Poetry competition CLOSED 23rd March 2017 2:18am
DanielChristensen (The Fire Elemental)
View Profile Poems by DanielChristensen
RUNNER-UP: Jade-Pandora

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DUP Poem of the Month - April 2017

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17063

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17063


When I was in third grade,
My teacher taught me all about ultraviolet light.
She taught me how it came from the sun,
And how it changed our DNA.
I asked Her what DNA was.

She said it was what made me who I was.

When I was in third grade,
I thought ultraviolet was pronounced
And when I was corrected I decided to keep pronouncing it this way,
Because how dare it charge into you, through you
 and butcher the essence of your being.

When I was in third grade I thought everything I was
And would ever be boiled down to a series of 64 codons.
Like all my personality,
And history were just roll ons,
Like my deodorant,
And that NOTHING
Defined a man besides his blood and the nucleotides therein.

In fourth grade I discovered the soul.

Not intrinsically different, from anyone else's
But written on loudly like chisel and hammer
With the brutal grammar
That you learn in the school of hard knocks
In the same English class that taught
the tabula rasa espoused by
Legendary John Locke.

Because you are more than sugar-backbones,
And nucleic acids,
You are the sum of your experiences,
Multiplied by the force of your impact,
And legacy everlasting.

You are your history pooled in the bottom of a boot,
Like sweat,
So weigh down on it,
And leave a big boot print.
Written by HedonsHerald (Alexander Johnson)
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Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17063

Poetry & Art


poetry is art  
and all art is poetry  
both indeed cheat death
© KDAmB 2017. All rights reserved.

Author's Note: Special thanks and credit to the sage One our friend Ahavati for the correction in L3! :-)
Written by KDAmB
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Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 87

Error: Cannot load God.

My tongue is marble
when careless
minds risk treading it

it breaks.
& I
have no patience anymore
for falsifications, for their prophecies
their philosophies

I don't even have
time for my own

I gasp when minds
splay open for my eyes
to drink in

Here's how I think
the world works
and here's why

spare me the
suffocation of small talk
spare me the
disgust in your eyes
when I decide to open
u ppppp

The world doesn't really
work that way

I'll keep drinking
keep popping pills
keep educating a mind
more swollen with information
than the next door neighbour's dick
5 kids.. that's a lot of swelling.

See my mind
opened by racism
see my mind
reject that hate

I am
a shotgun
goddamn it,
i'm out of bullets.

I dream....
of a world
where people understand
more than they shun

where life isn't
Instagram and Facebook and Twitter
Less is more, but we are the victims
of over-consumption.

I sat
in the back
of a university worker's mind

He watched me
and I bathed in the blue
of his eyes as I got
It turned him on... a bit

Because I paid attention
to the world

but mate, man, sir
it doesn't take a genius
to switch off the monitors
and switch on your mind's monitor

We are the
debt-slaves of the
technological era

I owe you
my knowledge
I owe you
my right arm and
my education

But you are not
My God.

My God smoked his
last cigarette when I was
sixteen and
is six feet deep
in the grave
of my own mind.

Find me
find me

I begged of Him

He left me hanging.

Recently, I asked 'Him'
about Syria.

I asked him about my Home, too.

and just like when I was sixteen
he offered me silence

are you hidden in the
laptops now?
are you hidden in the
crevices of the Internet?

Do you approve of Porn Stars?

Perhaps, Perhaps..
You're a Tory....

Written by Undivided_Praxis
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Fire of Insight
United States 9awards
Joined 1st Mar 2016
Forum Posts: 87

Side Lore: Sewing up 'past' things...

Fat-Sew was born one day,  on an    
early crisp  fall morning in october.  
His creator Tony, wasn't on time  
again.. and more  he was far from  
 sober. But even in a drunken state,  
 the boss worshipped the molds he  
 made. Tony was a 'plastics molding  
 and assembly technician' but, poorly  
paid.   One day, after altering the size
of the primary mold, he decided he
wanted to  try something different
and very bold. Tony had his  mind set
 on an idea,  a fantastical vision it
would be  'something  to behold.'
This  would   prove legendary  in time,
for now  Tony just wanted a product
idea sold.  

