Poetry competition CLOSED 26th April 2017 11:59pm
RUNNER-UP: JohnFeddeler

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Something real

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 9th July 2013
Forum Posts: 160

Poetry Contest

Strike a chord, strum the heart strings, make me believe you
I want to believe you.  Write something impactful. Be expressive, give meaningful; forget words, give me feeling.

No bullshit.
Make it good.
It doesn't have to be short, but if it's long it better be fucking worth it.

poet Anonymous

(If it doesn't fit the category or if it's too long, i'll be happy to withdraw)

ward 18

This is not a story about sex, romance or some kind of zen, a philosophical search for life. Finding thee in nature, poetry, rain, dirt or tea leaves; nor about a soulmate in some technicolor kaleidoscope discombobulation of some sort.

It's a story  
about unrecruited love
a systematic pursuit
ritualistic daily motion

Death of all things in love of Death.

When does being enough occur?
Collapse of all things meaning-full
following ghostly track.
To do it differently, consistently
gripping unto the next thing to save the present
to be a woman who never knew anything
but pleasures of being used, usefully  
inventing so much, building haphazardly.

Isn't life about revisions and perversions
knocking all possibilities?
Three million tries can't be wrong
tied at every stomachache like stepping stone
while the universe gushes from my pores.
Somewhere I'm spinning, stunned and alone
a stranger to myself

Even the clumsiest fate is perfectly shaped
at every wrong turn leading to
lesser gods, goddesses kissing shrine of hope.
The world shrinks to size of a bed  
without a headstone
underneath, is the brewing earth
air above, another storm.
I swallow it whole; feeding parts I love and hate
to come alive at every full moon
my body bare
beneath a sheer veil
eyes as coal as the night  
matching ovaries roaming in dark
carved ebony and ice.
A story does not exist without witnesses
and we never tell the tale the way it happens
fresh pages replace frays and scraps
moving on, as if one moves as much as a tree would
to physically forget pains and regrets
limbs'n leaves tempt just enough to remember.

I could sleep for days without a map
and everyone else can celebrate  
hoax of boundlessness and infinity
holding wishes of spring.
Springing: a reward from nature
waiting, holding, perseverance for nothing.

All seem collapsible into one moment
details and colors are distractable, blinding
burrowing within a dream
What then is life and deathless death?
To seek that one last word, a footprint
Will it matter in the end.

If no one was there to recall, have we existed at all?
This amazement breaks me, pervasive rhythm of thought
feeling heat of a bullet in my throat
absorbing astounding force
in the same terror
same space, volume rises in my head
voices speak but all they do is speak through me
as if sound is not part of the body
diffracted through scrim
attracting what was repelled.

There are bruises in the most unimaginable places
admirable museum quality uprooting from veins
bones rise freed of obligatory weight
a repulsed decay.

My mouth craves salt and sugar  
gathering perfectly shaped pearls in my hands
counting one by one
there's enough to kill three lifetimes.

I cant stand myself
waiting another noon to become midnight.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17122

True Friendship

A friendship known
forever bound
with stories told
to each other
never known to all

Friendship forged
through sorrow
and hardships
never forgotten
between true friends

on the dying bed
friends hold hands
saying farewell
with tears
to pledge, we will meet again.
Written by Grace (IDryad)
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Dangerous Mind
United States 18awards
Joined 29th Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 1396

Related submission no longer exists.

Fire of Insight
United Kingdom 11awards
Joined 3rd Mar 2017
Forum Posts: 348

My Rock

The voice I heard, not my own
Plunging into madness
Never am I to be the same
Pained and completely restless
Is there a reason to be alive
As scars continue to bleed
Manic mind and tortured soul
Drinking wretched mead
I cried again for help once more
As expected, I was alone
Imagine how dead I felt
To find my rock was just a stone
Written by mel44
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Tyrant of Words
United States 126awards
Joined 25th Jan 2011
Forum Posts: 2672

