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The Gathering Place ( Modalities of Divination )

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Moon enters Aries this afternoon, Sat, May 04 @ 4:41 PM EDT, in the 7th House, the natural home of Libra ruled by Venus. This is a house of profound relationships, intimate partnerships, and public opponents. V/c Moon 3:06 - 4:41 PM EDT.

This is a feisty and a little argumentative phase. Don't be surprised if you feel out of your element or enter into debates. This transit portends that even the meekest of us won't hesitate to take a stand.

Since Aries is the beginning of the Zodiac wheel as well as the astrological new year upon its solar return, it serves as a natural starting point for various projects, offering an excellent opportunity to direct that "me first" and "want it now" energy towards initiating change and new beginnings. Be cautious of being overly impulsive and stress driven, manifestation requires patience, something many Aries lack.

The Archangels associated with Aries is Archangel Ariel and Camael.

Ariel translates “The Lioness of God” and is revered as the healing angel of nature. This angel's purpose is to assist us in forming a profound bond with all aspects of nature, tangible and intangible.

Archangel Ariel is chiefly responsible for the stewardship and protection of Earth's natural resources, ecosystems, and wildlife. She ensures the availability of nutritious food, clean water, and adequate shelter. She supports environmental workers in their conservation and restoration efforts.

In collaboration with Raphael, the Archangel of Healing, Ariel also plays a vital role in the healing and safeguarding of animals and plants. If you aim to achieve worldly goals, such as pursuing a career in ecology or exploring the secrets of nature, you might contemplate seeking insight from Archangel Ariel.

Archangel Camael presides over the planet Mars, the star sign of Aries, and Tuesday, and is known as the Angel of Peaceful Relationships, is associated with the zodiac sign Aries, representing assertiveness and confidence. This archangel is linked to the Golden Ray and the notion of 'solar angels.' Archangel Camael presides over the planet Mars, the star sign of Aries, and Tuesday.

This Angelic Master fosters the most serene and affectionate relationships among individuals and aids in the resolution of disputes among nations, neighbors, families, and partners by directing sacred legion of Angels to emit a delightful rose scent of love from the Angelic rose garden.

Archangel Chamuel is also tasked with the divine mission of reuniting soulmates and twin flames and leads individuals to foster the most enriching relationships. Where there is a lack of equality and balance, Chamuel instills strength and empowerment, and also provides the confidence and courage needed to depart, transform, or cultivate a new realm of love when a relationship turns unhealthy.

For more information regarding transit and natal Moon in Aries: inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Sun, May 05, 2024:

Early afternoon the Moon in Aries conjunct Hygieia in the 9th House: Sometimes the best thing for our health is to slow down and take care of ourselves. Indulge your mind with a good book or learn something new to keep the mental muscles entertained while the physical ones take a selfcare break.

Late afternoon the Moon conjunct the North Node in Aries oppose the South Node in Libra:  Relationships are important during this time, so pay attention to the ones that nurture and encourage us to move forward. This realm also highlights open enemies so avoid dramatic and/or competitive/passive-aggressive individuals who would hold us back from being all we can become.

Ten minutes later the Moon oppose Lilith in Libra: Sometimes we are our own worst enemy, so in addition to surrounding ourselves with positive individuals, make certain our self-affirmations also reflect that positivity right into a new beginning.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

Moon: 12ARI58, 9
Hygieia: 12ARI58, 9
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 1:54 PM

Moon: 15ARI24, 7
NorthNode: 15ARI24, 7
Aspect: Conjunction
SouthNode: 15LIB24, 1
Aspect: Oppose
Time: 5:53 PM

Moon: 15ARI31, 7
Lilith: 15LIB31Rx, 1
Aspect: Opposition
Time: 6:04 PM

#art: John Michael Carter

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#CollectiveCasting Card of the Week: May 05 - 11, 2024: Air

Air is the invisible world of thought, intellect, and philosophy. Like the open sky, it hovers above ground and holds a zoomed-out perspective. Detached from the here and now, it's a high reaching, forward-thinking, Bird's-eye view. This is a completely mental realm of information and learning—he ethers from which the ideas arise. It's a head in the clouds, energy removed from physical reality and emotion. It's inherent distance allows for pure thought, abstract and impartial.

