Image for the poem  The Elements Of Shedding Tears (Cry Me A River: The Psychology Of Crying)

The Elements Of Shedding Tears (Cry Me A River: The Psychology Of Crying)

When we cry what exactly is released during this soulful emotion. Most parents advise their sons not to cry, because it shows a sign of weakness.
Most citizens of society cry for one reason of for various related issues; happiness, sadness, grief, and being overjoyed in the endurance of the moment.
Does one feel better about the circumstances, the turn of events once the tears have been shed, is there a better sense of mental peace, the relinquishing of emotions turmoil.
Why do teenagers or older adults shed tears on a softer approach, is it a normal response to accept its cause or do we show apathy, why does society cry.  
Studies have shown infants begin to shed tears infants between 4–8 weeks of age, be advised infants are known to develop one point in time inflamed tear ducts, which results in crust formation of the eyes, not to be confused with conjunctivitis of the eyes.
There is always a scientific fact, the true elements of this introduction for me to research. I would like to really understand such a natural physical response of mind and heart. We are taught at a younger age crying is good for the soul, is it really.
I professionally engage with intellects on a greater scale, more than not, the engagement of my salaried vocation, when I am the assessing the root of Mental Behavior(s), on a global measure, and those tears, can be deceptive in a court of law, misleading, or yes, detrimental to the eyes, if used as a catalyst to do psychological damage , if you do not know the science behind this natural reactive emotion.
The Mechanics Of Shedding Tears (Crying)
William H. Frey II, a biochemist at the University of Minnesota, proposed that people feel ‘better’ after crying due to the elimination of hormones associated with stress, specifically adrenocorticotropic hormone.
The calming effects of crying, such as slowed breathing, would always outlast the negative effects. There is a related medical term known as lacrimation, this term refers to shedding of tears non-emotions.
Tears produced during emotional crying do have a chemical configuration which fluctuates from other types of tears. There are several exchanges of the hormone, such as prolactin, then you have adrenocorticotropic hormone, leuenkephalin, and not to forget elements of potassium and manganese.
How Do You Cry
The definition of crying is known in many forms of reassessing such as when we are, weeping, whimpering, sobbing, and blubbering.
There Are Several Disorders That May Affect Crying

Familial dysautonomia, where there can be a lack of overflow tears (alacrima), during emotional crying Colic is where an infant’s excessive crying has no obvious cause or underlying medical disorder.
This one has always concerned me, and that is what is classified as Pseudobulbar affect, it is uncontrollable episodes of laughing and/or crying.
Then you have Bell’s Palsy, where faulty regeneration of the facial nerve can cause sufferers to shed tears while eating.
Most patients who are diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy, are referred to an Ophthalmologist due to Partial or complete blindness of the eye that won’t close. This is caused by excessive dryness and scratching of the clear protective covering of the eye (cornea).
Cri du chat syndrome, where the characteristic cry of affected infants, its literacy is compared to that of a meowing kitten, be advised from medical research and its conclusion, and in its initial scientific findings, it is caused in part, due to problems with the larynx and nervous system.
There Are Two Types Of Crying: Positive And Negative
Spatial perspective explains sad crying as reaching out to be ‘there’, such as at home or with a person who may have just died.
Temporal perspective explains crying slightly differently. In temporal perspective, sorrowful crying is due to looking to the past with regret or to the future with dread.
Public or in Private point of view. This describes the two types of crying as ways to imply details about oneself as known privately or one’s public identity.
Religious Views Of Shedding Tears
The Shia Ithna Ashari (Muslims who believe in Twelve Imams after Muhammad) consider crying to be an important responsibility towards their leaders who were martyred. They believe a true lover of Imam Hussain can feel the afflictions and oppressions Imam Hussain suffered; his feelings are so immense that they break out into tears and wail (Cited 08-05-23/SKC)
These Are The Classification Of Two These Types Of Tears
Basal tears (and are made in order to keep the eye lubricated and smooth out irregularities in the cornea)
Reflexive tears (is usually manifested in response to irritants to the eye, such as when chopping onions or getting poked in the eye)
Psychic tears (these tears are produced by the lacrimal system and are the tears expelled during emotional states)
Gender Differences In Crying
Women are known to be more likely to cry and to cry more frequently across cultures. These gender differences seem to emerge in middle childhood and persist during adulthood. Masculine sex-role stereotypes may discourage men to display internalizing emotions via and men display less help-seeking behavior in response to mental illness and suffering, which has been suggested to be linked to their higher suicide rates.
It could in relations men also have smaller tear ducts, usually have more testosterone, which may inhibit crying, are prone to have less prolactin, a hormone that might promote tears.
If You’re Around Someone Who Is Actively Crying

Acknowledge their sadness, embarrassment, or pain and show compassion toward their feelings, in addition respect their tears. Let them release their feelings and show them you care.
Whatever you shed tears or cry for just know it is a beautiful natural occurrence, therefore when you see someone cry, know the science behind the tears, what tears are being shedding, in my world it is all about the science and I thank you for allowing me to explain what tears are, the feeling/emotions behind the meanings, and the identity of those tears.
Enjoy the journey through life, baptize your mind, your heart, in truth, try your best to uphold justice, circulate peace, and whatever you do, aways smile after the tears have fallen.  
SKC, Interim DON, APRN
Written by SweetKittyCat5
Author's Note
Blessed are the hearts that can bend; they shall never be broken.

Albert Camus
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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