I like your comment and re-write. I was addressing the stereotype of a "broken man" that I've seen repeatedly in pop culture, but I hear you. It's a universal concern.
There is so much craziness going on about gender nowadays. They are talking about "toxic masculinity", which is insane. I recently listened to Camille Paglia, the only feminist I can actually agree with. I feel men need to be able to have their feelings without being ridiculed and yet they need to still be men. I think if we just all treat each other with respect and appreciation, we can kick the bucket on the whole gender debate. Let creatures be creatures. ; )
I could never speak on behalf of men or what they experience with this. But I was raised in a home where all of us girls were expected to keep pain and negative emotions quiet. I don't think women who have experienced this talk about it too much. And I agree with Angelast. I wish we all could just be, without any expectation assigned to gender. You wrote a nice piece, open for good conversation.