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Image for the poem Dead friends

Dead friends

dead friends
when you get older  you lose lots of friends
but I remember a good one when i was a  kid
we were buddies thick and thin
if you seen me there he was surely around
where? it doesn't matter look to the ground
we were an evil bunch of fucks, remember those coke bunnies  bro
that was fucked
haha laughs out loud fun all around laughs turned to frowns
 bitch how you gonna pay for that
 cries whines
ooh no I'm soo high as fuck well bitch shut up and suck on theses nuts
he was walking home alone when they got him
they followed him home and they shot him  
I miss my old friend
so you can understand why I stalked them
followed them, learned about each of them
then one night, a cold night I followed them
breaching there door I went in and murdered them
stabbing them over and over for my friend
I missed ones head when I was stabbing the victims face
my knife slide off of the skull tearing his face
I picked at the head like a jack-o-lantern
manically panting crying and laughing
loving it but worried about the screams and neighbors
I took a hammer and smashed out there teeth
I dumped all the bleach on them they had under the sink
I wiped my prints thinking for hours fuck not one can be missed
finally convinced I set fire to the bitch setting ablaze a structure fire
for miles around people could see
but not me
never me
never once me.
you will never see me coming
hush smell this rag
it will hurt less
 if you just go down to sleep and stop running
Written by Mr_Hellbound (Clandestine)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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