Poetry competition CLOSED 5th February 2017 5:58am
View Profile Poems by Afroqn73
RUNNERS-UP: BrokynSyn and Jade-Pandora

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Runaway Love

Dangerous Mind
United States 8awards
Joined 1st July 2014
Forum Posts: 318

Poetry Contest

talk about wanting to running away from a bad situation or fear
Ever felt like running away whether if you just contemplated on doing it, actually attempted it but failed or even did do it and has worked out, but eventually it didn't feel as good of an idea as it was at the time.
Whichever the scenario is whether if you were a teen mother running away from home or a battered wife/husband and just couldn't take it anymore or you were a kid with an alchoholic father or mother whatever your story is tell me when you felt like, tried to, or actually did runaway because I'm sure there are people here that could relate and use the poetry as a way of support.

- One entry
- doesn't matter if it was recent or not
- has to be about you so don't tell me in third person I won't judge
- explain to me why you felt like it was the best option to do it
- once again I want to make this clear there is NO JUDGEMENT! so I don't want to see any bullying of any form from anyone just because someone thought about or did ran away for whatever reason
- can be as long or as short as you want

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17163


I have been here before
where hearts beat stronger
the colours are brighter
the air is fresher

here hurts are deeper
I absorb observe better
the world feels smaller
laughter are mockingly shriller

I shouldn't run
again...yet I will
if staying feels
too frightening.

*an old write, hope this counts*

poet Anonymous

Bullets through the wall

murder at the dance hall
bullets shot through the wall
duck down wait for the silence

violence is above
dropping hatred on our love
bullets shot through the wall
my mother sister brothers fall

get a hold of your head
slowly get out of your bed
bullets shot through the wall
now is the time stand tall

is it cowardly to run away
we will return
on a peaceful day

Dangerous Mind
United States 3awards
Joined 14th Jan 2016
Forum Posts: 1347

Between love and hate

Ran away from
Being under his thumb
Tired of feeling voiceless
Tired of feeling unworthy
So many years wasted
In fear
Fear of what if
Fear of change
Led me to the point of suicide
But how could I pull the trigger
And leave my baby without a mom
My only way to live
Was to run
Run away from the emotional abuse
Ran away from the suicidal thoughts
But running also meant
running away from the baby
I love so much
So many don't see the reasoning
Behind my decision
I decided to love myself
Decided to live
So I ran
Leaving everything behind

Dangerous Mind
United States 31awards
Joined 22nd Dec 2015
Forum Posts: 765

Running Away

I am taking off and trying to run
Away as far as I possibly can.
I want to go towards the sun

And throw away the set plan
As I go there. I want you to come
With me because it is better than

Being alone. Every crumb
We leave behind does not matter.
It brings me comfort with your thumb

Against my cheek. Let the ashes scatter
And for me to stop running. I want to
Start walking and to enjoy the splatter

Of the colors of the sunset that skew
With my head no longer. Every piece
Of rubble is another reminder for you

And I to slow down. Let us cease
This disarray and getting away
From our problems. Every crease

Is old and boring. I want you to stay
With me for this long journey
Ahead of us. Nothing should weigh

Heavily on our minds. Our worry
Goes out the window along with
Everything else. Let the unworthy

Things go. I am no wordsmith
To explain the things in my head,
But everything is more than a myth.

I want to leave my same old bed
Behind and sleep in a brand
New place. This new thread

We are walking on feels like sand
Beneath our feet. It is no small
Defeat to walk and to stand

Among those who saw me as a doll.
I am not breakable and I will not crack.
Do not back me up against the wall

Otherwise I will let everything black
Out and fade away. Then I will
Never be willing to ever come back.

Thought Provoker
United States 1awards
Joined 5th Jan 2012
Forum Posts: 186

Free at last

My heart pounds rhythmically
As I push myself to go faster
I look back to where I left
Wondering if I should return
No, Don't go back..
Please... Don't go back

I beg myself inwardly

The memories hit me
Just like he did
Over, and over, and over
The pain still seems to linger
Even if its been a day or two
I couldn't take it anymore

I begged myself for years
To leave his tyrannous house
Though I never had the courage
Each day I contemplated
Waiting for the right moment
And this was it

Relief fills my soul
Knowing I never have to relive
Those treacherous nights
When I couldn't fight back
To put it simply,
I am free.
Free at last.

Poetry Accident
Dangerous Mind
United States 15awards
Joined 30th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 193

Two Thousand

Please don't invite me to the picnic
the one with the smiling faces and long knives
tables piled high high with festive fare
my friends and I served as main course.

The day started out simple enough
stranded in the country with broken ride
with locals eager for some company
at annual celebration of comradery.

So much time had been spent
making the town ready for the festival
a gala of decadence by simple people
a sign of their observance of greater purpose.

