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Group Posts 18
Poet Introduction
My most favorite poets are the British romantics. My own writing ranges widely in themes and form, including sonnets, haikus, free verse and blank verse some of which appears in two collections: Of Pain and Ecstasy and Echoes of Dawn at Dusk.
Favorite Poets/Writers
Wordsworth, Blake, Coleridge, Shakespeare, Milton, Heinlein, Niven, Barnes, Pournelle, G RR MartinAbout Me
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I am a professor of legal studies, lawyer and author. My professional writing is mostly in the area of law and ethics (books, textbooks, and scholarly articles) published by traditional publishers. But poetry and fiction are very important to me as a writer and reader from my adolescence through today and I have independently published several collections of poetry, fiction and a novel.
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VictorDLopez (Victor D. Lopez)
Lost Thinker