Abraham's Legacy

Few memes have spiked Western Civilisation more  
than the vicious concept of ‘original sin’  
a master-stroke of manipulation — its core?  
The many are damned — a few self-righteous get in  
Forced choice — binary division — heaven or hell  
plus fear-guilt-shame tipped cleverly into the mix …  
ask: whom does all this abject horror serve? Well, smell  
the demon control-freaks with their carrots and sticks  
Weird clothes and ceremonies embed the mystique  
obscure language elevates the gate-keeper few  
moulding group psychology with covert techniques  
trapping innocent seekers, their minds in a stew  
An atrocious track-record of violence and hate  
cutting deals with despots, dictators and mad kings  
pedophilia, brutal orphanages — their weight  
desacralising Nature while the choir sings  
Forever anti-women, their vain He-Man god,  
jealous, partisan and vengeful, stokes the next war  
spins stories of a ‘Promised Land’ … and gives the nod:  
crusades, jihads, genocides — all godly and pure  
Abrahamic ‘might-is-right’ spreads survival hell  
the poor, defenceless and weak always take the brunt  
the war industry pockets profits as “God’s Will”  
religious pigs, when questioned, merely shrug and grunt  
Popery, quackery, Protestant thwackery  
the sick Abrahamic religions quench their thirst  
with snowballing hate, belligerent pokery —  
long due this deception was burst.  
(after Heathcote Williams, 1941-2017)
Written by Josh (Joshua Bond)
Published | Edited 27th Mar 2024
Author's Note
Heathcote Williams (1941-2017), actor, dramatist and activist poet, author of book-length poems such as Whale Nation, Autogeddon, Royal Babylon, American Porn..., and one of my heroes - I thought I'd try and honour him.

This poem is about the three Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) as institutions, and their negative impact on history.
It does not negate the actions of many wonderful people who have done many wonderful things in the name of one of these religions -  or in the name of some other religion, or no religion.

(photo credit: Savannah Theis)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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