To Rest or Range

Paintings hidden on dark cave walls    
becoming now our hallowed halls    
and who can't marvel at their call?    
'Out of the earth to rest or range'    
as with us so in their own age,    
strutting out on the self same stage,    
As from the dust they speak to us...    
" Look, we too slept, fed, loved and cussed,    
hated, made war, and showed some trust,    
And worked at home or braved the weather    
to catch the food of fur or feather,    
or big bold beasts skinned for leather,    
Gorged on sweet fruits, nuts and honey    
bought and sold with flint for money    
wooed, was wooed, and fished the seas,    
Got drunk, danced, 'neath the same pale moon    
carved instruments to make our tunes,    
made Venuses on which men swoon...    
The ranging beast's our season's clock    
to feed our flesh and bone we flock    
but time, of course, had always mocked...    
To live a life we fed on death    
but time's a hunter our spoor, breath...    
hunt's us on the run but, we crept...    
When only Venus was worshipped    
bountiful breasts and big birth hips    
and we too kissed, just lip on lip,    
And dug for stuff we would barter    
had no slaves but, had no master,    
and fell about in our rude laughter,    
As our kids played in mud and water    
shrieked and annoyed as they ought to    
toddling son and coltish daughter,    
Our wealth, to worship, birthing mother    
a higher god than any other..    
except perhaps son and daughter,    
And wondered at the stars bright gleam    
as ears of corn we learned to glean,    
and fished at dams we built on streams    
And built houses because we could    
out of stone and strawed river mud,    
tamed the sheep, the pig and housed the duck    
Our Bible bound by mountain ranges    
commandments writ in our kid's faces    
and all women the three graces,    
We worked hard to make some  leisure    
like you lusted for basic pleasure,    
and only worshipped our earthy mother's..."    
But somehow some greed crept in              
and with it came that original sin              
giving reason to keep down women,              
Soon newer bibles for devilish gods              
writ by and for the fascist Gop              
bought by worshipping insane mobs    
Ragged trousered philanthropists          
pay ranting GOPs to take the piss        
and their billions, in thieving fists,          
Rewriting the history books        
thus " slavery, a life-choice " yuck!        
dissenters dragged through the muck...        
And this miss-named saint dumps on gays    
and pantomime dames played by guys    
I might forgive him? The hell will I!    
And a trumpeting elephant    
spewing lying seditious cant    
strangely grifts the cash with his rants...    
Lawmaking grifter's counting sums        
given by maker's of the guns        
who shoots to death the little ones?        
And newer indignities dumped on women              
as these savages rape kind, from human    
with  Bible quotes used, to delude them...
Written by Rew
Published | Edited 14th Dec 2023
Author's Note
4th line from
John Masefield's " Passing Strange "

The Ragged-Trousered Philanthropists. If you want to know why this is mentioned get a synopsis of Robert Tressell's book.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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