Image for the poem The Magic of a Woman...

The Magic of a Woman...

The magic of lines,
Cascade in the rays of the sun
Beckons to be touched by the hand,
Flowing, alive.
Slim, graceful wrists,
Temptation that promises happiness.
Nature is a delicately feeling artist,
And the assessment of passers-by is not needed.
The golden ratio is the flow of lines...
Where necessary - wide, where necessary - narrow,
Where necessary - a hollow, where necessary - tears the blouse.
Part of the universal puzzle - Woman,
It seems so difficult to solve at times, so simple at others..
It's for a man,
What am I made of?
Arguing is not my thing.
I'd rather kiss my beloved and embrace the child.
Silk skin, silk soul...
Curves exhilarating and exciting,
Talent to feel and love,
To be softness in which you can hide.
Just be!
No protective shells are needed.
And you can safely open the petals of tenderness.
The intensity of infinite passion, heart and soul
An angel and a demon
Shine in all the radiance
I want to write poetry, draw, dance, cook, love,
I want to keep you warm.
Raising you higher...
Author's Note
Just wanted to say happy International women's day to all of you lovely women out there and the men who love, desire, inspire, and support us!!! I hope you all have a wonderful day! 🌹💐🍫💝
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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