Labyrinth of love

I'm letting go now.
I will fall into the labyrinth of love,
And find my way to you.

With every step I know you're getting closer,
Every dead end I come to,
Just another reason to keep going.

You're miles away, so far it hurts.
I want so badly to stop, give up.
But you're all I need.

A thirst that only you can quench.
I long for you.
To hear your words, spill from your lips.

To feel your touch, so gentle and persuasive.
So I'm letting go now,
Falling into the labyrinth they call love.

I will start on this path,
and find my way to you.
Written by kept_breathing (deadbetween2lungs)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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