You are the filth

I walk the streets where I live
Everything is filthy
All the walls are covered in spray paint
The ground is covered in garbage
Dogshit in little piles
The people are fat, poor & ugly
Wasteful & slow
Every once in a while someone will put a new coat of paint on the front of their store
Before the paint is dry, the wall is covered with graffiti
When someone tries to clean the streets, they are covered in dogshit in a few hours
You have had too much for too long
You are the filth
There's not much that can be done with you
You turn everything into a shit-smacked pigsty
People can be employed to clean the streets and paint the walls
So you can have something to do as soon as they leave
I think the cleaners should stop coming
In a week you would be dying of septic infection
No one to clean up after you
I want to put litter in it's place
I want to eradicate the planet of you
I watch you throw garbage out of your windows, diapers, beer cans, shit, food and roach eggs
You are walking death looking for a place to die
Look no further
I have come from a lofty height to wash you off the streets
Written by Vision_of_insanity
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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