The Day Mommy Left

My parents got divorced and I lived with my mom      
I adored her sweet and kind personality    
when I was three      
she slipped away from the playground    
while I was stuck in the middle of the monkey-bars    
the ground seemed so impossibly far away    
I screamed at the child below    
to go and get my mommy    
but she never came    
she'd left me alone    
and went to the hospital where she was committed    
'cos she was a schizophrenic    
I'd hung on them monkey-bars    
for what seemed like many hours    
then finally dropped onto the hard ground    
bruising my little arms and legs    
Ran back to my home, shaken and hungry    
mommy wasn't there    
I'd been used to being left alone    
and tried to make myself cinnamon toast    
but I couldn't read all that well    
and everything looked alike    
I remember taking a big bite out of pepper    
and spitting it out in disgust    
jumped down from the counter    
then went back outside to play    
That night, I went back home to darkness    
the electricity had been cut off    
so I went to the bed me and mommy shared    
and curled up into a ball    
holding my teddy bear tight    
For three days and three nights    
I stayed on my own, until on the third night    
the front door was thrown open    
and bright lights were shone upon me    
a three year old girl, pressed tight up against the wall    
I remember they took me away from my home    
and when I woke up, a nice woman, a social worker    
let me pick out a stuffed animal    
and told me I was going to a nice home    
I was so afraid, and she was so nice    
I begged her to take me back home with her    
promised her I'd be a good girl    
she told me that she couldn't    
so, on shaking legs, I entered foster care    
a good christian home    
that had no patience for the foul mouth    
I'd picked up from my older brothers    
who'd been picked up from school    
three days before    
I remember the taste of the strawberry quick milk    
mixed with the tang of soap    
they used to wash my mouth out with    
and having my nose rubbed in the bed I'd wet    
like I was some sort of animal    
needing to be house broke    
Then most of all, I remember the day    
when the social worker came    
and told me I was going to live with my dad    
I remember asking over and over    
"are you sure it's him ..R J****?!"    
terribly afraid that when I got there    
it'd be some stranger    
and I remember, oh! I remember the pure joy    
when I saw my dad, bending on one knee    
with his arms outstretched , smiling    
and me, running into them    
turned out, that dad had been searching for me    
because when he asked my mom    
she thought I was dead    
so, he searched all the morgues    
and still couldn't find me    
but when he did    
he held me in his arms    
and never let go.    
Thank you so much Eamon for editing this for me :)
Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
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Fire of Insight
United States 11awards
Joined 11th Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 273


And so you departed
Some bleak and distant day
Gaunt like my sorrow
A youth hastily portrayed
I know you were thinking of me
Bereft of mourning
The stillness lingers with my spite
And my tears, foreign
Pouring onto the ground
Shaking in the fog and petrichor
Relics wrought from the cupboard
In dedication, shaking of lost time
Like suffocating mire
Absent I, ill with ire
And drowning
Am I not the same?
To mourn and stay away
Aching for the needle
In bereavement's hay
To ache and coil into the dark
Frozen lake, tolling the gate
At a chance to see you passing by
For a final embrace
And to say
I was afraid, nonetheless
Facial sculpture tells the tale
And pale like those vintage photographs
Breathing apparatus control
Seems like just the other day
That we spun in circles at play
We spoke not of the ailment
But of those days
That is how I envision you, that memory
Even now, still so alive
The pinball of stars as I look above
Seems so distant, like that memory
I'd gaze further than I ever have
In search of those that I forgot
I was not there, I confess
As you sleep
Scattered in silent waters
Where you are in the light
And I'm left soberly, behind
Written by UbiquitousVoid
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Dangerous Mind
India 34awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2012
Forum Posts: 1408

wavy [&] particle       [misc. climatic climactic physics and chemistry of love, chaos and whatever]

when her numerous pores breathe in the free form verses
from his seeping in rains, a deep bluing nightish denseness
expands in a deadly silence from her exploding petrichor turfs

touches half hazy moon in hide and seek turns

of a bitten mesmerism in exchanged vulnerabilities on one side
and the other simmers in impossibly delicate volcanic dynamisms
  -    miraging waves moisten like a miracle
       pencils intermittent thin-lane relay-flows  
       of a molten mirror stream, holds to reveal
       the coalescing symmetries –their  reflective
       imageries  and their lived [loved] in core truth
his unwavering eyelights shimmer, fallen unto her dreamy eyelands

gravity has no equations

sometimes, greys in bunch  –the eclipsing shadows
shape a sweltering darkness cohabited, something
almost feels like loneliness but not, as its groping
strings branch out in search of his merging
eyes often read and reached at a gasping ace , yet rarely
plunges away like this time, to cerebral sweatlands  
swelling in black humidity, in its very own
hapless and harsh whip-hands
reduced to pained and pulled back
strands of rendered immobility
  - a choking smoke from burnt cochlear wick’s ashen tip
    that just was in its last spritely lap of cyanosaffronic  streaks  

punctuates small dotting clouded deaths  
in the many so many serially following
full-stop’s beginning atmospherics ....

