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Does love still exist in today's society?

Lord Viddax
Guardian of Shadows
United Kingdom 32awards
Joined 10th Oct 2009
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Likes on a picture mean nothing compared to a picture alone treasure. Money can buy many things, love is still not one of them and it all amounts to nothing when you are dead and long gone. Today's standards are tomorrow's faults, with fake boobs and ass shots being worthless without brains to know what to do with them and even then only of worth if there is a sexy soul attached, and such a thing cannot be augmented or faked.

Love still exists in its many varied forms. Though the love you seem to be looking for Libra, is a rather romantic and relationship based one. (If you are indeed a Libra and based on a quick horoscope search, then that search for love may well be with you for a long time until you get that 'right person'. More on that now!)

Unfortunately such a romantic and relationship love, and the "true love" are also symptoms and products of a "generation driven by the amount of likes you get on a picture, the amount of money you have, if your body meets today's standards of the fake breats/ ass shots."

Love is much more than X meets Y, (or in this day and age X meets X or Y meets Y) and is not so solely based on two beings becoming a couple. There is natural and basic and evolutionary love: the type that exists in all parents and families that is based on being part a select biological group, and no amount of tweets or vines will completely eclipse such things. There is also Love for things, not materialism and the love of things, but the love and joy of something like familiar/good food and a job/hobby that really engages and motivates you.

There is also the really important and rather underrated Love of the Self, and Love of Existence, and Love of Imperfections. Not to be confused with respectively: Egoism and self-absorption, living in the moment and for the moment without thought of consequence, and desire for failure or the taboo.
It is important to love yourself, or more accurately be at peace with yourself (something I have not mastered but seem to better at the moment). So that when life knocks you down or media tells you be so-and-so you have confidence to continue being yourself rather than something else and something moulded. That is Love of the Self.
Love of Existence, is being at peace with the world: not necessarily meditating under a tree and floating off the ground while smiling in response to everything, but of not letting all the flaws of the world become an overwhelming burden for you to solve overnight.
Love of Imperfections, is the basis to all relationship and romantic love: of loving something for its uniqueness and not for its being perfect as perfection would be bland/boring/unfeeling. (Roughly speaking we are all imperfect because our faces are not perfectly smooth round spheres.)

Missy - I would argue that love can be an immense strength. For one thing it as a declarative and affirmative: something is loved and is given attention/emotion, it an active thing in that love is not neutral (as in not caring or being impassive). For another thing, love is strong for it is a kind of acceptance/confidence; as in it is not necessarily looking for a change for the better or a future but looking to the present and a communion between two people/things. (That might be a bit obscure so apologies.)

An important idea/lesson to take away from this long boring rambling aside, is that we and everything are all weird and flawed. Yet therein lies a list of positive things rather than negatives: no one is perfect so it is better to love what you are than love something you are not and trying to be. Being confident with yourself as you are/can be is far sexier and desirable than being something you are not, our monkey brains are not attracted to falsity forever.

Tyrant of Words
Joined 25th Aug 2011
Forum Posts: 17076

Viddax said:
An important idea/lesson to take away from this long boring rambling aside, is that we and everything are all weird and flawed. Yet therein lies a list of positive things rather than negatives: no one is perfect so it is better to love what you are than love something you are not and trying to be. Being confident with yourself as you are/can be is far sexier and desirable than being something you are not, our monkey brains are not attracted to falsity forever.

And so it is, M'lord.Agree with you completely there. Love yourself and not the fancied content of yourself. Love does exist...in various levels.

poet Anonymous


Strange Creature
United Kingdom
Joined 25th Oct 2016
Forum Posts: 2

I have experience love and it was blinding, I think that love has been glorified and stuck on one all comsuming pedestal. When in reality there are many forms of love.

Strange Creature
Joined 23rd Nov 2016
Forum Posts: 2

love happens love is real, when you least expect it, but when that day comes you will be hit by it.... in the face

poet Anonymous

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Bradley J
Fire of Insight
United States 6awards
Joined 6th Mar 2014
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Anonymous said:<< post removed >>

says a wise man.

poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

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poet Anonymous

LibraSoul96 said:I want to know do you all feel love still exists in a generation driven by the amount of likes you get on a picture, the amount of money you have, if your body meets today's standards of the fake breats/ ass shots.

Cuz me being single I'm losing faith by the day seeing men disrespect their girlfriends and just cheat thinking its cool. No one knows how to express their love for one another without being portrayed as weak.

So DUP family let me in on your thoughts
Aye lass its true social media has killed a lot of the mystery wrapped around the L word. Social media is great in the respect that it connects people but unfortunatly the vast majority of it in my experience is air brushed, wrapped in plastic foolishness.
I think if you feel strongly about somone, likes on a picture, bank balances and having a botoxed ass becomes irrelevant. You fall for someone because you think they are awesome. Plain and simple. And somebodies inperfections can be the sexiest things about them. Flaws perceived or imagined ignite beauty. Its all really subjective. Real love is staying with someone through the shitty times, supporting each other regardless of distractions. Love is not having a personal agenda and showing mutual respect. Love is weathering the storm together.

Love is not the six month honeymoon period you have in a new relationship. If it grows from there great. If not its just fucking.

And guys who cheat on their missis and think its cool obviously need to prove somthing to their pals. They can all pat each other on the back for their sexual prowess, scoring notches on the bedpost while having secret fantasies about fucking each other.

Disclaimer I fuck fellas and gals, the above was not a homophobic remark. Just an observation

So libra just be patient and dont accept second best. There is someone out there for everyone.



poet Anonymous

Well for starters you need to love your self before you love others and for others to love you back .in this modern time every one is on some kind of date site like tinder or some thing like that because everyone  too busy or they just wants to have some on the side too it seems like everyone is just after sex and thats it . Not love.

Fire of Insight
United States 1awards
Joined 1st July 2015
Forum Posts: 543

I totally agree ppl these days are out for a quick fuck that they don't throw love into consideration. These dating sites to me make ppl look desperate and they never know wat they get. Hell u may think u meeting tall dark and handsome but meanwhile u get a creep who has numerous mugshots and lie bout their whOle persona.  

Strange Creature
United States
Joined 28th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 3

I totally believe love still exists in today's society. Probably more than what it did years ago. Our society is so much more open that the possibility for finding love is endless.

Strange Creature
Joined 28th Dec 2016
Forum Posts: 1

Yes it's as real as always,  more rare probably but still real

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