living, crying, and laughing.
Ups and downs.
I am who i am and thats okay,
My journey made me this way.
©️ Courtney Hines
Written by hinescourtney801
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Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17852
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 17852
You must know
You must know there are times
I will not choose you over the poem;
nor your email, text or pouting silence
over the verse;
Bulging zippers will not sway me
nor swollen suitcases by the entrance.
If you want to be first in someone’s life
you must know, it can never be mine.
I'll never be the faithful wife
skinning vegetables at the sink;
a gimlet eye’d grandmother supervising,
starched apron and recipe splayed
submissively across the counter -
contents spooned carefully;
the roast, flayed, awaiting its wake -
attendees of potatoes and carrots
following into the heated pyre.
I'll never be the faithful mistress
in a négligée holding a drowning olive
after a cocktail party --
alarm at attention so we don’t oversleep
alerting your wife to your late absence.
I'll be in the tub with the poem instead;
gluttonous ink splashing imagery
over its porcelain skin with each spit
of candle and stroke of pen.
You must know, in bed I'll fantasize
about the poem, how it carried me
shielding my isolated survival
from extinction, while hunted
by laundered mindsets
firm in sects of belief.
You must know the poem
is 'One Hundred Years of Solitude',
a plantation abandoned by death;
it’s 'All the archived Names'
without Ariadne’s Thread;
the Life that Pi actually dreamt
'The Shipping News' reporting anthologies
modern American beats underground;
it’s 'Water for Chocolate' torched
by match heads; it's 'Midnight
in the Garden of Good and Evil';
it's Romeo; it's Juliette.
You must know, that if betrayed
by lies or entrapment I will escape
elope, even commit suicide
before captured alive;
we’ll die together, deeply inhaling afterlife
as Plath – taping your sleeping existence
away from us, towels caulking the frame;
and you, you must know
you'll wake lonelier than you’ve ever been.
Written by Ahavati
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300 words
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1545
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1545

Paint Without a Canvas
Woke up alone again in the middle of the night
Went to the bathroom 'cos what else was there to do?
The low amber glow of the nightlight on the wall
Blended with the dim ambient moonshadows on the floor
A ghost seeking a switch to ignite a burnt out bulb
The transparent artist with paint dripping from his fingertips
a mirror on the medicine cabinet cracked too many years ago
Or maybe those be lines scribed on a mask worn by sadness
If I had brushes and canvas I'd trace the reflection stairing out at me
A portrait of a self-serving soul in need of something less superficial
Than a black and white one dimensional photocopy with no heart nor soul
While the rainbow of life waiting to be spread by fingers bleeding with passion
Has nearly dried and crumbled, mirroring the image he so profoundly portrayed
Still, in spite of time's relentless chisel, carving away at his stone cold expression
He dreams the image forming in his imagination can be brought to life
On an easel where the seed planted by an artist's hand can grow even in barren fields
Within the imagery of verse, colors spill as clearly as a rainbow brushed across a hungry canvas
Joined 29th Mar 2018
Forum Posts: 39
Dangerous Mind

Forum Posts: 39
I'm excited about this with thoughts raging, but I'm not sure how poetic I can be right now, is prose ok?
Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1545
Tyrant of Words

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"Uncertain to Me"
I live for a dream that is holding me back
Been climbin’ over rocks rollin’ over my tracks
I feel like I’m crawling up a hill to nowhere
I look to the past and see that nothing is there
Whoever I am is uncertain to me
Alone I will be a complete mystery
Wherever I go ain’t on anyone’s map
Now it's no small wonder my lives don’t overlap
I’m travelin’ a fine line fear only knows
Darkness emits shadows wherever it goes
A sparse row of fools have been where I tread
Taking refuge that none see the life that I've led
A silent voice in my head asks who I am
His sly interrogation rebuilds the dam
Free my mind, I don’t like the likes of you
Sullied panes are uneasy for me to see through
The windows to my soul shuttered so long ago
I packed it on ice then tied it up with a bow
Listed it on-line to see who might bite
On the tale of a poet with his last verse to write
The auction was held though my soul went unsold
In the books of my life a playwright has told
But nothing you read will expose the lies
One more lonely poet pens regret till he dies

Related submission no longer exists.
Joined 11th July 2012
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Tyrant of Words

