RobertW (Stephen)

Lost Thinker
United Kingdom
Read Poems (6)
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Age 68
Member Since 7th June 2020
RobertW joined 1755 days ago and last visited 1707 days ago
Comments 39
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Poet Introduction

Favorite Poets/Writers

Oscar Wild, Cormac Mccarthy, Sebastian Faulks

About Me

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I am here because I enjoy getting what is in my mind out. Visit places and do things, share them with you that do or would give me pleasure, life is a journey and not a destination and experience is the greatest pleasure. and if I can share it with someone who likes reading it as much as I like writing then that’s the first objective done.
If I can  for a short time give you a story to loose yourself in, arouse some emotions and connect then that’s the second objective done.
i really enjoy to write erotic stories/poems because they give me pleasure and if someone thinks they are porn or someother such thing i think it is in the mind of the reader, and so i many disagree with them but acknowledge they have a right to have  an opinion. To paraphrase Oscar Wild “There are only two kinds of story, one well written, and one badly written”
I humbly hope mine fall into the latter category!!

I am open to feedback and if you want to chat about writing then that would be wonderful.