Sabbath or funeral clothes were worn
the former we assumed to our error
surely they did not dress handsome for visitors
even if they said they did it only once a year.

Through a twisted path we were led
past halls set waiting banquet
at these we did not tarry long
until we arrived at a hall for our sup.

Potato salad stood by deviled egg
fried chicken next to candy ham.
Strangely our hosts paid more attention
to us than the spread made for them.

I separated from the group
did not eat any of the offered food
suspecting that I would sleep
too soon after eating the cole slaw.

Out the back door I escaped
down alleys until I reached the woods
through the rows of planted trees
I made my way to far safety.

The day started out simple enough
I did not realize in the end
I'd ride a cow to not be a meal
but that's a poem for another time.

Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 23rd Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 8

I looked back one last time
This was for the best
This was my chance to escape
No more hate
No more abuse
I can be free

Strange Creature
Joined 31st Jan 2017
Forum Posts: 2

Running.  from my own thoughts . Running  wondering mind is a curse and a blessing. Not Talkin religion I'll leave that for my second forum keep my audience guessing.  Modestly speaking . My audience is me . Freeing my mind through writing ..my introduction might seem trivial words juvenile no thesaurus .. prospective reality speaking worries written down become mental battles defeated running running steady running.  Figurtively and literally. Figurtively mentally drawing conclusions thru life experiences reading using education trying not to make  generalizations  Able to connect with any person.. thus socially living selflessly able to become enlightened daily while feeding my intellect and riteous mind set. Blessing. On the flip side curse because I can't turn my subconcious mind to mute.   Speaker phone  social issues , politics , economics , ethics , Donald Trump my current mental block even though my inaugural poem was supposed to be my mental date start date to change my perception new president not to be confused with me changing my prospective wait as I digress ... Running ...
moved to  Sacramento another city running from my environment mind used to be infused family feuds .. raising a foster daughter 22 hood social worker now I'm speaking literally running removed my self 28 family raised outta momma mode  I'm able to breath finish school now my mind is clouded with intangible things .. Never was  oblivious to these issues .. lifestyles .. cultures.. views .. opinions   ran thru my mind education  feeding my inner library of wisdom even though situationally and subconciously the world needed me enabling me to think freely running continuously like momma says I have two speeds go go go or sleep.   Im secure alone in these four walls. Fight or flight fight then flight remorse. Push pull concept . Running from love . Running from the opposite sex I need to let go of my past it's past tense . Attention needed perpetuated with shit talkin manly manerisms compliments I hate compliments negative rebuttle attention needed negative self inflicted feeds the void my way never the less attention . Running from my problems immersed in work escaping life work is easy life's hard. Surviving.. running waking up with purpose  on hold my goals daily generated through school future social worker  for that very premise purpose and running taking this  different aspect catalyst to my daily positive surviving life context.

Dangerous Mind
United States 7awards
Joined 24th June 2016
Forum Posts: 11

Promise me the sea

Dredging up the murky,dense waters of the past,I watch. I watch hidden, wicked things float to the choppy surface,disrupted from a silted sleep. The wreckage that once sank slowly now lies rotting, bobbing in the tidal currents below the whitecaps,anchored with concrete cynder blocks. It begans to reek upon the peak of its ascension like that of a bloated corpse. I killed it months ago. I killed it.

My knees gave out when the stench of it hit my nose,when the sight of it burned my vision bleak, and I crumbled. I broke. I fell to the uneven ground in a trembling heap and there was no sand to soften the blow, only jagged shards. They struck my rattled bones upon impact and abraised my vulnerable skin,lovely red ribbons to adorn my bare feet. I wear them like velvet slippers.

I am no match for the raging sea, no threat to the sting of the prevailing winds that carve subtle runes into my open flesh, or to the sting of salt that fills my labored lungs with fire.
Only can I hope to heal under a blazing sun that blisters my retinas with scorching memories. Helplessly I watch, as those terrible things are washed ashore to saturate my inner vision. I grow blind, but my eyes, my eyes see.

The waves push them closer, my focus is bitter and raw with regret. I squeeze my lids shut tightly and shout for the tide to carry them away from me, to spare me from those hideous stains that mark my soul. Wickedness has no soul and it only greets me in hushed tones that clog my ears and lap at my toes like a gentle, poisonous promise of forever.

But unlike the sea, promises are broken. And I am broken,too.

Written by Kasai
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Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
Forum Posts: 372

Am i better off a quitta?

