Long Heartbroken Poems
Long heartbroken poems. 300 words or more, most recently published poems first.
It's hard for me to admit this
But I still miss you
I miss you like crazy
Even though nobody hurt me like you did
I have met others
I have caught feelings too
However there are days when I just think of you
And it makes me sad
Because I really did think that you were the one
I didn't think I'd be back in the dating scene
It feels strainge getting to know someone knew.
It's been years now and I should be over you
However if you walked back into my life
I'd give it a thought or a thousand of them
Logically I know it makes...
But I still miss you
I miss you like crazy
Even though nobody hurt me like you did
I have met others
I have caught feelings too
However there are days when I just think of you
And it makes me sad
Because I really did think that you were the one
I didn't think I'd be back in the dating scene
It feels strainge getting to know someone knew.
It's been years now and I should be over you
However if you walked back into my life
I'd give it a thought or a thousand of them
Logically I know it makes...
361 reads
Yesterday's heartbreak
Not only once
Not only once, did you made me think that there could be forever
Not only once that you took that back
Then you said that we were never meant to be together
And this fucking hurt.
Because here I was,
Who was an idiot.
A moron,
The pushover
Who was hopeful
Who fought for what mattered to me.
Not only once did I tried to get over you
Not only once did I tell myself that I finally did it
So do you think that I did? That it happened?
And this is the best part.
Not only once I tried to...
Not only once, did you made me think that there could be forever
Not only once that you took that back
Then you said that we were never meant to be together
And this fucking hurt.
Because here I was,
Who was an idiot.
A moron,
The pushover
Who was hopeful
Who fought for what mattered to me.
Not only once did I tried to get over you
Not only once did I tell myself that I finally did it
So do you think that I did? That it happened?
And this is the best part.
Not only once I tried to...
453 reads
A Woman Worth A Million Poems
Should i be flagellated
The sin i have not committed
Anesthetize my heart
Indolent to her painful gaze
When she comes up in new white
Clean and clear, crystalline in her eyes
I go mouth-sealed, heart-broken
And frozen under her jade eyes, never healed
""Medusa, when you cast your spears
Your snakes bite an immortal hurt ""
Ah, cruel time !!! ...
The sin i have not committed
Anesthetize my heart
Indolent to her painful gaze
When she comes up in new white
Clean and clear, crystalline in her eyes
I go mouth-sealed, heart-broken
And frozen under her jade eyes, never healed
""Medusa, when you cast your spears
Your snakes bite an immortal hurt ""
Ah, cruel time !!! ...
391 reads
Heart - Storypoem
Johnny always loved Karen right from the start
and he promised one day she would hold his heart
although she denied his advances politely every time.
Still, Johnny and Karen basked in the friendship they shared together.
Over the course of time Johnny would still hint to Karen
his feelings for her and always Karen would compassionately
let Johnny know how she knew his love for her was true.
Karen always let Johnny know how much she cared for him as well,
just not in the same way he cared for her.
And Johnny...
Johnny always loved Karen right from the start
and he promised one day she would hold his heart
although she denied his advances politely every time.
Still, Johnny and Karen basked in the friendship they shared together.
Over the course of time Johnny would still hint to Karen
his feelings for her and always Karen would compassionately
let Johnny know how she knew his love for her was true.
Karen always let Johnny know how much she cared for him as well,
just not in the same way he cared for her.
And Johnny...
#heartbroken #horror
#heartbroken #horror
201 reads
The Rude Awakening of Useful Idiot Angela Kelly!
By Stanley Collymore
Angela Kelly is working class,
what else did she expect?
So busy herself during
her 20 years catering to Liz Windsor's
every fatuous whim, while effectively
like her employer quite vilely looking
down at others: her very nefariously
odious treatment of Meghan, surely
for instance; this too accompanied
by her evilly repugnant, a distinctly,
nakedly entrenched supercilliously
superior personal attitude actually
attendant with a firmly pernicious,
deeply ingrained...
Angela Kelly is working class,
what else did she expect?
So busy herself during
her 20 years catering to Liz Windsor's
every fatuous whim, while effectively
like her employer quite vilely looking
down at others: her very nefariously
odious treatment of Meghan, surely
for instance; this too accompanied
by her evilly repugnant, a distinctly,
nakedly entrenched supercilliously
superior personal attitude actually
attendant with a firmly pernicious,
deeply ingrained...
196 reads
The Death Of Me
My lights went blank the day you walked away
I could feel the change slowly creeping and take its hold
My world came crashing down all around me that day
I felt all the sweet caring parts and all the warmth turn to cold
For now I dance and sing with my demon my new best friend
This place seems familiar but but at the same time oh so new
You once told me you loved my beautiful aura that I send
All those things you said you loved about me gone along with a sparkle in my eyes that day too
For the next...
I could feel the change slowly creeping and take its hold
My world came crashing down all around me that day
I felt all the sweet caring parts and all the warmth turn to cold
For now I dance and sing with my demon my new best friend
This place seems familiar but but at the same time oh so new
You once told me you loved my beautiful aura that I send
All those things you said you loved about me gone along with a sparkle in my eyes that day too
For the next...
