Fictional Prose
Short stories and chapters from books and novels
I was abducted by aliens last night!!!!
They told me
They had come
To suck out my brains!
After much jabbering
Amongst themselves
And a few,
Seemingly harmless experiments
Where i presume
They were testing my brain output etc
They suddenly returned to Earth
Let me leave their spaceship aka ufo
Without saying a word?
So i asked
"I thought you were going to suck out my brains!"
"Yes earthling, we were
But decided on this occasion
It wasn't worth it.........
by Jemia
They told me
They had come
To suck out my brains!
After much jabbering
Amongst themselves
And a few,
Seemingly harmless experiments
Where i presume
They were testing my brain output etc
They suddenly returned to Earth
Let me leave their spaceship aka ufo
Without saying a word?
So i asked
"I thought you were going to suck out my brains!"
"Yes earthling, we were
But decided on this occasion
It wasn't worth it.........
by Jemia
#LifeAsAWriter #satirical
#LifeAsAWriter #satirical
54 reads
1 Comment
Secrets - What Really Happened?
Little sleep. Clanking pipes, whistling wind, shadows forming in the dark. An old shed with a broken bicycle. A heap of discarded tyres in an unfamiliar back garden. Gordon leaning over and grinning at me, his front tooth capped with an ivory crown.
And then, I'm a boy of ten once again, legging it down Whaley Hill in the August heat. A shape appears on the Clearing at the bottom of hill. Hands grab me, pushing me against a withered tree. A man's voice threatening to kill me.
'Help,' I struggle to say bolting forward on the sofa bed, my heart hammering in my chest. ...
And then, I'm a boy of ten once again, legging it down Whaley Hill in the August heat. A shape appears on the Clearing at the bottom of hill. Hands grab me, pushing me against a withered tree. A man's voice threatening to kill me.
'Help,' I struggle to say bolting forward on the sofa bed, my heart hammering in my chest. ...
#mystery #risk
#mystery #risk
54 reads
Feeling Of A New Book
Not much people talk about the feeling of a new book.
When you open it and travel worlds.
Like a magical adventure with captain Hook.
Not everyone talks about the classic smell.
Of a brand new book,and the story it tell.
Or maybe about the spell it casts.
And while you read it with imagination,it lasts.
Where you travel to different characters'' pasts.
And you travel through their head.
Through their lives,seeing through their eyes.
And practically living their lives.
Opening a new book for the first time. ...
When you open it and travel worlds.
Like a magical adventure with captain Hook.
Not everyone talks about the classic smell.
Of a brand new book,and the story it tell.
Or maybe about the spell it casts.
And while you read it with imagination,it lasts.
Where you travel to different characters'' pasts.
And you travel through their head.
Through their lives,seeing through their eyes.
And practically living their lives.
Opening a new book for the first time. ...
40 reads
Jackie's Book of Shadows (CH4)
Chapter 4
Sister Christian, oh, the time has come…
Match flicked with finger, ignites hand rolled spliff,
the sound of inhaling ganja smoke, a line of smoke
rising from the smoking implement, forming into
letters of the finest poetry & magic.
Where you going? What you looking for?
Cipher walks over the emerald grass and periodic
concrete squares of the Tim Burton inspired
mansion, doing impromptu dance as he
walks, spliff in lips, humming...
Sister Christian, oh, the time has come…
Match flicked with finger, ignites hand rolled spliff,
the sound of inhaling ganja smoke, a line of smoke
rising from the smoking implement, forming into
letters of the finest poetry & magic.
Where you going? What you looking for?
Cipher walks over the emerald grass and periodic
concrete squares of the Tim Burton inspired
mansion, doing impromptu dance as he
walks, spliff in lips, humming...
78 reads
Roses And Relations Reborn in the Big Easy
Roses And Relations Reborn in the Big Easy
I woo my sister. “If the lover of Prospero’s daughter were not fictional wouldst thou not be his leading lady on the stage called life?”
“Dost thou make oracular airs? Such prophecies are not made in jest,” she says.
“Ah, just a portent of love glimpsed from afar.”
“Given my impeccable femininity attested to by thee wouldst thou let a bitter man’s choice fill thy shoes?”
“Since our womb abode was the same surely to share the same bed would be a blasphemous deed.”
Ro replies, “Yet brothers to sisters are...
I woo my sister. “If the lover of Prospero’s daughter were not fictional wouldst thou not be his leading lady on the stage called life?”
“Dost thou make oracular airs? Such prophecies are not made in jest,” she says.
“Ah, just a portent of love glimpsed from afar.”
“Given my impeccable femininity attested to by thee wouldst thou let a bitter man’s choice fill thy shoes?”
“Since our womb abode was the same surely to share the same bed would be a blasphemous deed.”
Ro replies, “Yet brothers to sisters are...
297 reads
Jackie's Book of Shadows (CH3)
Chapter 3
Arms outstretched, Cipher stands
upon the waters, a tenebrous magical
mirror, the current generates a force,
applied to the amplification of The
Leviathan Meditation.
The doorway to the Window of the
Sea, moonlit surfaces of wave faces,
seen from spiral descent into depth,
a vibrating coolness permeating, a
deeper knowledge pulsating.
Entering a trance like state, form
arises from formlessness, a hand,
making a motion, consistent with
the fluidity of the tides.
Arms outstretched, Cipher stands
upon the waters, a tenebrous magical
mirror, the current generates a force,
applied to the amplification of The
Leviathan Meditation.
The doorway to the Window of the
Sea, moonlit surfaces of wave faces,
seen from spiral descent into depth,
a vibrating coolness permeating, a
deeper knowledge pulsating.
