Poetry competition CLOSED 26th June 2019 1:45pm
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Poem of the Month - July 2019

poet Anonymous

I can't think ..


like lightening in the sky  
I see only in flashes  
before the darkness and the  
thunder closes in ..  
Written by dartford (Paul S...)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 839

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poet Anonymous

this NOW’s- a karmic battlefield, versed sacred with Bhagavat Gita~

??from a hazy prelude to an essential uprising^^
fuming fulminations of tonight’s sketchy dream...
thickens as detailing documented plotted broth  
...soothsaying scriptures of a versified narrative  
with an addendum of ethical arthashastra
[opens up as textured overtures of…>>
dark conundrums  
in a wormy exploding filth of pretty bundled  
nightmares ...let loose & leaking all over the  
cracking pores  
as odoriferously emetic vomiting blueblacks  
that only triggers some more...& all the more  
gizzardous guts in an ease of pulled out  
run outs  
& as diabolically diarrheal phaseless plugged outs  
-each chunkless chunk in unproportionally massive  
refracted paths & diffracted wavering… well away from  
their particulated truths.. cast in reflective deflections  
[( illustratively illusive bodily contents )]
passengers of nowhere destiny in a windy vehicular carriage  
with fatally intimate placements of feigned diehard adorations  
struck open wide...as they say you can never hide who you are…
by none than their deviantly inherent suicidally lethal mutant  
our dispersing souls amiss in crossed dimensionless dimensions  
within that limited singular break of a fast ticking chaotic interval  
---whence bloated airs fill your sauntering devilish boundaries  
in the un-waking...unto deliberately forgotten ignorance-
of Love of Hope

---you are in the veils of masked anonymities roaming free  
in the nasty stripping dungeoned streets shone with red lights  
towards generously stingy leftovers of unspelt unethical fuckeries  
in gluttonous indulgence of your seeming unrecognizably dressed  
with a particular sartorial fragrance of deceit & targeted trapping  
well amidst the drumming aloud elegiac guillotines in cosmically  
cursing banalities your wizardry of plagiaristic thesaurus deserves

\\ a striking clinically cleansing climax of Kali’s Asuravadam//
temples’ saamakkodangi...the sacred midnight fore-tellers  
in the soothsaying predict your Asura’s doomsday in the calling  
Kali’s reigning hands…her heavy head despite the wearing crown  
is this Kaliyug’s Avatar in the Karmic Kurukshetra of your burial  
floating as a hope-laden refugee, a whirring achene of windward  
blows…all I stumble & land are the camouflaging terrains of wolves  
and wolverine, bled & shred from the bitten brokenness & emptied  
out plundering losses walking as skeletal remains  of vacuumed flesh  
standing against sabotaging corporations’ sludgy politicking sewages  
in name of of visionary empathetic bosses & intimately sucking frenemies  
divinely astounding is the tenderly accompaniments of twin cherubic  
innocence of children in all their curiously jaunty brimming that exudes  
of lil seeded guardians of hope & unleashing truth in all any circumstance
with righteous stance..
of a Kali’s Avatar unstoppably & unmercifully busting the ten-headed Raavana
& his Asuras’ clones of shameless masked evils cracking out in self-implosion

Written by summultima (uma)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 839

Lust Blows

Like fiends trapped in the same shot glass, she became his whiskey nights, and he like her tequila sunrise.
 Just to kiss sweet euphoria's lips, both lived by the adrenaline promises offered at each crest of the cosmo's light. 
They reached out and touched at the furthest span, inking dopamine wishes like braille upon flesh, soul, and mind.
Sipping on hundred proof dreams, they lit a match to their napalm fate, blowing up the inhebriating skies.
Written by PandoraUnleashed
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Thought Provoker
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Nov 2017
Forum Posts: 177

Something Else⚡️

Ever since officially still a child
I began writing poetry
Tentatively. Start, stop, start, stop.
Start again, till it became something else
And even while I was still that same child
I’d often fall and scrape a knee
When I would walk or roller skate  
A scabby scab becoming something else
I now am grown no longer just a child
Not falling as much as I did
As awkward tho’ in other ways
Upon my head I trip or something else
I wanted to be graceful as a child
Pretending up on tippy-toes
Attempting to stay up on point
A bloodstain on a floor is something else
And then to be in love I was with child
The only time I wouldn’t fall
But then when it became the spring
It took that love to call it something else
Reverting back to meet my inner child
In place there was a steady light
A southern star but from the north
I’d be his other dream of something else
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2649



