state of affairs

we only live once
so i try
to live twice
does that make me greedy
or what?
so now
for 5 years
ive been a trans woman
5 years since the op
and the most curious thing
is i can't remember
having a penis
it's like it never existed
despite it's regular use!
i8 had sex oft
and it was wonderful
and gorgeous
and delightful
i realised
that i was sinply
a lesbian
with an attachment
life is surreal
i'm on my own
having tried a relationship
with a man
killed the cat
and perhaps the pussy
i miss the conversations
but not the sex
the sex
i endured
but never rreally enjoyed
so what next?
i have no idea
but i date again
it will definitely be
with a woman
well almost definitely
from personal experience
about a 95% chance
or is it 94%?
i don't remember
i think i only slept with about 8 men
always after i was a little inebriated
so realised
that men were great for conversation
but personally
i didn't enjoy the sex
just drunken moments
of pleasure
but nowhere as delightful
as all the women
i slept with
i have no idea why it's classed as sleeping
such are the pretences
of languages
i'm now fucked
by the state
Written by missjem56 (Jemia de Blondeville)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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