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You're a tongue twisted
That's been hired to tell the truth

You're a whore being told
What's good for you

You're an addict to a tragic life of being mistreated
You're so used to being fucked
Used drugged and beaten

But you can turn it all around
You can live a perfect life.
You don't always have to cut
So please throw away the knife

There's a gentleman waiting at the table for a drink.
You think he's just a pervert but turns out he's just a shrink

He reaches out his hand and asks if you'd come over
You blush very shyly and start bending oveover

He looks at you and shakes his head
Begging for you to stop
You give a look of confusion and ask if he's a cop

He laughs to himself and says no sincerely
He asks if you'll come over
"Madame can you hear me?"

You flush your eyes and blink at him like you're lost in a daze
He stares at you calmly and then starts to wave

You tell him you'll suck him off for thirty dollars
This throws him off track
And then he starts to hollar

"Thank you but I'm not here for that, I was actually wondering if you'd like to have your normal life back"
Written by AleKsandrovich47
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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