Entering a trance like state, form
arises from formlessness, a hand,
making a motion, consistent with
the fluidity of the tides.
72 reads
I went along to join a new group recently
I may of misread the details though
What i thought was a writing group of sorts
As about a dozen of us turned up
Some looked a bit long in the tooth
And a bit pale, and actually quite goth-like
So i thought okay, i'm here now,
So decided to go along for the ride
They soon started talking about bats
Which sounded quite interesting
Especially about bats in the attic
And how 8uncomfortable they found it
I thought they were concerned at their plight
But it turned out i was seriously wrong...
I may of misread the details though
What i thought was a writing group of sorts
As about a dozen of us turned up
Some looked a bit long in the tooth
And a bit pale, and actually quite goth-like
So i thought okay, i'm here now,
So decided to go along for the ride
They soon started talking about bats
Which sounded quite interesting
Especially about bats in the attic
And how 8uncomfortable they found it
I thought they were concerned at their plight
But it turned out i was seriously wrong...
44 reads
Jackie's Book of Shadows (CH2)
Chapter 2
Cipher stands with dragon cane, admiring
the archway to Netherwoods Boardwalk, as
mercurial moonshine glitters over the surface
of the water, a sight, washing over his
perception like catharsis born and reborn,
a wave machine of purification of perception,
wave after wave, a constant source.
Eyes closed, he delves further into the frequency,
enhancing the senses.
It is the Frequency of Leviathan.
The Leviathan Meditations...
Cipher stands with dragon cane, admiring
the archway to Netherwoods Boardwalk, as
mercurial moonshine glitters over the surface
of the water, a sight, washing over his
perception like catharsis born and reborn,
a wave machine of purification of perception,
wave after wave, a constant source.
Eyes closed, he delves further into the frequency,
enhancing the senses.
It is the Frequency of Leviathan.
The Leviathan Meditations...
98 reads
Catastrophic Catachresis Of A Crisis Of Identity!
I always
Identified as a cat
It was clearly obvious
That i wasn't born a cat
As i didn't spend my day
Sleeping, screwing, or licking my bum!
But i did enjoy exploring
As my curiosity
Knew no bounds
Forever seeking new experiences
One fine moonlit night
I met a cat
Born a cat
We got intimate
And i got arrested
For beastiality!
by Jemia
Identified as a cat
It was clearly obvious
That i wasn't born a cat
As i didn't spend my day
Sleeping, screwing, or licking my bum!
But i did enjoy exploring
As my curiosity
Knew no bounds
Forever seeking new experiences
One fine moonlit night
I met a cat
Born a cat
We got intimate
And i got arrested
For beastiality!
by Jemia
69 reads
1 Comment
Jackie's Book of Shadows (Ch.1)
The brick absorbs a last gasp of gold,
drifting into scarlet shadows, whispering,
secrets, scattering, prior to perception,
ascending a winding line into the heights
of the building, where, Jackie sits by the
floor to ceiling window of her top floor
Paper skin fingers wrapped around crystal
tumbler with amber liquid, she makes a
circle, beginning the origins of a swirl. Her
chest constricts, every nerve ending screaming.
A treasure trove of pain.
The heart chakra, center of...
The brick absorbs a last gasp of gold,
drifting into scarlet shadows, whispering,
secrets, scattering, prior to perception,
ascending a winding line into the heights
of the building, where, Jackie sits by the
floor to ceiling window of her top floor
Paper skin fingers wrapped around crystal
tumbler with amber liquid, she makes a
circle, beginning the origins of a swirl. Her
chest constricts, every nerve ending screaming.
A treasure trove of pain.
The heart chakra, center of...
95 reads
Mommy and Daddy's Perfect Little Girl
Diana was small,
she was cute,
she was likeable,
but manipulated,
nightmares over and over
of her likeability being exploited,
her kindness being spent
and thrown back in her face.
The worst words: you're selfish.
Why, oh why, did you hurt her?
She was skinny,
didn't eat much,
played tennis a lot,
had that European tan
in her heritage.
On the outside,
she was thriving.
On the inside,
she wondered why every night
that despite having everything,
why it felt so empty.
she was cute,
she was likeable,
but manipulated,
nightmares over and over
of her likeability being exploited,
her kindness being spent
and thrown back in her face.
The worst words: you're selfish.
Why, oh why, did you hurt her?
She was skinny,
didn't eat much,
played tennis a lot,
had that European tan
in her heritage.
On the outside,
she was thriving.
On the inside,
she wondered why every night
that despite having everything,
why it felt so empty.
71 reads
I remember when we met as kids.
And we still believed in incredible things.
Her smile,her laughter.
I could just drink it in.
And when it subsides,her laughter.
A beautiful smile bringing me in.
I remember when we became teens.
And we were no longer kids.
We started going on dates.
To movies,playing games.
We were just enjoying our lives.
As we let out content sighs.
But years later,a virus had spread.
And her emotions,all I could read was fear.
And maybe holding back a tear.
And we still believed in incredible things.
Her smile,her laughter.
I could just drink it in.
And when it subsides,her laughter.
A beautiful smile bringing me in.
I remember when we became teens.
And we were no longer kids.
We started going on dates.
To movies,playing games.
We were just enjoying our lives.
As we let out content sighs.
But years later,a virus had spread.
And her emotions,all I could read was fear.
And maybe holding back a tear.
69 reads
DU Poetry : Fictional Prose: Short Stories and Chapters from Books and Novels (Page 3)