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Don't leave me alone in the dark, please.

~Whip and torture me, make me beg. Make me yours until my bitter end. I shall obey your every order and command for I am nothing more than worthless scum. These shackles hold me chained to a mental wall, for to you, I am nothing more but a mere toy. You made me cry and didn't allow me to sleep but for you my heart shall weep if you are to leave me alone in the dark. So, take me with you. Use me, torture me, whip my bare skin but I shall always crawl after you and obey your every whim. I shall never smile, if  that is what your heart should desire. I shall never speak if you should think my voice is becoming unbearably weak. My heart and soul yearn for your sadistic smile and I only hope I can learn how to bring it back once more. I shall not resists nor shall I cry. I shall behave like a good little boy and keep my mouth shut. I shall succumb to your every whim for your grin makes my heart yearn for more and more. Never enough! Never shall I have enough of your devilish dominance. Make me yours again, my Mistress of Hell. Come back to me, from the dead. I'm sick and tired of looking at your corpse for it only attract flies and nothing more. Left me in these shackles, you have. Left me without water or food in my bowls, you have. That is alright, Mistress. I do not oppose for that is your wish. Your corpse shall watch me slowly die while I'm watching you slowly decay.~  
Imprisoned in his owned mind, he laid at her feet. Obeyed like a puppet he did. Never asked questions nor ever expected answers, just laid there in the mercy of hers, as she would pull his shackles, re-opening the old wounds. His blood dripped onto the floor, across the rusty chains. His woods bleeding, his skin covered in bruises and scars, hair long but thin, almost as thin as his skin. He did nothing more but obeyed her commands for she broke his spirit while listing her demands. She was sweet but now she's rotten but that sweet side is now forgotten. As weak as he was, his eyes still sparkled as he gazed upon her despite it only being a brief moment before she would begin to tease him. Each night, she would tuck him into his cage-like bed then would whisper into his ear "Domination and Annihilation are the only ways to salvation of your helpless soul." With those words she would place a kiss on his lips, then would walk out, leaving him in a room with a single candle. Leaving him, to his thoughts.
Written by TheFallenAngelist
Published | Edited 8th Feb 2018
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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