Too much air can manifest as emotional or physical unavailability. Untethered from the present moment, the shadow of this energy is being ungrounded or aloof. A scattered personality or chronic indecisiveness could emerge. When lost in the cerebral life passes without ever connecting. However, in its glory, Air is open minded, moving and progressive. It's considered and able to see different perspectives.


Energetics: Objectivity. Logic.

Experiences: Thinking. Learning. Networking. Sharing Ideas. Open mindedness. Seeing a broader perspective.


Spend time in your imagination and allow your mind to open. Welcome new and unusual thoughts or ideas. This is a powerful time to * gaze and visualize the future of your dreams. If you feel called, share your musings with another and follow the meandering trail of mental collaboration.

The long-term practice permits healthy detachment by zooming out from your day-to-day reality. Remain open. Keep learning and expanding with the breath of life. And never forget, every beautiful reality begins as a fantasy.

#oracledeck: Heavenly Bodies Astrology Deck by Lily Ashwell

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Look at the stellium in the New Moon in Taurus coming in Tuesday night conjunct the Sun, Uranus, Jupiter, and Venus* - all in Taurus. It's been a very long time since such a benevolent, New Moon alignment. Take advantage of it!

* Wide conjunction by 1° but there, nonetheless.

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Mon, May 06, 2024 EDT: Turning our focus to creativity suggested healing through communication or written words.

Moon enters Taurus: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Dark Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Midmorning the Moon in Taurus conjunct Eris in Aries: Emotional stability cojoins with a desire for justice among humanity among friends and like-minded individuals to strive toward a united goal, wish, or dream.

Tonight, the Moon square Pluto in Aquarius conjunct Chiron in Aries:  Grounded intuition regarding relationships and open opponents is challenged by social or political structures involving human rights and/or individual freedom. We explore ourselves through the mirror of another.

Turning our focus to creativity suggested healing through communication or written words.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art: Daniel F. Gerhartz.

#inspiritualservice #astrology #astrologer #inspiritualserviceastrology #Zodiac #horoscopes #horoscope2024 #moon #Taurus #moonintaurus #chiron #Aries #chironinaries  #pluto #plutoinaquarius #eris #erisinaries

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Moon enters Taurus late this afternoon @ 5:43 PM EDT, 8th House, the natural home of Scorpio co-ruled by Mars and Pluto. V/C Moon: 1:57 - 5:42 PM

When the exalted Moon enters earthy Taurus, we immediately feel more grounded, goal-oriented, sensual, and securely rooted. This Fixed, Earthen Bull is in no hurry to change anything, much less stress or worry. As a matter of fact, we tend to resist change during this transit, unless, of course, it's our own decision.

Venus-ruled Taurus appreciates stillness, and the beauty life has to offer, be it fine dining, music, and art, and whatever nature has to offer. Here we are at our peak to give and receive love, focus on resources, and tending our coffers. Guard against indolence, obstinance, and gracefully accept circumstances we have no control of.

In acceptance lieth peace, contentment, and balance.

The Archangel Haniel ( Hagiel ) oversees Venus ruled Taurus. This Archangel represents intelligence, friendship, and love. Additionally, Hagiel embodies the qualities of reliability and practicality. In Kabbalistic tradition, Haniel is recognized as one of the ten Sephiroth Archangels. Within the chakra system, Haniel is linked with the throat chakra.

One of her roles is to aid in the healing of women during their menstrual cycles. Her high vibrational energy may also enhance intuition and facilitate the attainment of clairvoyance. This is the reason for her association with the Moon and Venus, which govern Taurus.

Though frequently portrayed with feminine attributes, Archangel Haniel remains a formidable guardian of our souls. She bestows upon us the virtues and spiritual resolve necessary to achieve our loftier goals.

