
Walking down the street one day I realize i've left my wallet and keys back in my apartment,
I think so what it's just a small mistake,
I can just turn around quick and get them,
I'll try harder next time,

But then I remember all the conversations i've had,
And all the ones i've forgotten that were brought up again,
I swear I was listening it was just one small mistake,
I'll try harder next time,

And all the times i've slaved away at hours of homework,
Only to leave it sitting on my desk,
And my professors think I need to apply myself more,
I tell them i'm sorry,
I'll try harder next time,

My mind was created using paperclips and string,
And they can barely hold themselves together,
The sticky notes they hold up fly off at their own will,

My brain has unraveled itself,
I try and try,
And the meds don't help,
But all they see is a straggly girl who can't keep her shit together,
I'm sorry I tell them,
I'll try harder next time

Written by Sweet-Dee
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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