Thus were the early  beginnings  
starting  show  how this  fantastical  
story will be forever told.  A flawed visionary,  who gave a little  magic,  
and happiness  in the form of a  
creation he called  Fat-Sew.  
Big, round,  and 'infinitely wound'  
with   a needle for a hand, that's Fat-
Sew.  Fat-Sew found instant affection  
from  The Man, but he repayed it in  
tons of repairs though.  Still, he was  
always ready to patch up any  tears  
in what The Man or his family bore.  
Alas even though he gave that man  
and   his family his all they still wanted more.  Fat-Sew became sad and after sewing   for weeks and weeks with no break, he   was sore. It mattered not to
 The Man though as he gathered him
 up (kit, and   all) and tossed then him
out  the door.    
Man just happens to be one of many  
 who has tossed out something he should've treasured. As Fat-Sew just  
 lay there twirling his needled finger
in circles he was wishing on a
family  who'd  love  him beyond
measure. Because he didn't want to  
suffer the misfortune of a 'distant    
relative' who was (unwound
completely and 'moved on') to be
later discarded at The Man's leisure.  
Fat-Sew, now living with Georgie and
his mom, has been instrumental in
bringing calm into an otherwise tense home    setting. Fat-Sew's sewn up
 dozen's of garments and mom no
 longer seems to    be fretting. Today seeing his friend's    mom so happy
makes him happy too,  as he looks
over at his little buddy and  thinks
silently  to himself "Georgie will soon benefit as well from mom's new
demeanor at least that's    what  I'm
hoping and  betting" ...
Written by Poetikmind (_---_)
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Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346

Okay my bad. Previous winners of Poem of the Month are not eligible. You can view the Hall of Fame list here:


I am sorry for the confusion. You can edit your post and replace the current link with another if you choose. Or delete the link altogether.

Thank you.

jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

A d r i f t

The views are frosted over with the frail,
A winter's chill holds captive the sea grass
While shoreline snowdrifts pale,
And whitecaps cast their lines,
The world in hibernation as they pass.

And I, a misplaced journeyman afoot
Adrift so far away my west coast home,
Have come to touch the time
My kith and kin had roamed,
From Scotland, Wales & Nova Scotia's clime.

Yet even though I walk a windswept prow,
I tend to cast my gaze back out to sea
With fervent set of brow
As if to find at last
A ship aground who's cargo waits for me.

Image by MadameLavender at Wingaersheek Beach, Gloucester, Massachusetts.

Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346

Dangerous Mind
United States 77awards
Joined 3rd Feb 2014
Forum Posts: 1873

Quando la struttura è morta

when structure is dead
nothing defines the outlines
where mem'ry exists

escaping beyond borders
beyond life where we find truth

you slumber deeply
between my sleeplessness as
night passes over

never touched before, nor now
and not endlessly later

A Rensaku = linked Tanka
Title in Italian means "When the structure is dead".
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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Twisted Dreamer
South Africa
Joined 18th Feb 2013
Forum Posts: 64

Patient Love

 We Teased
We Laughed
We Fought
We brought Love to each others daily thoughts

The highs were high
And lows were low
But my Love for you
Still always grows

Apart we are
But not for long
We both know
This Love is strong

Now hand in hand
Let's walk this land
And show each other
Love of the highest brand

So many times
I pushed and shoved
But what caught me
Is your Patient Love
Written by Sir-Anton
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Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17063

Related submission no longer exists.

Tyrant of Words
United States 124awards
Joined 11th Apr 2015
Forum Posts: 17063

Intangible Existence (Unfolding)

Slowly; uncannily
I see it unfold
and then,
I see it give rise
to itself.

It hovers and spins,
It twirls, entwining
the space it inhabits.
Watching, it holds

To itself what it
knows, to a circle
lets go,
to meaning and you,
from the earth
to and fro.

Are we here,
do we know?
Tell me when I
reach you;
only then will I know
I exist.
Written by PoetsRevenge
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Tyrant of Words
United States 34awards
Joined 8th June 2013
Forum Posts: 1625

Related submission no longer exists.

Poetry Worm
Thought Provoker
Joined 1st Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 346

Hades can you edit and post the link to the poem? That way the name will he anonymous when it goes to public vote.

Thank you.

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