By elevating our energy to align with hers, we can cast aside our illusions and attain spiritual enlightenment.

For more information about the Moon in Taurus, including Natal, visit the Moon's Promenade: inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art: Tammy Cantrell

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We're currently in the Void of Course Moon period until 5:42 PM this afternoon, when the Moon enters Taurus. The Dark Moon comes in tonight @ 11:22 PM EDT and will last 24 hours before the New Moon in Taurus reaches perfection tomorrow night @ 11:22 PM EDT.

Hekate is considered beneficial energy to invoke during this lunar phase. Hekate, also known as Hecate, symbolizes transitional spaces such as doorways, gateways, entrances, crossroads, and midnight. She is associated with the Moon, the underworld, spirits of the deceased, and a variety of plants, both healing and harmful.

She is revered as the Keeper of the Keys, a bearer of light who unlocks the hidden gateways to wisdom, wielding twin torches that cast light upon the journey. In moments when we find ourselves at a threshold or crossroads, uncertain of which path to choose, we may seek the counsel of Hecate for her guidance.

Because Hecate herself is associated with light.  Moon placement is very important in working with this energy.

The fourth quarter Moon symbolizes release, marking a period for endings, banishments, and severing ties. Therefore, when making decisions in transitional spaces, the fourth quarter Moon serves as an ideal time to relinquish the old and cross into the new, positioned between the peak of the previous Full Moon and the silent onset of the next new Moon.

In moments of uncertainty, Hekate serves as a guide. The essence of a ceremony lies in its origin from the heart, embodying the sincere intentions of letting go. As these intentions are intimate, so too is the energy summoned for support: God, the Great Spirit, Angels, the goddess Kali, Hekate, your Spirit Team - all energies spring from the Source, enveloping you in its protective Love.

#art Tammy Cantrell

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#AspectingtheCosmos: Tue, May 07, 2024: Focusing on and contributing to the greater collective brings us greater joy and accomplishment, particularly in the home.

New Moon in Taurus: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

Early morning Mercury in Aries square Ceres in Capricorn: Conflicts surrounding our reasoning ability between others can stabilize through patience by recognizing repetitive patterns that damage relationships. Shadow aspects of ambition and egotistic domineering to transform outcomes and be course corrected.

Midmorning, the Moon in Taurus conjunct Venus. Oh la la! Our emotional desire to be of useful service through practical contributions to social/humanitarian causes are amplified by gratitude and appreciation for the beauty in likeminded individuals coming together for a cause. Amorous feelings and desires prevail on the domestic front.

Midafternoon the Moon sextile Vesta in Cancer: Emotional freedom and increased value is obtained through an alteration of perspective to include higher thinking. Focusing on and contributing to the greater collective brings us greater joy and accomplishment, particularly in the home.

Tonight, the Moon Sextile Saturn in Pisces and the Sun in Taurus conjunct the Moon forming a lunar Cazimi and New Moon in Taurus: Adjusting our focus and inner expression to disciplined and analytical processing can produce blueprints of success guaranteed to increase the value of our assets: emotional and tangible.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ):

Mercury: 21ARI21, 11
Ceres: 21CAP21, 8
Aspect: Square
Time: 7:53 AM

Moon: 09TAU59, 11
Venus: 09TAU59, 11
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 10:04 AM

Moon: 12TAU26, 9
Vesta: 12CAN26, 11
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 2:07 PM

Moon: 17TAU13, 8
Saturn: 17PIS13, 6
Aspect: Sextile
Time: 10:02 PM

Sun: 18TAU02, 6
Moon: 18TAU02, 6
Aspect: Conjunction
Time: 11:22 PM

#art Bettina Baldassari

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New Cazimi Moon in Taurus comes in tonight @ 11:22 PM EDT, 6th House, the natural home of Virgo ruled by Mercury. For manifesting clues on how you can personally work with this New Moon energy, find out which house it falls in your natal chart. If you're not sure, DM me and I'll assist you.