331 reads
One love turned into war
You always promised,
that you stand by me.
They say if you love someone to set them free,
but yet your still here,
haunting my memories.
Why won’t you,
please just let me rest my weary heart,
the one that’s still torn apart.
You’re moving on with your life,
while I’m feeling lost inside.
It isn’t fair how things ended,
We went through war and you’re not even winded.
You found someone new to love,
and my head is still spinning.
I’m done with the grief and doubt,
you had it...
that you stand by me.
They say if you love someone to set them free,
but yet your still here,
haunting my memories.
Why won’t you,
please just let me rest my weary heart,
the one that’s still torn apart.
You’re moving on with your life,
while I’m feeling lost inside.
It isn’t fair how things ended,
We went through war and you’re not even winded.
You found someone new to love,
and my head is still spinning.
I’m done with the grief and doubt,
you had it...
364 reads
Just The Tip
(Ten thousand times)
"We should talk about this"
"We've talked enough. It's time to heal"
"I have an idea"
"Paring knives? You're stabbing me?"
"Not exactly. You get one"
"A knife fight?"
"No. We're going to stick each other with just the tips. See who
flinches the worst. Sit down...
"We should talk about this"
"We've talked enough. It's time to heal"
"I have an idea"
"Paring knives? You're stabbing me?"
"Not exactly. You get one"
"A knife fight?"
"No. We're going to stick each other with just the tips. See who
flinches the worst. Sit down...
643 reads
The Last of Us Part 3 (fan fiction) Prologue
He's always there, anymore.
She doesn't dream; she relives the moments. So many bad ones, but one...That one. Snapping back into focus and she pulls the arrows out of the target. It's hard to keep from spacing out in total silence. No records played, no self-talk, no guitar. Just the void Dina left.
Then there's him. He never leaves. Staring from the treeline. Sometimes his voice comes as a whisper. Sometimes he's, like that... The routine only reinforces the stubbornness of the memory. Snapping back, again, she looses an arrow. It misses completely. Groaning...
She doesn't dream; she relives the moments. So many bad ones, but one...That one. Snapping back into focus and she pulls the arrows out of the target. It's hard to keep from spacing out in total silence. No records played, no self-talk, no guitar. Just the void Dina left.
Then there's him. He never leaves. Staring from the treeline. Sometimes his voice comes as a whisper. Sometimes he's, like that... The routine only reinforces the stubbornness of the memory. Snapping back, again, she looses an arrow. It misses completely. Groaning...
193 reads
I cry with my face burrowed in the pillow
I scream , and i sob , and i whine
Im scared that if the walls hear my screams
They will crumble down
They will shatter the last pieces of my heart
The last pieces that grieve for you
I let out a slight sight
And the walls shake like in a hurricane
Theyre scared they beg me to stop
Even they know they cant take it
How can my heart deal with it
Yet your love shaked all my heart
And it still wants more
Even if its in pieces it says
"If its from you, i can take much more"
I scream , and i sob , and i whine
Im scared that if the walls hear my screams
They will crumble down
They will shatter the last pieces of my heart
The last pieces that grieve for you
I let out a slight sight
And the walls shake like in a hurricane
Theyre scared they beg me to stop
Even they know they cant take it
How can my heart deal with it
Yet your love shaked all my heart
And it still wants more
Even if its in pieces it says
"If its from you, i can take much more"
232 reads
Better to never touch than never be able to let go
Suppose that’s how it works, but how would he know?
He slowly lifts up his head and opens his eyes
To see there’s no life left to live, within the scope of this light
Here he can see that everyone’s gone, everyone left
The shadows give his mind room to play
They bring back the ones he needs to feel home
To make the beating in his chest hurt a little less
Complacency brings the warmth back to his hands
Just as they used to be before the cold came to embrace him
Hands that held so much,...
Suppose that’s how it works, but how would he know?
He slowly lifts up his head and opens his eyes
To see there’s no life left to live, within the scope of this light
Here he can see that everyone’s gone, everyone left
The shadows give his mind room to play
They bring back the ones he needs to feel home
To make the beating in his chest hurt a little less
Complacency brings the warmth back to his hands
Just as they used to be before the cold came to embrace him
Hands that held so much,...
524 reads
As I sit here, tears streaming down my face,
I can't help but think of you, in a better place,
Having fun, living life, without a care,
Ignoring my calls, my texts, my despair.
I'm left here in the dark, alone, day and night,
Hiding from the world, too weak to put up a fight.
I try so hard to understand,
Why you left me, why you couldn't stand.
I loved you with all my heart,
But you've moved on, found someone new, ripped me apart.
I tell myself you'll come back, but deep down I know it's a lie,
You're gone,...
I can't help but think of you, in a better place,
Having fun, living life, without a care,
Ignoring my calls, my texts, my despair.
I'm left here in the dark, alone, day and night,
Hiding from the world, too weak to put up a fight.
I try so hard to understand,
Why you left me, why you couldn't stand.
I loved you with all my heart,
But you've moved on, found someone new, ripped me apart.
I tell myself you'll come back, but deep down I know it's a lie,
You're gone,...
378 reads
DU Poetry : Long Heartbroken Poems