Third Wheel.

The way in which you let her hold your heart sickens me
For I know I want to be holding it withing my palms of iron
Wanting to save it from crumbling into the ashes
Make it grow from them instead, reborn like the phoenix.

To hear you pleasure yourself to her image at all kills me
You say it makes you feel lonely to do so
For the love of all that is my own
Let me love you the way she used to
Don't picture what you do if it hurts you in a way
A way that is so deep it stings.

God, I feel a tug at my heart
Telling me to wrap you in may arms
Never to let you go and get hurt again
However you heart is still strung to anothers finger
And I watch them play with it maliciously
Enjoying the way their puppet is dancing for them.

It makes me sick
Oh so very ill in this beating organ of mine
To know how she still has a little bit of control
Control she wields over you so well
Like a mastermind with all the time in the world.

Homicidal indeed I was
Sometimes I wonder if I was wrong to not smite the little whore
To save you from the agony that befalls you now
And the little boy she enjoys toying with oh so much
Have their blood spilled on the carpet floor
The floor of the library where we once laughed.

Release yourself from the brutal chain around your neck
It's metal is now rusted and gnawing at your flesh
I can see the wounds so deep cut into you slowly
Creating more scars than there should be.

I swear on my life my love is pure
I could never fall into the arms of a man
Men are those that I fear the most
I'd rather be within your own
Protected and safe....

I would never hurt you
Not like she did.....

Written by Chandler (Gleana Snipoms)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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