With five planets now in Taurus ( Sun, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Uranus ), the energy is heavily grounded and methodical. The most favorable time to utilize this Sun/Cazimi Moon conjunction is 30 minutes prior and after perfection ( 11:22 PM ). It's the ideal time to begin something new.

The conjunction of the Sun and exalted Cazimi Moon encourages us to focus on personal aspects of our lives: health, homes, feelings, emotions, and close relationships, particularly with women ( Moon ). The Sun's influence ( masculine ) illuminates areas and underlying issues to be addressed and resolved positively.

This transit has the ability to bring emotional balance. It's presence in the 6th House ensures the perfect time for a level-headed approach to the personal issues surrounding health and work as well as self-analysis regarding habits, hygiene, and conditioning.

Full article: http://inspiritualservice.com/celestial-events-2024

#art: Jeanne Bessette

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AspectingtheCosmos, Wed May 08, 2024 ( EDT ):

Moon enters Gemini: http://inspiritualservice.com/planetary-transits-2024

Early afternoon the Moon conjuncts Jupiter in Taurus sesquiquadrates Lilith in Libra within 15 minutes:  Our emotional stability and/or physical possessions can be expanded through wise budgeting and investments.

Late afternoon/early evening the Moon sextile Neptune in Pisces: Our intuition is peaked and the opportunity for spiritual advancement is as well.

Tonight the Moon in Gemini trine Pluto in Aquarius: Emotional versatility in relationships can be transformed through forward thinking. Wisdom is a light unto our path.

Full message plus Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

#art Michael Malm

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I am grateful for a new start.

As I heal and cleanse myself of the past, I grow by a new light that shines upon me.

I will stay on this path of growth until I reach my maximum potential. I am certain in my heart that I will get there, I am one with the moon, so I trust... as above, so below.

I Affirm:

My heart is open to receiving all of the love of the Universe.

I am manifesting all that aligns with my highest potential.

I invite all forms of abundance into my life.

I open myself to receive all the blessings and gifts the Universe has for me.

I am aligned with the frequency of my desires.

My radiant light shines bright
I allow love to fill me.

I have unlimited potential to create the life I wish for myself.

I trust that I am fully supported by the Universe.

I open myself to the Magic and miracles that are available to me every day.

I have the power to shape my reality.

My dreams and desires effortlessly manifest into the now.

I courageously follow the path of my heart and
I co create with joy and passion.

I offer these seeds for your blessing for their utmost burgeoning: marigold, coneflower, zennias, and those within my heart planted this evening.

Amen, and so it is. 🙏🌑🌱

Prayer: Conscious Commons.

#inspiritualservice #newmoon #Taurus #newmoonintaurus #newmoonritual #moon

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Moon enters Gemini tonight @ 7:21, EDT, 8th house, the natural home of Scorpio co-ruled by Mars & Pluto. V/c Moon: 5:55 - 7:20 PM.

Individuals influenced by Gemini tend to be highly intelligent and talented, using their minds as their primary tool. Geminis crave diversity, which can sometimes result in dispersed energies and lead to nervous exhaustion.

They usually exhibit an unquenchable desire for learning and knowledge, driven by their perpetually curious minds. While they collect information avidly, they do not always disseminate it.

It's a perfect time to focus on correspondence, catching up on calls, and day trips! Gemini does have the ability to focus and get things done when it calls on its higher power. This is a fun but fickle Moon, so guard against becoming too scattered.

This mutable air sign is overseen by the Archangel Raphael, whose name means, “God heals.” This endows individuals born under the Gemini sign with traits of adaptability and a highly social nature. This Archangel also rules over the planet Mercury, Wednesday, and is responsible for the East.

Archangel Raphael is recognized as the angel of healing, overflowing with compassion for those enduring physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual hardships. Raphael's mission is to draw individuals nearer to God, allowing them to discover the serenity that God intends for them. He is frequently linked with joy and laughter.

