A continuance of "Bully"

I've been sitting in a court room.
Waiting here to speak.

Play the innocent victim card
"Self- defense" I'll plea.

But you and I both know
For me,
What really lies ahead.

I put you in the hospital
I beat you
Till my knuckles

They won't want to take my offer.
They'll barely hear my case.

Of how you beat me
Every day
To "put me in my place".

They'll take one quick glance
Toward you
See the damage that I caused.

Maybe ask me how I did it.
And for dramatics, I would pause.

I'd tell them how I hatched my plan.
Enjoyed it
When you bled.

No, I'd leave that out.
Instead I'd say
How you hit your head.

Against the wall
With my help, of course.
Written by Vixenwings (Butterfly)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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