To be honest,
It feels good to be alive,
not at my strongest right now but i'll survive,
Red eyes as i accept the lies that unwind you and I,
but right now I gotta take a scenic drive,  
pass-by the places where our worlds collided,
Remind myself of a time when i was not blinded,
desensitized, or have to improvise a goodbye,
I wish i could forget the reply that you supplied,
Confined by questions of why,
and cant describe or justify the feelings fleeting inside.
I was selfish I admit,
We had interests in conflict,
And i was afraid to commit,
but you could never forgive what you did not permit,
we put each other through some shit,
How could i not predict  it woulds ended like this?
i wanted an accomplice,
instead I got whipped but I wouldn't end up your accomplishment,
i tossed the script and split in search of where i fit,
We couldn't be tolerant of the nonsense that comes with finding love  in college,
But now we are better equipped,
Cuz of this knowledge I don't regret calling it quits.
It's funny how the little things linger,
wondering how i'll make it through this winter,
beyond the point that i miss her,
Wondering Why there have to be a winner?
decided by passive-aggressive communication on twitter,
The taste has turned bitter,  
I remember days all we did was bicker as we damaged our livers,
My life I reconfigured,
Now in my sobriety I figure,
our history seems more of a dream than reality that actually happened to me,  
I can't believe I was so naive,
inspiration provided by a remix to The Script's song 'Nothing" created by CSC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVbazzIas94
Written by gazellemon (Bradley J)
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jade tiger
Tyrant of Words
United States 154awards
Joined 9th Nov 2015
Forum Posts: 5134

Like No Other Love

I sprint away from him
To take the chance at last,
The night is cool and dim
Sidewalk of overcast.

It shoots up through my seams
And jars within my brain,
I'm silent in my screams
He loved to hear the pain.

And did all that he could
And told me what he'd do
No matter if I would
Believe in what I knew.

Obeying every want
I never satisfied
His dark sadistic haunt
Would threaten if I lied.

To hunt me like a dog
His little trophy slut,
Not worthy of his 'love',
A litany of faults  

For everyone to hear
All through the neighborhood,
There was no other one
He claimed who had his heart.

Was like no other love  
He'd given just to me.
And even though I stayed
In hopes that he might feel,

Remembering the past
The way it used to be,
It disappeared so fast
When soon the threats to me.

The mental torture came
When he would leave each day,
And lock me in to tame
His little runaway.  

With places where he hid
The fetish things he plied
Upon my nakedness,
No clothes did he abide.

While I was kept inside
My mind would start to bend,
Until he would return
For it to start again.

The layers of my scars
Not only to my skin
To bow, the cage's bars
A thing that it lived in.

Without a name, a soul
I had just one more try
Determined in my goal
Before there was no time

The truck's glare of its light,
My hair flew as I streaked
As he turned up the drive
When he came down the street.

Its high beams showed the slave
That no one ever sees
Had broken from his rage
To live free as she flees.

And as I disappeared,
I heard his howling rant
That echoed in the night,
Became his vocal chant:

"There is no other one
I've claimed who has my heart
Is like no other love
I've given just to you!"
Written by Jade-Pandora (jade tiger)
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poet Anonymous

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Fire of Insight
United States 7awards
Joined 31st Oct 2011
Forum Posts: 190

Running away seemed like a good idea
Or at least it did at the time
Home is where the heart is
That’s what I have always heard
But I have no heart or so I’ve been told
I am heartless and cruel
That I have no place in this world and never will
Living on the road was perfect
Away from all the abuse, lies, and mistrust
No one but me could hurt me
I was invincible
Until I fell
And boy did I fall hard
Right on my face and into a pair of hand cuffs
Misguided hope and trust
Landed me with 3 misdemeanors and a broken ego
I went back home to mommy
Cried myself to sleep every night just like before
Counted the stars as all my wrongs
I got lost in a fairytale without a knight in it
Instead of being trapped by the fire breathing dragon
I became the dragon and burned all the bridges out
I locked myself away so I wouldn’t hurt anyone
Or at least anyone I cared about
Then I realized no one cared about me
Momma was a myth she never loved me
Daddy was druggie and an abuser
Uncles only ever abused me to their advantage
Aunties blamed me for all their kid’s wrong choices
I was a scapegoat
Always have and always will be
So, I ran away from home once again
Changed my name my looks and am never going back
That’s what I always tell myself and I always run back
Once you enjoy pain and revel in it you can’t live without it
Trapped in a never-ending cycle
Spinning and spinning
An infinite loop hole without a chance

Lost Thinker
Joined 19th Dec 2014
Forum Posts: 19

I Wanna Run Away

I don't like what's happening,
Not one single bit.
I urge my legs to move me,
But all I do is sit.

I don't like his hands,
Or his breathe on my face.
I don't like what's going on,
But I'm glued to this place.

I don't like him this close to me,
I know that this is wrong.
I want to move away from this,
But I'm just not that strong.

I want to call for help,
But there is no one at all to hear.
I want to run and never look back,
I just want to be far from here.

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