Additionally, Raphael is dedicated to the healing of animals and the Earth, leading to his association with animal welfare and environmental initiatives.

Individuals often seek Raphael's assistance for healing from physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual ailments, overcoming addictions, finding love, and ensuring safety during travel.

Additional transit and natal info on Gemini Moon: http://inspiritualservice.com/the-moons-promenade

#art Archangel Raphael by Tammy Cantrell

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. . .

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#AspectingtheCosmos, Thu, May 09, 2024:

OOB Moon: inspiritualservice.com/astrology-articles

Early morning the OOB Moon in Gemini trine Lilith in Libra: Unpredictable and fickle emotions frustrated by limitations can effectively ground by using our voice to balance out discord. It is not the time to stay silent.

Just after noon, Pluto in Aquarius sextile Pallas in Sagittarius: We have the opportunity to transform a relationship, personal or business, through imaginative and creative ways. Visualization of what we want brings wisdom in how to obtain it.

Early evening Uranus in Taurus sesquiquadrate Lilith in Libra and the OOB Moon in Gemini sextile Hygieia in Pisces:  We may desire more freedom in a relationship. Emotions are unpredictable and our rebellious nature can be our undoing if we don't adequately communicate our needs to restore domestic balance and harmony.  

Tonight, Mars in Aries inconjunct Juno in Virgo: Sometimes the best way to vent pent-up energy is through sexual activity. Adjusting our attitude to one of gratitude vs nitpicking can create an amorous atmosphere. Health and hygiene are featured. A bubble bath? Massage? Order in. Something relaxing.

Degrees, Houses, Aspects, Time ( EDT ): http://inspiritualservice.com

Art: Marc Chagall

Tyrant of Words
United States 117awards
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Most readers have heard of "Cusps" before, but have you ever heard of "Deconates"?! I began exploring the Cusps and Deconates of each astrology sign, beginning with Taurus.

A cusp is the point a new astrological sign begins. The word derives from Latin, "to begin". When someone speaks of being born "on a cusp", they are referring to their birth time at or near the beginning or end of their astrological sign.

For example, if you were born May 20 @ 3:00 AM, this time is in the final degrees of Taurus, before the Sun enters Gemini @ 9:00 AM. This is what's called a "cusp" by many astrologers. ( It's important to note that the Sun doesn't move into each sign on the same day of each year so take that into account. )

There's a debate among astrologer as to what a "cusp" means, if anything. Some astrologers claim it's the first or last two days of a new sign, while others claim it's the first or last ten days. The consensus between astrologers who do believe in cusps is the first and last five days of a sign.

MY PERSONAL BELIEF after in-depth research on Scorpio cusps and deconates: You are in something, or you're not. We are either in October or we're in November. While November may carry the signature of the weather of the previous month, it will never be exact. The same clouds won't be in the sky, the temperature will fluctuate, and so forth. No two days are ever alike. Heck, no two hours, minutes, or seconds are ever identical.

After extensive research and comparisons to form a relationship with each meaning, followed by heeding my intuition, I resonate more with deconates than cusps; however, for those adamant about cusps can decide for yourselves! Here you go:

April 20 - 24:

You are a self-sufficient, determined, spirited, and independent Taurus with Aries tendencies. You cannot bear another person's boundaries or rules and have no qualms with expressing your own self. You often find yourself sought after for guidance because of your confidence to be yourself. Truth be known, there are times you feel insecure, but hide it very well. You opt for the intellectual approach to solving problems rather than the intuitive. In love, however, you are impulsive and extravagant.

May 16 - 20

You are ambitious, strong-willed, imaginative, and intellectually inclined as a Taurus with Gemini tendencies. Your personality is attractive to others because you possess an influential touch that resonates with them. Generally, you are straightforward because you have no time for games or pettiness; however, you prefer open honesty to hidden feelings. Words come to you easily unless you are emotionally involved, then you are often unable to express your deepest feelings, especially when in love.

#art: Tammy Cantrell

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