A fond hello to you as well! It is wonderful to be here on this site, which has over the years become rather like a bit of a second home for me, one of the rare corners of the internet where it truly feels like I totally belong. It is also, I must say, a great deal better than the previous site I was on for quite a few years... Starlite Cafe... which shut down back in 2019, a good eight years after I joined up here on Deep Underground. This site is vibrant, alive, and filled with a great many talented poets, gifted artists, and is home to so many people whom I consider good friends, and a few who are a great deal more to me than friends could ever be. It is always a pleasure to share my works on here, and also always a pleasure to read such beautiful and sweet comments as yours are. *Smiles* :)
I love this poem, honey! You did SO GOOD with it, and created a fantastic background for the poem too. I recognize that picture from when I was checking out your DeviantArt stuff, and I loved it there too. I actually own lots of dresses just like that! They're my favorite kind to wear, as you know. The sentiment in this poem is beautiful too! It goes beyond just being about inspiration, cuz it's about finding that inspiration in the thoughts and memories you have of the people you love, and have loved, over the years. So it's not just about inspiration! It's about love too. Then again, Kara, you are very much totally quite the romantic! One of the many, many reasons I fell in love with you.
Thanks so much, my love! That you also love this work of mine so much makes me even happier still. Yes indeed! That artwork comes from the artworks I created and uploaded to DeviantArt quite a good while ago. That is one of my digital creations! I mostly do 3D-modeled digital artwork like that now, having previously done paintings and black and white ink drawings, and color drawings too over the years. Oh, I know those are your favorite dresses! When I selected this image for use with this poem, I was actually thinking about you. Which made the beautiful sentiments I wrote for the poem itself quite sincere and real, and something that is actually in my heart and soul very strongly. The message is exactly as you just noted! You've read the meaning behind this poem perfectly. I am very much a romantic! Always have been, always will be. I cannot list all the reasons why I fell in love with you! There are too many to list, because you're just that amazing to me. :D