like walking through a path overhung
with autumn trees

discarding a match on the dry ground

like perhaps a pumpkin
with your face carved in


like a truck stop coming up close

the walls of a chip shop chinese

a broken traffic light causing chaos

the man in hi vis perched on the city aerials
like some overgrown escaped pet parrot



if we're to take a look perhaps
at the heat map of your skull

orgasms: the kind that give you cramp in your foot

the back of your eyelid on a hot summer day

the inside of your eyelid

the bus that goes to city hospital

train ticket receipts, left on the floor
the mantra of not valid for travel
trodden into the platform

splatter of vomit

charity shop leather

cigarette papers from the netherlands

the incorrect sigil to open my phone


and jacobs cream crackers
wedged with red Leicester

blood & pus bursting from a cyst
mingling in a steel tray

and lichen
Written by anna_grin (ANNAN)
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poet Anonymous

Tá an-dáimh againn le chéile

Surfacing with gasping breaths,  
as subtle as exhaling whispers
Subtle as flutter-by touches, I felt it,  
and that is how I noticed you.
a ghrá!
And once I saw you spiraling through Space,  
Lifetimes came crashing down on top of me.
There is no wall in a world that can hide you,  
no form that can keep you in,
There is no key to fit the unlocked door,  
there is no map to the unknown kin.  
That is why you are aching,  
deeply in your soul.
Your purpose is so pure I can barely take it
You do not need a key!  
Don’t you know?
Each awakening I witness is intense;  
deeply loved, beautiful, and
Shocking the core to Life with visions;  
confusion and fear can be a spoonful.
It is the time for Recognition and Remembrance
Cramming your Being into a small temple of skin
Open your eyes, dear Lyran darling,  
your mission is very clear.
[Yes, I am on the Welcome Committee,  
if there ever was one, who knows?
Tales are told of who we are,  
songs are sung about our existence
Oh, yes, poetic truths are written,  
trying to lure us out
It’s been lived for, but also died for,  
This Love.
That is why we are here, dear Lyran.  
We're creating the Dawn of a New Day.
Meeting Awakening Souls, one at a time  
- weaving the remedy against Nothingness.
We are not handing out keys.  
There never was a spoon,  
you know?
No, no...  
We are pulling the veil for clarity,  
allowing the Unfolding to occur
The door is never locked,  
and Love is never force-fed, see?
Like legends of Old,  
the myths, and the rumors;
envisioned by many,  
yet only assigned to the few.  
Now, the stars are on fire,  
the Solar system is realigning,
It seems that Time is here, Love,  
it's True.
Being Anointed Vessels is just this,  
we're not more important than the next human,  
but we are keeping the oil safe on this Journey,  
Illuminating Love, Vibrating Love,

Being Love.
Tá an-dáimh againn le chéile
[We're kindred spirits]
Remember now?

Skye Céhbhfhionn
Written by SkyeCebh
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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1301

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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1301

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poet Anonymous

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

If Wisdom’s Righteous Wrath Contained The Words – Sonnet Fifty

If Wisdom’s righteous wrath contained the words,
The thunder bolts and lightning strikes of Will,
If Courage reigned instead the Politics
Of sheepish herds in hate-filled words held still,

Would we have found ourselves upon this ledge?
Would we, who once held dear our freedom’s right,
Stand impotent in face of conman’s pledge,
Of “Great Again,” each act our greatness blights.

How long will lies disguised and blamed as true,
Or truth disguised as lies, as fake believed,
Confuse the facts, our single greatness knew
When We the People equal rights received.

May Justice in her equal blindness weigh,
A Prison One for Presidential stay.
Written by Hepcat61 (geoff cat)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2649

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2649

I'm over my recommendation limit

Tyrant of Words
United States 18awards
Joined 3rd Apr 2019
Forum Posts: 86


Am I not like a rose a gentle flower something to hold and never to forget for are not my tears my tears of my darkness my tears of my depth for is it not my time to find peace of mind in a world, so cold and full of untruth for as night silently falls upon the world am I not entitle to the same things like you for am I not like a a child of the most highest spiritual soul. As I am a man of skin flesh and blood for I am not a man who deserves, to be loved as a child of the most highest spiritual soul for am I not entitle to the same things as you in heart and mind and soul of my souls.
Written by Stoney223 (WOLF BAY33)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 38awards
Joined 21st Aug 2013
Forum Posts: 839

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