
I’ve seen you from afar though we’ve never met
I see your strength and unstoppable will
Which, allows you to enjoy the candy and lemons
Life throws your way
The ease in which you travel the mountains you climb
Fearless of falling, failing, never minding stones cast your way

Long silky black hair, softly caressing your cheeks
Gently falling on your shoulders
Sorrow-less eyes, green and blue
Enticing underneath long lashes
Never needing the paint
Your skin not lawless, but scar-less of self-infliction

Lips that curve in a natural smile
Lusciously soft B cups shape your hour glass
Subtle muscles and shapely curves create you, defining your body
Filled with a loving compassionate heart
Giving easily what you can, but taking when you need, gracious and thankfully
Honesty becomes you, lacking arrogance and sinful pride

Energy pours from you
Though you remain calm, at just the right time
You move among others swiftly
A butterfly spreading your wings
Resting on a flower observing
Fear not bubbled around you

I long to meet you
To know your secrets
One day I’ll meet you, shake your hand
Crossing the boundaries of the mirror
We eye each other from
And we’ll become one

Submitted to Handwritten love letters to someone you've never met
Written by BloodyTears
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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