“I am  the levitating rainfire strings
in rapturous crackle, falling upwards, around
and against your unconscious kelvin core
waiting to drain back to [y]our fullerene fusion

origin of a transcendence, wavy [&] particle

in pervasive holy haziness, climaxing smokes  
arch in startling artistic flairs
unto nothingness [space]
newness [airs]

and in the sedimental silverine ashes
in some sown meditation"

p.s: I tend to be more abstractive with words. neverthelress strive to reach out to my depths:) plz. feel free to ignore the entry if not suiting your comp rules

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873


You should'a
No!  You really should'a
If only you would'a
I could'a
Now look what you made me not do
So shouldn’t you say you’re ‘sorry’?
Instead of telling me,

Tyrant of Words
United States 83awards
Joined 18th Jan 2013
Forum Posts: 325

                   ambient dirge

the rain like sorrow falls
it falls from broken sky
it has no song to give

my cottage dimly lit
in bleak environs rapt
to curse the somber dark

the road runs east to chance
to seek a stranger’s touch
or spend the night alone

a man is born to hunt
and woman feels the same
while fate but spins her web

we drink, we speak, we dance
and in our secret hearts
we light a fragile spark

the passions that we dream
in common ways, unfold
we barter love for sex

the stars at last will sleep
and when the moon departs
the rain will come again…

Twisted Dreamer
United States 1awards
Joined 7th Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 57


Yesterday seems a million miles away
Can’t erase our last embrace I miss you
Don’t cry I just drown all the pain inside
Won’t go away just want to say I love you
Not my fault but there’s nobody left to blame
Life goes on without you
Not fair want to call and you won’t be there
Sometimes seems it not true
So lost am I never to find my way
Scream but no one hears me
Feel abandoned as I live in denial I pray
 Oh God please come fix me
At night lay awake and I see your face
A special moment that the darkness will soon replace
I comfort others just despite my pain
I can’t deal with mine I know it’s time I started
Everybody deals with things in a different way
My brother cries and my sister she cuts the pain
Just want to hold them let them know it’ll be okay
It’s hard to heal how others feel I’m broken
You left behind something time cannot replace
 Endless sea of sorrow
Oh my God I miss you more it seems everyday
Afraid to face tomorrow
 Emptiness you’ll forever be missed
And I wish I could just hold you
One more time just to say my goodbyes
And all the things I never told you
Can God hear my cries
When I pray at night
To take my pain away make me whole again
My hearts an open book for all to read
The pages faded now
Almost empty
Why do we love when we know that we have to lose
Everything explain to me it’s pointless                      
I want to heal but still I’m afraid to feel                
Anything that’s left of me I’m hopeless
Don’t want to cry because I don’t want feel the pain
I just pray for closure
I tell myself that you’ve gone to a better place
I know that now for sure
I’ll see you later so I never will say goodbye
Always here inside me
For life till the day that I die
I know you’ll be there to guide me
Can God hear my cries
When I pray at night
To take my pain away make me whole again
My hearts an open book for all to read
The pages faded now
Almost empty
Dear mother you’re home with God so spread your wing
Finally rest in peace I’ll take care of things
I’ll always love you and I know you’ll see
I’ll do my best in life hope you’re proud of me…
Written by LBV
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Poet Tracy
Strange Creature
Joined 21st Sep 2016
Forum Posts: 3

Three Wise Monkeys

(Kikazaru, Mizaru, Iwazur)

I hear you are in town
  saying you want to start over.
I hear tha those wedding bells ended,
  as dusk turns to dawn.
I hear my heart pounding,
  the same beat, that I played on our door.

I see that things are different,
  the invincible girl, now a vulnerable  wreck.
I see your make-up running,
  as fast as you did from me.
I see that this is not like a balloon
  traveling in its own way, hopeless of stopping.

I'll speak only calming words
  like a mother to her newborn.
I'll speak of hope
  but at a distance, for my own safety.
I'll speak my mind
  and maybe this time,
    things will end differently.
Written by Poet_Tracy (Poet Tracy)
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Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

If we say
and pretend
we do not see
would our conscious agree
that we should persuade
our morals to believe
it was just a figment
a broken piece
of fear and pain
a child
her broken batterd body
from the shadows
of a filthy ally
into the crying rain

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

She was born to grow
yet she screams
in silent
tears of pain
blindfolded and raped
by so many
she cannot remember
with her arms weighted down
by corruption and fear
with the last of her strength
with her skeletal grasp
she still desperately
holds on
to the book
of common law
as the corroded
buckled scales
of peace
slip slowly past
her finger tips
her heart
slowly breaks
the silent weeping
of all the young
who are dying inside
a place
where we hide

Tyrant of Words
Greece 10awards
Joined 3rd Sep 2011
Forum Posts: 2278

The day we die   Inside

We can run
and We can hide
We can pretend
that We are blind
but that day
will come
when our tears
caress our fears
as We stand
with our kids
with our head
bowed low
at the end
of a barrel
of their guns

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