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Little Drummer Boy
Joined 31st May 2015
Forum Posts: 14
Twisted Dreamer

Forum Posts: 14
Toussaint Louverture
reincarnated far away from
The lure your four fathers made
A Dark shade over prejudice
A sharp blade masquerading
As a feather caressing your conscious
So take my presence as ominous to the air im about to change.
Vigorously feeding on people
Who mistreated my empathy subliminally i see them as evil so i dig into their wombs, stickin them with my heroine needle leaving a corpse that resembles an ego, and lubricously crude memories that trigger when seeing me.
craving the sensation of
Tasting my own blood and
The blood of thoes i would face
Self destructive behavior justified by
Mutual shared destruction but rarely
Admiting that im in love with the chaos.
Educated on the fact that's this wretched Nation devastated my race then left us fated to fade away with subversion in brokcast stations, perversion of our nature then lure us into incarceration to portray our pigmentation as excursion to be washed away as our service construct this foundation of burglars when on this continent were the NATIVES!!!!!
a frequency unidentified intangible divine insanity cramed into the cranium of an animal. Who chages form
Depending on energy emitting from eye's entangled with separate selves living different lives who's able to take advantage of shifting paradigms.
WHAT I AM IS A WARLORD ARTIST SLASH PORNSTAR ASTRONOMER SLASH MOZART HYBRID FIXING MY OWN SCARED BODY WHAT I AM IS the same as you god personified wounded by the pulls of two opposing Entergy vibes. Love yourself and all of your madness we are the delicate balance of opposites attracted into one live construct CONSCIOUS
Toussaint Louverture
reincarnated far away from
The lure your four fathers made
A Dark shade over prejudice
A sharp blade masquerading
As a feather caressing your conscious
So take my presence as ominous to the air im about to change.
Vigorously feeding on people
Who mistreated my empathy subliminally i see them as evil so i dig into their wombs, stickin them with my heroine needle leaving a corpse that resembles an ego, and lubricously crude memories that trigger when seeing me.
craving the sensation of
Tasting my own blood and
The blood of thoes i would face
Self destructive behavior justified by
Mutual shared destruction but rarely
Admiting that im in love with the chaos.
Educated on the fact that's this wretched Nation devastated my race then left us fated to fade away with subversion in brokcast stations, perversion of our nature then lure us into incarceration to portray our pigmentation as excursion to be washed away as our service construct this foundation of burglars when on this continent were the NATIVES!!!!!
a frequency unidentified intangible divine insanity cramed into the cranium of an animal. Who chages form
Depending on energy emitting from eye's entangled with separate selves living different lives who's able to take advantage of shifting paradigms.
WHAT I AM IS A WARLORD ARTIST SLASH PORNSTAR ASTRONOMER SLASH MOZART HYBRID FIXING MY OWN SCARED BODY WHAT I AM IS the same as you god personified wounded by the pulls of two opposing Entergy vibes. Love yourself and all of your madness we are the delicate balance of opposites attracted into one live construct CONSCIOUS
Written by G3r0
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Joined 16th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 24
Lost Thinker

Forum Posts: 24
Who I Am
In a nutshell and simply put...
I am...
First and foremost...
At heart...21
Mentally...somewhere in the 80's
Emotionally...in the mid-teens...lol
And lastly, but not leastly...
Spiritually...old as f@$k...
This is the best discription I can come up with on the spot and in the moment.
On the other hand...
I am an aspiring musician...
Without most of the foolishly irrational and unfathomably unrealistic expectations typically imbued in the breed...
Meaning, I work, want to and will eventually go back to school, while dreaming about being a rock star on my days off.
I am originally from Montana...
Spent my 20's in San Francisco...
Moved to Milwaukee last year and I love it! Except when it gets too cold to do anything, but try to stay warm...grrrrrr
This is...Me
On paper (or) "online" as it were,
but there is so much more to "yours truly" than mere words can define or explain.
Not yet sure where I'm going...
But I do know how I'm getting
wherever life takes me...
With hope and sincerity...
Respect and honesty...
Commitment and drive...
Not to mention...
A whole lot of focus...
And an equal amount of fun...
Written by TLM5150
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Joined 14th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 1545
Tyrant of Words

Forum Posts: 1545
was a winner ever chosen for this comp? it ended a couple weeks ago...